>starts at 8:38
>starts at 8:38
Why should I care
Because it's PewDiePie
>complains about the christian aspect
>basedboy liberal Swede doesn’t like Christianity
Wow colour me shocked I’m very surprised honestly
Felix stop shilling your shit here
well not everyone is a brainlet burger who still believes in a certain religion because his parents forced him to because their parents forced them etc.
some adults can actually think for themselves
one of these days he'll whip out a DFW/Pynchon book
Think for yourself. Why do you need a nigger imageboard or a faggot swede to tell you what to think or read.
Atheist critiques of Christianity are incredibly trite and boring, what's even the point? At least critique the religion aesthetically or morally.
Pewdiepie reviews mein kampf when?
Do I jest, you say? Oh I jest alright. I infinite jestttttttttaaaaaaAHHHHHHHH
sounds like you had some bad experiences when you were young
what even is the point of these videos? To masturbate his own ego? There are way better resources, lectures, podcasts etc to get you into philosophy. He just skims through the books he read, making lots of grammatical error whilst explaining his shallow understanding of the text.
Yes, it appears it is.
>user can barely speak a single language
>criticize someone for making grammatical errors in his second tongue
Oh, you mean the "error". I agree, it should be "errors"; that was a typo. I'm not a native English speaker either, but Felix really does not possess even a decent foundation in English grammar.
>Nobody notices it's from February.
Absolute state of 4chins.
Why does that matter?
So? Are we supposed to be epic and talk only about the hottest latest trending gossip like a bunch of Cosmopolitan reading based men?
I was a bit overly critical to Felix in past lit threads so I will just dump some words here to make up for it: It is good that he does it, I like it. Seriously. Now what else could we do with this tread?
How can we redpill him on the postmodern neomarxists (Deleuze, Foucault, Adorno, etc) and get him to lead the movement to overthrow the corporate powers and the state?
>It is good that he does it, I like it.
He's already been living for several years in England.Considering he's Swedish, he should have mastered the English language by now without making "lots" of grammatical errors which he does.
>I assume you're joking but Yea Forumslets still take that seriously.
Pewdiepie is part of the corporate powers.
Atheist critiques aren't boring. They're simply vain because few atheists carry with the necessary intellectual abilites to properly argue against theology.
Isn't this asshole Swedish?
Why is he reading Kierkegaard in English? And why can't be pronounce the man's name?
>some adults can actually think for themselves
and they read Kierkegaard and become christians
I think Pewdiepie has links to CIA/Mossad.
have sex, incel