Thread #9

Ask questions, recommend books, discuss, anything related to the Gospels, the OT, the Church, her history and her teachings, but keep it text-based as this is Yea Forums. (As in, this is not the place to discuss Palestrina, or the siege of Damascus, or corruption under the Borgias, etc.).

Skeptics, non-believers, other Christians and religious groups, perennialists, pagans, all are welcome, but let's at least attempt to keep the discussion reasonably civil and elevated.

Remember to attend Mass, and pray the rosary.

Let us Pray

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.

Oh my Jesus,
forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of Hell,
take all souls to Heaven,
and help especially those most need of thy mercy,

Dear Heavenly Father, bless this thread, which by your kindness and power has been produced by hard work of mankind and electronics, and let it be a helpful recourse for user's. Grant that whoever reads this tread it with thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in mind and soul; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Recommended Catholic Bibles
NAB - This is the Bible read during Mass in America
Doauy-Rhiems - A favorite among Tradcats
RSV2ndCE - Probably the best starting Bible for most folks. it's simple, readable, and accurate as can be.
The New Jerusalem Bible - Solid, translated directly from the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.

Bible commentaries and study aids
Catena Aurea - St. Thomas Aquinas commentary on the Gospels
A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament - Brant Pitre
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary - Brant Pitre
The Bible Compass: A Catholic's Guide to Navigating the Scriptures - Edward Sri
You Can Understand The Bible - Peter Kreeft
Catholic Bible Dictionary - Scott Hahn

Jesus of Nazareth - Pope Benedict XVI
The Life of Christ - Fulton Sheen
The Lord - Romano Guardini
The Incarnate Lord: A Thomistic Study in Christology - Thomas Joseph White O.P.

Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God - Scott Hahn
Behold Your Mother - Tim Staples
Introduction to Mary - Dr. Mark Miravalle
The Life of Mary As Seen By the Mystics - Raphael Brown

Introductions to Catholicism
Catholicism for Dummies
Catholicism - Bishop Barron
Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam
The Light of Christ - Thomas Joseph White O.P.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Were white Catholics in the south of the USA also slaveholders or was it only the protestants?

Continued recommended reading list.

Catechism of the Catholic Church - start here
Catechism of the Council of Trent - Tradcat favorite
The Baltimore Catechism - great American Catechism
The Catechism of the Council of Trent
The Catechism of St. Pope Pious X
The Catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine
The Aquinas Catechism
Catholic Christianity by Peter Kreeft

Spiritual classics
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas Kempis
The Imitation of Mary - Thomas Kempis
In Sinu Jesu by Anonymous Benedictine Monk
The Secret of the Rosary - St. Louis de Montfort
True Devotion to Mary - St. Louis de Montfort
Introduction to the Devout Life - St. Francis de Sales
The Way of Perfection - St. Teresa of Avila
The Interior Castle - St. Teresa of Avila
Dark night of the Soul - St. John of the Cross
The Seven Story Mountain -Thomas Merton
The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva

Timeless - Steve Weidenkopf
The Real Story of Catholic History: Answering Twenty Centuries of Anti-Catholic Myths - Steve
Those Terrible Middle Ages - Regine Pernoud
The Crusaders: The Struggle for the Holy Land - Regine Pernoud
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization - Thomas E. Woods
The Great Heresies - Hilaire Belloc
How The Reformation Happened - Hilaire Belloc
Survivals and New Arrivals - Hilaire Belloc

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I don't think so, "justifications" for slavery were used by fundamentalist protestants as a kind of servitude is found in the OT. I'm forgetting the Scripture atm but an Israelite who could not pay off his debts could sell his property and everything he own but was allowed to keep his family and dignity, and work for someone until the debt was paid off at which point he got his freedom again.

This isn't a literature thread and you know it

That being said the war wasn't started to free slaves that's a meme

>And lead us not into temptation
They've changed this line. Well, Francis has, bishops are more guarded.

Read Flannery O'Connor.

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I'd suspect a lot of the Catholic slaveholders were in the former French areas and in West Virginia. Being a landowner from a Catholic background doesn't happen a lot in the original colonies.

Yes, i'm not sure how to feel about that. I've seen arguments from both sides but I haven't devoted time to see who's right. Either way Pope Francis is still the Pope and I pray for him from time to time.

Secession was to keep slaves, but I'd argue the war started because Lincoln would not surrender forts in peacefully seceded areas. Seems an unjust war to me, though the liberation of slaves was a good thing and I might be a bit biased as a South Carolinian.
And Walker Percy. And Allen Tate. Why are southern Catholic writers so based?

So what is the best argument against Paulinism?

Yeah, that difference between the two is what me wonder. I just finished reading Frederick Douglass narrative, where he mentions how slaveholders would many times use fragments of the old testament to justify slavery and the cruel punishments they applied.

That type of reading of the bible seemed like a very protestant thing to me, since I know Catholics are more modern when it comes to the Bible, and surely they would have not been able to use those stupid justifications at that time.

Just bought this on Amazon. What am I in for?

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OP, here. I have that Bible and it's one of my favorites :) It's all around good, easy to read and the notes, essays, and index are all helpful; sometimes I'm harsh on myself for immediately reading the notes instead of taking time to think for myself what a verse means but that's just me. I breezed through the Gospels in no time and I came away a greater familiarity of the life of Jesus. Sometimes I'll hear somebody talk about the Gospels and the way they talk about it seems lacking and I think to myself "why don't you know X moment in Jesus's life?" I must confess though, I stopped midway in Romans to read something else. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch did a fantastic job with this Bible and I should put it in the OP next time I get, it just sucks they haven't completed the OT so we can get a full study Bible of their making but oh well.


Where to start with the Bible?

Everyone I know speaks of moments of serendipity and coincidence and retrospectively appraising elements of events aligning at precisely at the right time to make it all possible. I never experienced any of these. It has always been a big let down for me with fortunate occurances. I never had pleasant moments of bumping into someone. Never had a job lined up. Never had a situation where I said "I am glad that didn't come through because y happened". Much of my life has been wasted from elements beyond my control. Hard talks from everyone but no help. The writings of church father and Augustine have been of much consultation but I'll be honest with all of you. I don't believe in God. The blessed Henry Suso remarked, 'Suffering draws men closer to God whether they like it or not". That seems like the ultimate conclusion of this journey. I still want to persue my dreams but as I age and stagnate people take me less and less seriously. Has the rough road been placed there for me leading to some place all along? The rationalist and skeptic in me wants to say no. A mere cope. But if it is destiny, and I could be swayed to belief in God and truly practice the faith, I would unhesitantly embark on becoming a priest. This has been a rough life, one of poverty, pain and misfortune. It would seem most fitting of a place for these experiences to be extracted into counsel. I feel even if I did come around to belief, I would still insist 'not your will Lord but mine' with respects to the trajectory of my life and station in it.

