Comfy books

Books with a warm soft bloomer feel? Books that feel like a Christmas morning, a mothers hug, a gentle breeze on a warm summers day?
No memes now.

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I found A Canticle for Leibowitz pretty comfy but I can't really say why.

unironically pic related. once I finally got used to the narration, it became comfy as fuck. it's like Finnegans Wake but more poetic and cozy

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Winnie the Pooh

May I also ask if there are any books that can help me get out of a depressive slump I've been in for years? I did all the pseudo-normie bullshit that all the normies suggest. I worked out, changed my d i et, etc. I got a job and it made it worse so I quit. Probably about to get another one part-time that is somewhat enjoyable so there is that.

I can't stop being self-deprecating. Or sad. I seemed to have turned in to a millennial doomer caricature and I don't like it. Some self-deprecation is fine, I think. It's humour. Half a laugh. Always feeling like shit isn't fun or funny, though.

The Dharma Bums my man. It just makes me smile.

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>"Yeah man, you know to me a mountain is a Buddha. Think of the patience, hundreds of thousands of years just sittin there bein perfectly perfectly silent and like praying for all living creatures in that silence and just waitin for us to stop all our frettin and foolin." Japhy got out the tea, Chinese tea, and sprinkled some in a tin pot, and had the fire going meanwhile, a small one to begin with, the sun was still on us, and stuck a long stick tight down under a few big rocks and made himself something to hang the teapot on and pretty soon the water was boiling and he poured it out steaming into the tin pot and we had cups of tea with our tin cups. I myself'd gotten the water from the stream, which was cold and pure like snow and the crystal-lidded eyes of heaven. Therefore, the tea was by far the most pure and thirstquenching tea I ever drank in all my life, it made you want to drink more and more, it actually quenched your thirst and of course it swam around hot in your belly.

>"Now you understand the Oriental passion for tea," said Japhy. "Remember that book I told you about the first sip is joy the second is gladness, the third is serenity, the fourth is madness, the fifth is ecstasy."

>"Just about old buddy."

Pure comf

Heart of darkness

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A gentle breeze on a warm summers day pretty much sums up all of Wodehouse

Importance of Being Earnest

great book, read this OP

Monasteries are always kinda comfy.
Also the fact that they're gathering up knowledge and stuff is a plus. Great book.

The Little Friend by the Tartt.

I found it pretty comfy.
It takes place in the like early 70's in a small town. Protagonists are children but the story is not childish. There's some mystery and stuff too.

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50% of Anna Karenina

Tove Jansson’s books. Moomins and her short stories.

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>ywn live out your years in the countryside watching the world peacefully fall into a slow paced rural life as the cities die, drinking bourbon by the fireplace attended to by your faithful robot butler and talking dogs

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What do you mean ”as the cities die”?

read the book and you will find out
it's a great read, i promise you

Cop out. Does not sound “comfy”

how does the rest of what i say not sound comfy as heck?
i assure you that it is.

I thought On The Road was shit. Is this more of the same or is it worth giving a chance?

Un-ironically Lolita though only in a superficial sense obviously.

God, I wish that were me

Not even in a superficial sense ya big pedo

Dolores aside, you've read Lolita and not enjoyed the summery 50s Americana road trip vibes

Three Men in a Boat

I’m still not certain of how you mean the cities “die”. You mean the people die under some circumstance I assume. This has just as eerie a quality as any zombie piece. I’m not comforted.

The purple prose tries to sooth us, but only the pedophile gets a comfortable feeling from it.

my diary desu :)

Was there not a once a chart for a topic such as this? I do not know where it lies now.

Hey man I'm sorry you didn't get any (You)'s. Keep your chin up chum and know that I love you no matter what.



you're so fucking dumb butty

>the summery 50s Americana road trip vibes
this holy fuck

>I can’t communicate with you, so you is thé dumb

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the gospel according to john

>taking advantage of someone's depression to manipulate him into converting to your religion
unironically kill yourself

excuse me?

You heard him

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It's less schizophrenic that On the Road, and it's definitely an easier read. The Western Buddhism stuff is pretty ghey but if you don't take it too seriously the boom is a lot of fun.


you should read the prequel "the road" first though

Shut the fuck up

Shut the fuck up

Thanks, I might try it then. I just hated the characters in On The Road too much to care about them.

Perhaps you need fiction, some escapism, books with happy endings.

>cities dying equate to literal deaths of people
Are you actually retarded?

These comfy.

Rest: not comfy.
Comfy is not edgy. Comfy is something your grandma could read.

Tolkien's writings are generally pretty comfy. The Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring in particular.

I thought it was anxiety inducing. Everything about the MC's situation is oppressive and only grows more so.

So suggest some

I’m asking him what the fuck he meant and he won’t answer. Who’s retarded now?

In before retard says me

Call Me By Your Name is pretty comfy. It makes me long for a holiday like that without the homosexual escapades.

Faggotry ain't comfy user

Me too. I think you have to roll with the fact that the spiritual stuff is silly and just enjoy that description of living on a mountain.

You read plays to yourself? Do you do voices?

Why the fuck would I do voices?

I find most books of The Culture series extremely comfy, even though I don't agree much with the politics. The characters are so well written and Banks has a knack for making you feel as they do. Some of the writing is very witty, and very few of the books are downers.

Hey, this is the magic mushroom guy. You know what to do. It will show you everything. Respect the substance and it will respect the hell out of you. Good luck user.

Not comfy I'm afraid.

All Jane Austen novels

Man I tried Consider Phlebas and couldn't get thru, guess I'll give it another try

>thinking depression is real
Never gonna make it


The Tempest and As You Like It
