Has modern Yea Forums even read Dubliners? What's your favorite story? I love "After The Race."

Has modern Yea Forums even read Dubliners? What's your favorite story? I love "After The Race."

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The one by the docks.

Hard to pick a favorite, maybe Eveline or A Painful Case. All are masterpieces really.

Eveline and A tragic case (was that the name?) are my favorites. The dead, After the race, Two gallants and Little cloud are very good, too.

The Dead

Eveline and Clay were my personal favourites.

How could we ever forget the dead, but i also really love The Boarding House and Eveline is brilliant too

Araby is top tier

Araby always stood out for me.

>James Joyce
>Continental Edition
is it better than the original?

yeah it comes with a DLC short story

A painful case
That's the one that got me to talk to the girl I had a crush on.

Araby, for capturing the shattering insecurity of boyhood. That sense of feeling like a little boy in front of the beautiful, smart older girl. That feeling of failure, and failing because of your own actions, and failing over something incredibly dumb. Just that feeling of being a little boy really, which I still feel from time to time.

Also the one where the dude beats his kids


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Araby and A Painful Case are incel stories. Ivy Day is the best by far...

Eveline always stuck with me the most for some reason

Anyone who doesn't say "A Little Cloud" is a pseud with shit-taste. They really are all masterpieces, though.


I'm Irishman.
The Dubliners is not a very interesting or engaging.
the one really good short story is "a little cloud."
there are far superior Irish writers like William Butler Yeats

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*I'm an Irishman
*interesting or engaging book
I can't fucking type reeee

What I fail to understand is why you all loved Araby so much
I have to admit that the french translation sucks since it called the Araby bazaar a "kermesse" (this is how you call a party in preschool), but even in english, how could you picture it as something exotic and attractive? Don't you need some historical background about Dublin?

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>I'm Irishman
As if that adds importance or prestige to your opinion.

never said that

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>The Dubliners

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Why mention it though?

It wasn't a point, it was literally just something I felt like putting there.

An encounter was masterfully executed, the way he describes the man obsession as a sort of mind loop and how he makes you understand he's a pedophile without ever stating it openly is absolutely incredible for me.
And of course the dead.

>I'm Irishman
Why is it relevant?

My favourite story of The Dubliners is Dead.

>The Dubliners

I always found The Sisters enjoyably spooky and comfy at the same time.
That image of them finding the old priest sitting alone in the confessional laughing to himself quietly always stuck with me.

A Painful Case is by far and away my favorite. I don't believe the first half of The Dead is worth the hype, but those ending pages are deserving of every lick of praise they've received. The rest of the collection is wonderfully written but doesn't stir me nearly as powerfully as those two. I may reread it sometime.

is that the one about a young guy who's recently become a father going to meet his old friend at a bar?