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I'm sorry for what you're going through user and regret that I'm far from being wise or experienced enough to be of much help to you
I will share however that ironically my incredibly blessed life has also made it hard for me to feel any closeness to God. I think this is mostly due to the apathy and spiritual weakness that comes from a life free of real suffering
I came across an idea recently (it may be heretical) that was to the effect that people with easy lives aren't favoured by God more, but rather less. It affected me quite a bit
For what it's worth I'll pray that you can find your path, don't give up hope mate

> The writings of church father and Augustine have been of much consultation but I'll be honest with all of you. I don't believe in God.

I was hospitalized once for cancer treatment and a bone marrow transplant -- upfront we knew it'd be three months at least, but I was not expected to die. I suffered a lot. Through lack of sleep especially. See, every four hours the nurses would wake me up for vitals. Blood pressure around the arm and temperature in the mouth -- often two or three times to make the numbers right. Through three weeks of chemo and months of recovery, I was never really allowed to sleep.

Sleep wasn't easy even when I could get it. Nothing ever felt right, I was constantly discomfited. There were always flashing lights and beeping noises overhead. Nurses were always coming in and out of my room. Next to me was the machine that pumped chemo and other drugs into my body, clacking and buzzing and humming away. That machine itself attached to me via two ports in my chest, which meant I could only sleep in an awkward position on my back. Worst of all, to prevent bedsores the chemo beds were engineered to constantly move and shift, inflate and deflate and fuss and whine. I was exhausted.

So I remember pulling the covers up to my eyes one day and trying to sleep. Everything is a blur from those times. But I remember the lights were on, and I remember I had my Bible with me. I had told myself that I would study it as part of my treatment, but I spent most of my time mindlessly online. It was 2015, Trump fever was in the air, the internet was endlessly more exciting than anything on print. So what happened next is hazy to me.

I must have been under the covers and it must have been dark there, I must have been with my Bible and it must have been light enough to read. I know I thought that if God was real he would reach out to me through some divinely-inspired passage in one moment of serendipity. So I opened my Bible at random, read some passage I've long forgotten, and thought, "I guess that was nice." I felt a little disappointed.

And then I felt an intense miracle. Spirit, joy, love, some I-Don't-Know-What. It started in my chest, I could feel my heart pumping this intense energy, something hot and bright, something more than chemo and blood. Whatever it was spread to my fingers and toes, I felt it in the small of my back, I felt it in my legs and neck, I felt it in my face. I remember tears streaming down my face and feeling happy. Maybe so happy that I've never really been happy except for that one moment.

I slept great.

I walked away from that experience with an intense belief that God's mercy is expressed through suffering. It's not an entirely rational belief. I can't justify it. I don't know but that I felt it and *know* it to be real. God's love doesn't just find us in our despair, but, somehow, is is our despair. I don't know how else to put it.

You can't read these things. You have to let go and feel them.

Start with the Gospels. It is worthwhile to read the whole thing, from Genesis to Revelation, but the whole faith would be meaningless without Christ and his sacrifice. I'd recommend just reading all four in order, although if you really want an easy start I would pick Luke or John.

Other books I found easier to start with -- Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, Job, Ecclesiastes, Acts, Romans. Those were the books that made the most sense to me without having to read outside sources.

mysterious ways :)


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This was a nice post, user.

Maybe I'm a brainlet but I didn't get The Life You Save May Not Be Your Own. Nice writing, but the point of the story went right over my head.

I recommend Edward Feser's blog, Feser's book The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism, and then reading Aristotle's Metaphysics or some commentary / lecture on it. It's a good introduction to the arguments for God's existence. None of these are Christian apologetics, but I think it is a good step.

>starting to notice Gnosticism everywhere

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The Demiurge works in mysterious ways

Are you Catholic?

No, I just lurk here.

It's really nice user, I have that one and their reading Bible as well.

doesn't change anything desu.

there are catholic mobster, catholic guerrilla figthers, catholic corrupt politicians, and so on.

Having the "catholic" label doesn't makes anyone an actual catholic.

The way I see it, grace has a lot to do with the story, and all of her other stories really. Her mind is very sacramental. I also think it's fruitful to read her stories using the four senses of Scripture that Catholic tradition has. I am pretty sure she designed them to be read in that manner. Other than that, it's a pretty funny story about two unsavory souls who both have something that the other one wants.

I'm not gay nor an ally of sin, but given that it is Pride month and I see many Catholics and LGBT people both confusing sin for sinner, and condemning others for their *being* disordered rather than for their persistence in disorder, and this state being detrimental to the evangelization of the faith, I want to discuss Catechism paragraph #2358:

>The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

The world celebrates sin every moment of every hour of every day, all year long. Why should Pride deserve special condemnation? I hope you will all remember that all people are sinners, and all people are your brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for them as you pray for your neighbors or yourself, and be accepting of them. You need not approve of sin, but neither should you condemn a sinner for being as he is:

>For God has consigned all people to disobedience so that he may show mercy to them all.
Romans 11:32

Have a blessed week lads.

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I'm sick of all the deference given to homos.

It's not deference. It's the same respect you would give to anyone else.

why do yall take the jewish Grimm so seriously

Because He is risen.

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No it's not. I'm not constantly being told to be nice to thieves, drunkards, and child molesters the same way I am with fags.

I don't respect people that are slaves to their impulses whether they're pedophiles or serial killers. Sodomites do not deserve respect.

Fuck them. They are degenerate cucks.

>I'm not constantly being told to be nice to thieves, drunkards
Yes you are. That's literally what the gospel is about.

This is the one I personally can't look past. Burn them alive on a pile of tires.

Then you are unjust. Have fun with that.

Reminder that Aquinas (and therefore catholicism) has been thoroughly debunked.


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kek, good bait. amazing atheist is a confirmed mental deficient. watch the video for proof.

Yeah I'll read the gospels again, hail homo.

>It's not deference.
But you just made a big post about how it's pride month and important it is to be respectful to gays. Nobody does that with other sinners.

I guess I should be more specific. It's not about "being nice" but rather forgiving people for their sins. If you call that being nice, so be it. That is not the entirety of the gospel, of course, the other component is belief in Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Without that, it's just a book of philosophy.

As respectful as you would be to anyone else, yes. Read the Catechism I quoted carefully. They are sinners, like you or I. It is the effects of their inclination that are sinful, not the persons themselves. The Church is not saying show them MORE respect, and it is not saying to praise them for their sins. Just the opposite. I am not saying to celebrate Pride, like a certain well-known Jesuit. That's ridiculous. Pride is a sin. Homosexual acts are a sin. I'm reminding you that, for the sake of the faith and the evangelization and the salvation of their souls, to treat them as you would treat any other sinner. Gently. With regard for them as a flawed and suffering person. As Christ would. That's all.

That Catechism is bluepilled af

You're from the "church of nice" and not the actual Church. Sins are not forgiven unless there's repentance, see John 8:11. We're not supposed to respect sinners and unrepentant, or condone their behavior. We're to revile sin as we revile Satan. This tolerance of sin that you want us to have doesn't help anyone. You're a snake.

This. Fuck faggots.

what are you gonna do, abandon Christ? is it too difficult for you to obey even his great commandments? they're simple:

Love God, always and totally. Love your neighbor as yourself.

The second is an expression of the first.

Read the Catechism that I quoted for you. The Church has not asked you to not admonish sinners. It says to treat sinners with respect, to treat them like people. Like you would treat anyone else. It is possible to do both. Jesus did it. You think he befriended prostitutes and thieves and pagans by telling them they weren't good enough? No. Read the gospel. He won by his wisdom that left others speechless, his radical acceptance of the poor in spirit, and by the example of his divine love.

Aquinas really has nothing to do with catholicism

Jesus Christ was the original sjw. Catholicism is semitic slave morality, the disease that has been killing the west for 2000 years. Luther Nietszche an Hitler tried to restore a semblance of aryan virtue it wasnt enough. The catholics won. Cultural Marxism? More like cultural christianity. " all men are the children of god". You can trace a direct line from the flagellants at catholic processions to sadomasochists at globohomo pride parades.

I've read the entire catechism, you can stop telling me now. Stop obsessing over fags dude, it's ridiculous. I'm constantly being told to respect fags but nobody ever tells me to respect child molesters or rapists. Isn't that weird? That's all I wanted to point out. I don't treat everyone the same and that's a stupid ideal to have. You wouldn't let a child molester babysit your kids because you judge people by their actions, as is proper and you quote mining the catechism isn't going to make me stop acting sensibly.

Unrepentant sinners don't deserve respect. You take that statement and act as if I'm saying "unrepentant sinners shouldn't be treated be treated like humans" because you're a dishonest piece of shit. By the way, Jesus befriended sinners who repented. He told the prostitute to go forth and sin no more after absolving her of her sins. Those thieves and prostitutes weren't thieves and prostitutes after encountering Jesus. They didn't have prostitute pride months and celebrate their sin.

In ten years the catholics will have replaced the eucharist with sodomy. Look what happened to mainline protestant churches in the US. They have thrown out the whole christian catechism for gay pride and the progressive catechism. Lgbts are effectively the priesthood of the cultural marxist religion, trannies even have parallels in the self mutilation of the priesthood of cybeles. Have you ever tried talking to any of them they can only parrot progressive buzzwords. Theirs is an evil and jealous god, cultural marxism will tolerate no gods before it, hence it must be stamped out. If pope francis had any balls he would declare a crusade against all forms of political correctness and cultural marxism

Based post. I like someone who takes Catholicism seriously.

>You take that statement and act as if I'm saying "unrepentant sinners shouldn't be treated be treated like humans" because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

No. It's not dishonest, because people in this thread ARE saying fuck faggots and the like. All I'm pointing out is they need salvation as much as anyone and fuck faggots is not the way to evangelize. That's all.

Your example about the pedo baby sitter is a ridiculous straw man btw.

I agree with the catechism and more or less agree with you, until:
>Why should Pride deserve special condemnation?
The difference with the capital-P-Pride movement (as opposed to just people with disordered sexuality) is that it is not only our greater culture wholly embracing a sin, it is a sin that is actively being pushed and enforced and especially pushed on the vulnerable, like children and people who have been sexually abused. Where the church says "you are not your sin, you are more than that" Pride says "you are your sin (and that's a good thing!)." It is insidious and evil, and accepting that will do nothing but destroy lives and souls. Not condemning Pride is one of the more hateful things you can do as a christian in our culture today.

I'm away. Prots are a lost cause. They stopped being Christians when they started celebrating sin.

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erm, *I'm aware

You are correct. As I pointed out above, it is easy to confuse an inclination for a person's being. And some people choose to make that confusion part of their identity. It is embracing sin disguised as a freedom, which (like abortion) is when sin is most strongly defended. That is a state which does demand correction. I should have been more careful with my words. I should have said: gays celebrating Pride.

That said, not all gays exercise the same level of 'freedom' and some are legitimate child abusers who indoctrinate children into sin. This is different. This is not an 'inclination'. This is causing little ones to stumble, and Jesus was clear about that one.

Maybe some people are just naturally wicked, just like some people just happen to have naturally lower iq. You let the faggots into the church and theyll just use it as a means to rape children, they will subvert it from within maybe they already have. Maybe this is why i could never be a catholic im not naive to believe in universalism and all people being good at heart bullshit. The real world is a brutal darwinian struggle from top to bottom, i trust my tribe and my kin over strangers.

what a meme religion lmao

June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus not Sodomite-pride month. Interesting too, how sodomites chose "pride" (the first and chief sin of Lucifer) as the name for their month in the United States of Sodom. I don't hate gays but the gay act is abnormal and an abomination in the eyes of God. No amount of "dude just luv them XDD" will change that fact. All the evil of the world is due to the lukewarmness of Catholics.

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>Your example about the pedo baby sitter is a ridiculous straw man btw.
It literally isn't. A strawman is when you misrepresent somebodies position, that was an analogy.

Looked at porn for a few minutes before. Didn't fap but I am so weak

Had a fap over two dudes boning earlier. Shit was cash.

What is worse according to catholics a practicing sodomite male or a transgender woman who doesnt do sodomy?

Fuck off AGP hon

>No amount of "dude just luv them XDD" will change that fact. All the evil of the world is due to the lukewarmness of Catholics.
In these two statements you prove your own lukewarm heart. Love... to a point. Salvation... but not for them.

It is possible to embrace them as brothers and sisters in Christ. Some may even be healed of their unnatural behavior. But it takes that daring and strength of conviction exemplified by the martyred apostles, who chose to follow Christ into death rather than deny him.

If god know what will happen in the future then why is said humans have free will?

bullshit copes mostly


Why do the Catholics keep changing their Doctrines and Liturgies according to the desires of the world?

the problem of evil. god does not will evil. he is pure good. evil is a product of human will, or rather of its falling short.

Why does Catholicism attract so much butthurt?

epic redpilled orthodox church
i wish the catholic church was more epic redpilled
fuck niggers fuck faggots fuck jannies fuck trannies

Modernism. every Mass used to pray for the 'perfidious Jews'. Not anymore.

I was making a serious question. If you have ever attended a Roman Mass it's clear that their focus is in Men and not in God.

i've never been to mass
been to church once with the scouts and there was some guy playing acoustic guitar

Modernism. And much of the money in the Church being in America during the 20th century. As we changed, so did the Church. Remember that it's an organization like any other, staffed by mortals.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. The corrupt parts of the Church will fail, and it will shrink as modernists die off and their influence wanes. But it will be filled with true believers.

What we need is priests who obey a vow of poverty, like the friars minor.

Is pic related sinful?

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It is pornographic, meant to entice. Yes.

but it's Mother Mary?

I'm no theologian but i'd say the practicing homosexual as even the transgender woman is abstaining from sex. Sodomy is an act so bad in God's eyes he destroyed an entire city filled with these people and Lot's wife who had sympathy for them was turned to stone as she turned around to see the city one more time as it was getting destroyed.

I already said I don't hate them but their act. I need not say that salvation is for them too. No, duh, salvation is for everyone but not everyone is going to be saved maybe not even me or you. I feel sorry for homosexuals, really, I find it hard being a chaste heterosexual and I can't imagine being attracted to the same sex and knowing I'll never be able to have sex with another guy without string the wrath of God. You have lukewarmess for not hating this sin, you should hate sin, and the father of all sins who is the Devil.

You realize too, that I would have less of an issue of "pride" month if they went about it in a different way and used another word. How can you dare call yourself Catholic and be okay with a bunch of people being prideful, and for sodomy no less.

Btw, pic-related is what every bleeding heart liberal who just loooves sodomites whats to see in a Catholic Church. Not only do you want to see the Holy Family mocked but the sacrament of Holy Matrimony as well. Go ahead and self-profess yourselves as "Catholics" (ha!) you're not.

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that is why catholicism offers no solution to the problems facing the west today, where does ''turning the other cheek''get you, whats the point of loving your enemy when that enemy hates you and wants to destroy you. Its unimaginably cucked to treat low iq alien subhumans as equal just because they happen to believe in muh superstitions. I bet you would be ok taking orders from a high melanin priest or pope lol. fact: most catholics are third world peoples

The modernist (agents of the Devil) go after the CC the most because nobody really cares about Orthodoxy and sin doesn't nearly feel as threatened by them, although one day agents of the Devil will come for you too.

>but it's Mother Mary?
...is it though? :^)

>you're not.
Why not? I agree with literally everything you wrote. If you're Catholic, so am I.

>where does ''turning the other cheek''get you
the beatific vision

Really enjoy how there's this dichotomy between epic redpilled /pol/tard 14/88 catholocism and far left cultural marxist LGBT love your neighbour catholocism

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just imagine a /pol/ newbie going to church imagining he's joining the crusader army and finding out its all old people and immigrants and the priest is a black. that was literally me two years ago, lol. I am now a nietszchean neopagan racialist, even islam is less cucked than christianity really.

But god already knows who will act on evil, so in what punishment consist of if he already knows? I mean from his perspective he already is punishing every single evil doer in hell

>If you're Catholic, so am I.
Then you need to change your rhetoric and perhaps so do I as anger is not attractive to non-Catholics. Every gay person has a chance to get to Heaven but they won't get there if Catholics just roll over and say "it's cool, you're totally loved by God, God loves you, love, love, love, love". Sometimes people need to hear what they're doing is simply evil and being gay may be 'fun' in this life it won't be in the next.

user's may not believe me but I don't anybody to go Hell. I had a horrific feeling once in one my dreams and I felt so sorry that I didn't want anybody, even someone like Martin Luther to go the Hell.

but Jesus literally said love your neighbor

>at least I still have muh beatific vision

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hitler thought islam was pretty B&R

so? Jesus was a cuck. Paul should be the main hero of Christianity. Fuck faggots.

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and to clarify there is *no* LGBT friendly Catholicism. sodomy is never not a sin. sacrament of marriage can only be shared by a man and a woman

>trading away the eternal life for temporal causes

It says more about you that you took Crusader memes seriously. How dumb do you have to be to think we're still living in the 1100's? $10 says too you're a butthurt white guy who was looking for a religious excuse to kill "niggers and Mexicans, praise kek, MAGA, XDD".

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>where does ''turning the other cheek''get you, whats the point of loving your enemy when that enemy hates you and wants to destroy you
It worked out pretty well for the early church.

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I'd rather chuck my soul into hell for the glory of the Based and the Redpilled than be some bluepilled LGBT loving catholic cuck

look. either get married and have children. or be chaste and live an interior life.

there are no other options and Jesus doesn't care about your political opinion.

>trading away empirically provable eternal life(continuation of white culture and pure white bloodline) for an eternal life you can't prove and may not even exist

pascal is laughing at you buddy


>continuation of white culture and pure white bloodline

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no lol I'm gonna do whatever the FUCK i wanna do

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The real question is how do we fix CCD. I don't know how it was for you, but for me it was the most useless thing ever. Didn't learn a damn thing about the Church at all. The Mass, the history, theology, morals. Nothing. Nothing from a weekly class that I attended for nine years. Everybody I have talked to has had similar sentiments.

Same. I went through in the 90s.

The remedy is hiring actual religious, nuns or monks, to teach the classes. My instructors changed over the years, and they were all civilian retards with zero real investment in the church. They were probably doing it because they had nothing better to do or were fishing for a spouse in the community.

Can I do confession here?

You need to speak with a priest.

What would he think of the modern world?

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that it was epically not based and epically not redpilled
he'd probably browse /pol/

"Pope Francis is le cucked and totally not based and repilled like daddy Trump and Richard Spencer is :)"

uwu my boipussy is ovulating

Okay it may be dumb, but are there any prayers that an atheist could say to feel safe?

>Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

thisI'd add the Fatima or sometimes called the "Oh, my Jesus" prayer in the op

Oh my Jesus,
forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of Hell,
take all souls to Heaven,
and help especially those most need of thy mercy,

user's may disagree but i'd add a Hail Mary as well because she intercedes for everyone

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.

is it weird if i get a boner when thinking about atheists calling jesus 'Lord' in prayer

>dear God please forgive these morons

Do you all like John Henry Cardinal Newman? He's going to be formally declared a saint this year.

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Why should we consider the OT?
Isn't the NT enough?

We should have a pride month for pedophiles and polygamists. Love is love.

All I know about him is from Bishop Barron's video series 'Pivotal Players' where he discuss Newman's life and why he's important. I really like Newman's idea that education is supposed to be useless, not pragmatic, something like that, in his book 'Idea of a University'. It reminds me of a Wes Cecil lecture about leisure and although I've haven't read it yet, Josef Pieper book 'Leisure the Basis of Culture', seems to be about the same thing.

I want to get into Newman one day; in Barron's series, James Joyce said Newman was the greatest English writer of all time which is quite high praise.

If I can put in a very simple way; the OT is important because Christ and other NT people, including Satan himself, quote the OT all the time. The OT is also important because it sets the stage for the NT, for example without Genesis and the story of the fall of Adam and Eve, the coming of Christ wouldn't make sense because we wouldn't know what he's saving us from.

I tried reading Apologia Pro Vita Sua, but didn't really know what was going on or what he was talking about so I dropped it like halfway in..........Am I a brainlet?

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Jews and fags can’t handle the bantz

What are some youtube channels for someone interested in Catholicism?

Is there a decent prayerbook for learning how to pray?

Sensus Fidelium - Tradcat favorite but honestly don't pay attention to the "trad" part. The channel provides a treasury of wisdom anyone can appreciate with Fr. Ripperger, an exorcist, being a frequent and popular guest.




Bishop Barron - His main problem is his idea of near universal salvation but other than that he's great.

Dr Taylor Marshall - He's a good guy and pretty smart

Church Militant - Michael Voris and crew go hard against clerical corruption, they're controversial but they're good Catholics and they do good work.

Fr. Mark Goring - Short, yet good videos from a based priest

Ascension presents - watch mainly for Fr. Mike Schmitz - great priest

PatrickCoffin.media - watch mainly for the guest, comfy podcast

Catholic Talk Show - another comfy podcast, deal with a wide range of topics

Jimmy Akin - He's the chief apologist of Catholic Answers (good channel too) but his solo channel is worth checking out

Enlighten - some might say he's heterodox but I don't think so, he's a good Catholic and a convert from Hinduism and before that atheism. He offers a fresh perspective on the Faith because of his background. I like his video about Atheism and
is 'God is evil?'


Robert Haddad - based, underrated lecturer and imo a compelling speaker




How to Pray at All Times - St. Alphonsus de Liguori

EWTN - Watch Mother Angelica R.I.P. When I was getting into the faith and I stumbled on her videos and I got hooked. For a while I thought she was 'selling' me something, you know? But captivated me, she was such a wise, humble, and spiritual. She spent many, many hours praying before the Blessed Sacrament. I think she might be a canonized saint in the future. It's been a while since i've seen her videos but here's some.







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Sorry for the poor writing, it's getting late for me.

For a while, I’ve thought that having the celebrant face the congregation was the fatal mistake.

"But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."

Oh. You were the kids who would come into our classrooms on Wednesday nights and move things around in our desks. Should have been with us during the day in Catholic school. Then you could be a brainwashed Vatican agent like me. :)

Anything with Fulton Sheen

how do modern Christians get around the fact the Bible teaches the earth is flat?

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Prove it

Only fundamentalists prots think the world is flat, some even think Jesus walked with dinosaurs too, not even joking.

Prove what? That the Bible says the earth is flat? It doesn't say outright say the entire plane of existence we are on is absolutely flat but when you read Genesis 1, creating the firmament/expanse to divide the water above and below, making the dry land appear from the waters, it makes complete sense along a flat earth cosmology something like the picture I posted, but when you try to make it work along the molten lava core space ball flying around in infinite vacuum cosmology, you have to explain away a lot of stuff before it starts to fit, if it ever does. Also whatever you interpret the "firmament" to be, it says clearly stars are something in it, not gorillion miles away like in modern mainline science cosmology. It's a flat earth book.

I respect that.

When did everyone become an unknowing Gnostic?
The more I look into current political and spiritual movements, the more I see Gnostic ideas reflected in them. Transgenderism, body positivity, materialism, transhumanist and singularity-focused movements, even stupid stuff like "spiritual but not religious" yoga buddhist-lite movements.
I'm almost starting to believe the schizos on /x/ who post about a secret cabal of elites controlling history.

What do you mean by gnostic? I think gnostic thoughts will always emerge once people become sufficiently pessimistic about God's creation and don't see it's beauty anymore. So that would include a lot of christians nowadays as well.


>The renewal of Catholic literature is happening before our very eyes through the efforts of many very good Catholic writers. The problem is that our eyes are closed. We do not see the glorious fruit of this literary revival because we are not looking for it….

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Both the representation of the material/physical/fleshly world as evil and the idea that the force behind the physical world is evil. You can see this in the transhumanist movement and the transgenderist movement, both of which see some or all of humanity as trapped in imperfect fleshly vessels, which will be overcome by scientific power.
These ideas aren't always as naked as they are within those movements, but they seem to me to be becoming more widespread and accepted in various forms.

so many patreons to donate to........oh well, sacrifices must be made. Time to save the Church!

>Priest added a greet your neighbor protestant thing at the beginning of mass

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>Why should Pride deserve special condemnation?
It's not special at all, it's just condemnation. If we never say anything about any sin for fear of it appearing "special" we'll end up never saying anything about any sin at all

Reminder that Catholics have the strongest knees in the universe.

Lmao if you're worried about children being raped in the Church you want to focus more on the priests rather than the gays you fucking moron

I don't think any one of those channels ask for a pateron donation but good job trying to act snarky and condescending, dick.

Hey, anons. Might be an empty post, might be a confession in hope of catharsis.
I do not dare to call myself a believer because I lack the courage to have real faith - the one Kierkegaard spoke of, using Abraham as an example. In this world I find myself stranded and even while admiring beauty and order in it, I ask myself often if it all is but a hollow shell - devoid of meaning, ultimately falling into nothingness. As empty as I feel myself in dark times like these days. I wrote a prayer I can say and I want to translate it and share it with you:


Father, Light, horizon of the world,
Pleadingly I call out you name into the night of time.
Unheard, among the numberless alone I stand.
A broken faith, a burnt heart, longing for you.
Accept the remorse of a sinner:

Passed days bind me in guilt,
Your merciful hand I saw but failed.
Lost out of sight your providence for me
And instead of who I am, I became nothing.
I have brought anguish to this world.

The light of day falls on blind eyes.
A prison and punishment I am now for myself
instead of a temple and joy to your honors.
I want to love my neighbor, but I cannot do it.
In me they see a pariah.

In sorrow lies my future
not one of your fields, home, but a wasteland.
I understand your call to growth
But I fear to venture
And to fall and become ashes.

Lord, let me burn up for you!
Let me be a flame, a sun in this world!
For the eyes of the lost I long to to burn
So eternity shall bear witness to us.
Hope found in your will is my salvation. Amen.


Are you searching for God?

>Vatican III in your lifetime

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Why did Augustine allowed to Jews to exist? If Christians were to treat Jews the same way they treated pagans an heretics much suffering of Christians and others would have been averted.

Catholics are evil. That‘s all.

>destruction of the antipope in rome in your lifetime
>erasmian neo-conciliarism in your lifetime
>orthodox-catholic volkisch union in your lifetime
>neo-crusader world war in your lifetime

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>Mass half-vernacular half-latin

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Back to /pol/ retard

>Mass half in Greek and half in Japanese

This is really the worst. It feels so forced at the beginning of mass but the peace be with you feels so genuine and warm. What gives?

Well I wouldn't understand anything except the kyrie.

I have never experienced that, but I suppose wishing people peace is more pleasant "in the middle of mass" after Our Father because we have had time to contemplate and relax.

Which is worse, the zionist jew or the atheist jew?

So was Humanism a good thing or a bad thing?

There isn't one here?

What’s ‘/pol/‘? Why do butthurt liberals always always mention it, even when it’s not related to the topic being discussed?

If there were, he would tell you to speak with a priest, in person, in private, for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. Confessions are bound by the sacramental seal, the priest is bound to not divulge what has been confessed to him. A confession made in public, anonymously, to no one in particular... the Church, through Christ, can't absolve you of those sins because this is not a church and we are not priests.

>inb4 that scripture passage about wherever two or three Christians gather there is my church
Not how it works on this fallen piece of shit world, unfortunately. The Church is a definite organization, a monarchy, and a hereditary ministry from Peter to Francis.

Can somebody give me a rundown on St. Anselm? His complete works are on Amazon for only a dollar but when I look at the preview I only see meditations and I don't know what's what. I thought he wrote more straight philosophy.


how can anyone be this new lol

Good post dude

You can't be a 14/88 /pol/tard and be a good Catholic and you can't be a Marxist fag enabler and be a good Catholic. They are both antithetical to the teachings of Christ and the Church.

Hail Marry

This is 4channel now.
Why would they know of the hidden boards?

>erase your national identity

>but Jesus literally said love your neighbor
Key word is neighbor
not your son
not your kin
but your neighbor.

There is a reason he doesn't live with you.

No part of what I said was remotely like what you just wrote.

You do know it's catholic organisations that import the 3rd world migrants right?

I know that there are Marxists LARPing as Catholics that import immigrants. But I also know that there are just as many Catholics who are opposed to mass migration. It's not Germany, France, and Sweden taking a stand against the mass importation of economic migrants, it's Italy, Hungary, and Poland.

Tremendous ideas about Epistemology. Earth as Element-Phenomenon, "radiant" infinity as flat plane vs. "recursive" infinity as sphere and the Dialectic thereof, Earth as flat to both God and Man but round in between, etc.

>Renounce all unknowing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the servitors of Yaldabaōth and the fire-seas.

Hello anons I was born a catholic but have been away from God and church until today. I have three gnawing and universal questions that I wish you could answer for me.
1. If God is all benevolent and loving then why has he created a world full of suffering and an afterlife of torment?
2. If God’s greatest gift to us is freewill then why does it lead to our downfall? Why hasn’t he just given salvation already and be done with it? In the temptations of Christ was it wrong for Jesus to deny Satan and allow us to retain freewill? Wouldn’t it have been better for humanity to follow him?
3. Although it’s easy for us now to speak about the holy spirt and its virtues with our bellies full, we can see that when man is denied his earthly bread he is capable of savagery. For example, people during the soviet famine of the 1930s cannibalized their own children. Sure we can look at the case of saints such as Kolbe, who fasted and eventually died in the name of God but does the normal man possess the same amount of faith? Why must millions suffer so that the strong few may enter the Kingdom of heaven?

I know these are basic questions but I’m in a period of self reflection and wish to be illuminated in God’s will. Went to mass today and I felt something I haven’t felt in a long time. Will talk to a priest about this after confession.

>Not real catholic
Then just ditch the catholic meme and call yourself a Nationalist.

This poor, confused thread...

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I'm not a Nationalist. Nationalism is revolutionary a post-French Revolution meme and not traditional in the least.

catholic book of prayers by maurus fitzgerald

ISBN-10 0899429106
ISBN-13: 978-0899429106

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>I'm not a Nationalist. Nationalism is revolutionary a post-French Revolution meme and not traditional in the least.
But it is Traditionalist.
The Nation has a State.
It became a Meme because Monarchy and Church preserved it.
You destroyed both of them and poof, you've got a wheel (State) to rearrange society how you please.

The Nations history, tradition, culture and spirit is preserved with each family.

You may be a Christian.
But Geo-Politically
You are French, German, etc.


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>my revolutionary concept that's existed for the blink of a historical eye is Traditionalist.
Nothing says traditionalism like states created by Liberal revolutionaries.

Nations existed before the meme concept of Nationalism.
Each Nation had a Kingdom
and Kingdoms where then subject to the Crown.

Or like the Hellens, several City-States

>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/

Lazy jannies


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deus vult bros, god bless

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Currently reading a book on Eastern Catholic art that is intensely critical of western Renaissance-style art. So, i figured I would ask, do you think that pre-modern Christian art or modern, perspective-influenced, Renaissance style art is superior? The author in the book I am currently reading claims that modern Western Christian art is too naturalistic and therefor does not do enough to emphasize the supra-natural quality of Christ and the Saints. He discusses how in traditional Christian art before the Renaissance, the disdain for naturalism wasn't due to a lack of ability but rather, it was as a result of a desire not to portray Jesus or the Saints as simply normal people. He also talks about how in paintings like "The Last Judgement" there is not enough distinction made between Christ and other normal man, so as to be borderline heresy of emphasizing only one nature of Christ.
I must admit that even though I like the Latin mass much better than the Byzantine divine liturgy, I don't particularly like the western-style statues or naturalistic art. I much prefer the icons. What do you prefer anons?

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what's a good catholic book you read recently?

My fiancee is probably going to have a third miscarriage soon, while having twins. Why should I believe in a God when we have been afflicted with such pain?

I am sorry for you, that is painful. But I know a woman who had fourteen miscarriges and wept over all of them, but she also has five healthy children and loves Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.

Just have faith bro, trust me!
Mysterious ways bro!

That argument isn't very convincing to me, and I prefer western art. On the other hand I suppose art that is too realistic can lose a lot of important symbolism if the artist isn't careful.

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Why should I be Catholic and not Protestant?

Faith bro!

Why does it have to be one or the other? What happened to Christian?

I think there’s a big difference between sola scriptura and having faith in the pope

I wish you and your fiancee the best. "Free us from evil" is in the Lord's prayer, evil exists in the world, most christians don't pretend suffering and evil aren't real. Belief is up to you.

Ask our Heavenly Father this question ;)

>Ask our Heavenly Father this question
I have before, but I’m leaning to Puritanism at the moment. When I see verses like “call no man father” and “there is no mediator but Christ” it makes it really hard to accept Catholicism. I’m very comfortable with reading the Bible and simply following its instructions but the Catholic culture just seems so foreign to me.

So is it a question of having faith in the fullness of Spirit-influenced canonization of a set of NT books already in circulation among Christian communities before 100 AD. Or having faith in centuries of human tradition?

Maria of Guadalupe by Paul Badde

The Bible says all scripture is God-breathed. It does not say place much emphasis on tradition and papal succession etc. If you gave the Bible to a man who’s never heard of Christianity and he read it through and through, I doubt he would come to the conclusion that there should be a pope

I just think that God could have easily been more explicit in writing the Bible to support Catholicism. Anyone who seriously studies the Bible shouldn’t come to Protestant conclusions.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to Hell when I die.

You don't get to decide that, dummy.

most people itt and on earth are going to hell
play that "it's god's decision :)" bullshit all you want
but he wants most of us suffering

It makes no sense. Why would all powerful and all knowing entity care about the suffering of irrelevant higher primates on a planet that is one of billions.

What's with all the gnostics in the cath thread

mysterious ways :)

I understand the biblical cannon, but I haven't the faith to accept that there is God, or that there is a higher spiritual power. Can someone advise me?

Alright lads, what are some books, apart from The Bible, that an aspiring Catholic should read?

Just have faith bro! Trust me!

I heard Thomas Aquinas proved God. Maybe you should read up on that.

The end of the first and the third post in this thread are reading lists.

Read Fear and Trembling.

listen always to soren poster

I gave in and masturbated to trannies today. I deserve hellfire

is waifuism sinful?

Not if your waifu is a saint and you meditate on her chastity, and her commitment to the Lord, and you don't think of sick, perverted things.

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beautiful music bump

I'm taking my Baptist girlfriend to Mass for the first time.

Am I making a mistake taking her to TLM? She is definitely susceptible to orthodoxy but thinks Catholics are too ritualistic and don't have as much of a personal relationship with God.

Just make sure you explain the Eucharist to her. She'll think kneeling is weird unless you explain that you're literally in the presence of Jesus Christ.

>unironically being a sede

Pope Francis is a great pope and is the Donald Trump of popes but you're too retarded to realize it

I've actually had a lot of success in pushing John 6 onto her, which gives me hope

Catholicism is too strict for my tastes

I'm jealous user. One of my principal regrets in life is it didn't end up working out with my university non-denominational evangelical gf and I didn't get to show her that all of her criticisms of Catholicism were complete memes and watch as she slowly came to appreciate the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

>God's Law is too strict for my tastes

Umm okay? Try explaining that to Him, retard... *cringes and looks away*

Ehh, there's no guarantee I'll be successful and, although I love her, I have no problem breaking it off if she is obstinate. You did the right thing, though it definitely sucks.

I’ll never join you!

i miss him bros :(

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It didn't work out for reasons entirely unrelated to religion. And she was never obstinate with her criticisms, just completely uninformed and raised completely within that particular branch of Protestantism. She was curious, and if your gf agreed to attend Mass that's huge and a good sign she is as well. I always say I learned a lot from her as well - that is approaching Christianity with an enthusiasm that was foreign and, in a sense, spiritually renewing to a "brainwashed Vatican agent" that just knew a lot of doctrinal stuff from Catholic schooling and spacing off in Mass twice a week.

I've had to learn to be much more ecumenical than I would normally be. Has made me appreciate Vatican II. I try to "compromise" on matters that aren't doctrinal/dogmatic which I believe emphasizes my seriousness when I am unwavering on issues of doctrine/dogma.

Well, I'll pray that your ex-gf does end up converting.

Thank you. I will pray for the two of you as well.

im sorry i paniced

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One of the more perfidious implications of Time as a "dimension" or "arrow" is that one's affections are supposedly likewise stretched across such an "Objective" process, becoming foreign and thus irresistible or inconsolable.

Yet another reason why Catholics are Atheists. Catholic Doctrine is bad enough, but its TELEOLOGY is putrid. That, indeed, Scripture is at odds with History. That this is deliberately so, Reason rebuking History "transcendentally", but Scripture rebuking it "immanently". That Empirical attacks on Scripture only reveal how tenuous any and all Historical aspects are. That the Logos becomes Phenomenon to subsume the whole Phenomenal. This is the Teleology of Scripture. But the Teleology of Catholic Doctrine, regardless of content, is a miserable imitation of Materialism: Genealogy, Mereology, bottom-up emergence, "Evolution", cause and effect, entropy, etc. It is antithetic to the Teleology of Scripture and antithetic to Scripture itself - ANTI-CHRISTIAN. "Your Kingdom IS of this world"!

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What exactly do you want to know? I have his Major Works, and it appears to me that he was very much an original thinker, but he still wrote within the bounds of his Christian Faith, and he was always happiest in theological discussion with the monastic community at Canterbury. The Monologion is a meditation and so is the Proslogion, the latter in particular is a prayer, so to speak. His philosophical fragments are perhaps what you were thinking about as ‘straight philosophy’, though they’re also steeped in reference to God.

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I have multiple books about and by John Henry Newman. I’m very much in love with his work, even as an Anglican he was very much a Catholic, so to speak. They’re all available at the Newman Reader. Unfortunately, he is also twisted and demented to support forms of progressive Christianity. Even in his own time his words were twisted, ‘Every word I publish [referring to In Aid of a Grammar of Assent] will be malevolently scrutinised, and every expression which can possibly be perverted sent straight to Rome.’ In humility, he feared any original thought that may deviate from the Church, ‘I need the mind of the Spirit, which is the mind of the Holy Fathers, and of the Church by which I may not only say what they say on definite points, but think what they think.’ (John Henry Newman: His Inner Life, pg. 223)

any new churchs were i can go and have a good time
now this heart burn of a hipono artistry

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amen and bump

He wrote in Via Media, i, pg. 354-55, a beautiful passage that, as I said, is very Catholic and should resonate with Catholics, I think:

‘But In Truth the whole course of Christianity from the first, when we come to examine it, is but one series of troubles and disorders. Every century is like every other and to those who live in it seems worse than all times before it. The Church is ever ailing, and lingers on in weakness, “always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in her body.” Religion seems ever expiring, schisms dominant, the light of Truth ever dim, its adherents ever scattered. The cause of Christ ever in its last agony, as though it were but a question of time whether it fails finally this day or another. The Saints are ever all but failing from the earth, and Christ all but coming; and thus the Day of Judgement is literally ever at hand; and it is our duty ever to be looking out for it, not disappointed that we have so often said, “now is the moment”, and that at the last, contrary to our expectation, Truth has somewhat rallied.’

And so it continued, ever beautiful.

Nah, even as an important work, I found Apologia Pro Vita Sua rather dull. Didn’t get very far, maybe odd fifty pages and the appendix(?) on Liberalism.

On further reflection, it’s probably that we’re both just brainlets rather than neither of us.

Become buddhist, catholicism is gay even though i dont know much abiut it.

How could Jesus ride in on two donkeys at the same time?

Excuse me is this Yea Forums ?


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Is it sinful to fantasize about making love with my waifu for procreation?

what are /cath/'s take on Saint Augustine

>open up to priest about porn addiction
>he tells me to contemplate female saints instead of looking at porn
>shows me a portrait of Saint Gemma
>I get a boner
Am I going to hell?

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lmao what the fuck was he thinking

You seriously a get boner just looking a woman's face? And here I am beating myself up internally for thinking think i'm overly sexualized.

Maybe Islam is a better religion for you :^)

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No it doesn't. Nothing in Genesis states the Earth is flat.

whats more sinful
me fapping my dick over two twinks making out
or me riding a dildo and just enjoying the feeling

Instead of trying to assign values of sinfulness to two sinful acts, recognize that they both lead you astray from God and do them no more.

Fast more. This will help and Christ specifically says "WHEN you fast" not "IF you fast" showing that it is of great importance

yeah it'd probably be best for me to drop the masturbation and instead save my loins for the guy im talking to
thanks priest!

how do I learn latin?

>meditate on her chastity
what does this even mean specifically

>contemplate female saints

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can catholics read the KJV?

Yes, but a Bible should always have an Apocrypha and it should in it's original order not tucked away at the back of the book. Most editions of the KJV do not have the Apocrypha as the KJV is a protestant and secular favorite. I have a KJV before I became Catholic or even a Christian but I rarely touch it now and instead read the Douay-Rheims or RSV2ndCE.

the point is to view women as human beings with a personality and a soul, instead of only sexual objects.

I'm interested in going to a Traditional Latin Mass (TM), but the only close options are FSSP. Is FSSP safe? Or are they condemned by the rest of the Catholic Church? Are they part of SSPX?

From what i've gathered over time FSSP is literally the best option you can get and a blessing. SSPX are excommunicated, unfortunately. Go for it, user!

It would still be missing parts of Daniel and Esther.


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>...a-antichrist.......whore of b-b-b-b-babylon......
>my pastor at my church located in a minimall next to a gamestop said so!

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is pic related sinful?

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is pic related sinful?

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Catholicism is very into the cult of the pretty face, especially for Mary (you win't see devotion to images of Christ anywhere near as much). I think it's a crypto courtly love, it is similar to Dante's religious veneration for Beatrice

hold on, let me check the Summa real quick to see if this violates the natural law

Not as much as Mary but there's there's plenty of images out there of a 'Chad' Jesus. Pic related is the most infamous example, it's criticized all time for 'white washing' Jesus even though the St. Faustina described Jesus looking like this. Granted this isn't the original 'Divine Mercy' image but it's based off it.

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>modern Western Christian art is too naturalistic
>in traditional Christian art before the Renaissance, the disdain for naturalism wasn't due to a lack of ability but rather, it was as a result of a desire not to portray Jesus or the Saints as simply normal people.
This is a bit of a meme. Early depictions were actually more realistic, and the autistic style of the easterners is an innovation.
Just look at the oldest Christ pantocrator found in Sinai (6th century) and tell me if it looks more like a Renaissance painting or more like an EO icon. It's clearly detailed and naturalistic.

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5th century

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I haven't posted on Yea Forums in 2 years since the dawn of litcords, what have I missed bros?
Also, Aquinas got confirmation he's right about stuff from st. Peter and Paul during his lifetime. Very hardcore.

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The Handmaid's tale is a good catholically book, I read it often before praying.

Yes. Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine is superb. Very strong arguments in favour of Catholicism. Something like religious epistemology. Also useful to read because it largely goes against practice of pope Francis and the misuses of his idea of development.
His meditations on the suffering of Christ were very moving. Apologia pro vita sua is interesting in getting the feeling for English culture of the 19th century, but I really don't get why it's his most read work.

They aren't excommunicated or even in schism, they are cannonicaly irregular which means legally don't exist. FSSP sprouted out from the SSPX. The main real difference is zeal, which is often misdirected and infantile amongst parishioners of SSPX. There's a lack of proper theological guidance and reliance on blogs of questionable quality.

My deeply Catholic mum divorced my atheist dad because he got rumbled downloading large quantities of cp and brought a great shame upon the family. She feels very guilty about divorcing him because she knows it is not permitted in Catholicism, but felt like she had no other choice. What would you advise for her?

You can technically divorce in civil cases and the church will sometimes advise it in practice. She's still sacramentally married and she should maybe ask for separation from table and bed officially while of course not committing adultery.
t. Family's legal practice

Well they're definitely already living apart and that's not going to change (dad has a new [adult] gf). I can't see her ever getting re-married or entering into a new relationship either, I imagine that she'll see that part of her life as over and look for warmth/intimacy from her children and friends instead. Does that mean she has acted correctly in the Catholic sense?

Is he not in trouble with the law?????

Isn't the Netflix show supposed to make Catholicism look like this crazy, misogynist, 'dark ages', religion?

Uhhhhh go on...

This reminded me of an article I saw today about how the Handmaid's Tale makes an unintentional argument for traditionalism. It was talking about how the world of Gilead was a natural reaction to the hyper individualistic and oversexualized society that was before. It actually made me want to read it.


Yes, he was convicted and received a non-custodial sentence. He was also quite well-known locally, so his face was plastered on the front of all the local newspapers too. Not been a fun time for the family ngl.

Interestingly though, as part of his efforts to recover at least part of what he's lost through his own sinful actions, he started talking to our local Catholic priest regularly and going to him for guidance. I still don't think he's religious, but he's starting to appreciate spiritual matters more I think. I suppose the redemption narrative is more relevant to him than ever before, and if he's serious about it then that can't be a bad thing

She should have maybe consulted a priest first, but there's no necessary obligation for living together, that is the obligation can be broken for various reasons. Husband's adultery and child porn consumption easily satisfy those. Civil divorce is simply setting the property relations straight.

I'm going to buy a prayer book
convince me to buy your favorite

is pic related sinful?

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As far as I know there wouldn't be any trouble with getting a divorce, though it's obviously something to ask her pastor about. Divorce and remarriage is the main problem, not separation in such cases.

There's no divorce in Catholicism, proddie.

is pic related sinful?

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is pic related sinful?

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She can try getting an annulment from the church, my mom did it. I remember her saying it had be sent to the Vatican, but that was three decades ago so who knows now.

Bumping this as I would like some suggestions also

What do you guys think of Jews? As a Catholic I don't really hate them unlike most people. I enjoy their art in general.

If that tranny that replied to me in the other thread about there being nothing in the bible about them is here, this is for you:

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Deuteronomy 22:5
“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,

Romans 1:26–27
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

I don't mind them, know enough of them to know that there's nothing special about them.

>Deuteronomy 22:5
Yeah, but most Christians don't follow that one either. I see a lot of female abominations in Churches everywhere.

So, are you going to justify being a cafeteria Chrisitian?
Maybe they don't know any better, which is obviously a less worse sin than doing it intentionally. Either way, if priests are giving out positions at church for personal reasons or personal enrichment, then it is also a sin, simony.

there is none

mariology is idolatry

It is not, you don't pray to her, you pray that she prays for you.

No, for he and his ilk are believers

i don't know what you mean, but if you're saying the priests haven't read the bible, then I'm not sure what to say.

I mean that if you refer to "female abominations in church" as females in priest's clothings, then that's obviously wrong and faulty on the priest which is commiting simony for favor of the (lgbt) people. If you refer to females wearing male's clothing, it could be because they don't know any better or without the intent of appearing as males. But if you are being sarcastic, making the point that "a lot of people do it, so it's ok" then you are advocating being a cafeteria christian, which which is a perversion and wilful sinning.

New thread?