God = Reality. You are misunderstanding what the word “God” is pointing to. God is not a bearded man in the clouds

God = Reality. You are misunderstanding what the word “God” is pointing to. God is not a bearded man in the clouds.
God is not a belief or concept, God is consciousness. Consciousness is infinite and formless so you cannot grasp it with mind or language or science.
God is empirical, but because God is Nothingness AND equivalent to reality itself, it is devoid of attributes and IS reality itself! So the “proof” you seek is your own existence.
Don’t confuse “God is Nothingness” with “God does not exist”, as if it’s a validation of atheism. Nothingness exists. Atheism is wrong.
Atheism is a religion. It’s a secular, rational ideology. So by going from fundamentalist Christian to atheist, you merely changed the content of your religion.
God is: consciousness, existence, Being, Nothingness, Absolute Infinity, YOU!, infinite intelligence, infinite power, eternal, omnipresent
God is not rational and cannot be “made sense of” because reality is an infinite strange loop.
You can become directly conscious of God.
God cannot be “proven” objectively because reality is subjective. In the same way that you cannot prove that you exist without appeal to subjectivity. Subjectivity is not a bad word, it is not a mistake. It’s fundamental to reality. There is no reality beyond subjectivity.
Mankind has understood what consciousness is and what God is, very clearly, for over 5000 years. The problem is that the mind cannot grasp it.
Science cannot be done without language. And language cannot grasp being because it is a 2nd order thing, therefore language cannot grasp God.
You’ve turned skepticism into a dogma, falling into the very same trap from which you think you’ve escaped when you left fundamentalist Christian religion.
What you believe morally is largely irrelevant, what matters is your level of consciousness. The reason you can be an atheist and not kill people is because you’re at Spiral Dynamics stage Orange consciousness. Creating a moral humanist code is irrelevant. Consciousness is the overriding factor. If you give a humanist moral code to stage Red or Blue consciousness, they will not follow it. Humanism is only possible at stage Orange or above.

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This is some Spinoza shit, some spook shit

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I too have read the Upanishads, great stuff!

You wrote all this and every single word is retarded. God is not an abstract concept in any religious text. There's always a description with specific details and powers. There's also reference to historical locations and events. You cannot change the definition of God every time you want to avoid argumentation. By equating God with an abstract concept such as nothingness or consciousness, you are erasing any possibility of your ideas being refuted. Oh btw, WW2 happened outside your subjective point of view. Does it mean it didn't happen at all? Is there truly no reality beyond subjectivity? All of mankind didn't know that the Earth revolves around the Sun until Galileo observed it. Does that mean it didn't happen up until then? We cannot conceive of a cure for cancer. Does that mean we should stop looking? Take your mental acrobatics elsewhere.

God, may He be glorified and exalted, is ultimate reality, "reality" is a reflection of God, may He be glorified and exalted, but God Himself, may He be glorified and exalted, is outside of creation.

You are very, very confused. Actually study metaphysics before writing such nonsense. God is All.

So youre a plotinus/augustine

If im remembering the order right it goes

>god/divine/cosmic soul/'the one' > soul > mind > nature

Each looks down on the next and up to the former and none can exist without the former

I might have soul and mind mixed up in place, but i know the material world, nature, was last in the hierarchy and 'the one' was first

I also might be confusing the doctrine from someone else, but im pretty sure its Plotinus

>god > soul > mind > nature

But replace god woth whatever your concept of him/her/it/you is

>god is not an abstract concept

"existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence."


t. reads 1 chapter of solipsistic new-age shite

where do you think your senses are processed?

Ok but which God is it then

He cloaks himself in different forms in ways that befit the various cultures that He reveals Himself to, but ultimately all (non-degenerated/fake) religions point towards Him. He is all the Gods, or rather they are His various garbs. Read Guenon.

>I am God

>"There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way,who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys, how's the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes "What the hell is water?”
>If at this moment, you're worried that I plan to present myself here as the wise old fish explaining what water is to you younger fish, please don't be. I am not the wise oldfish. The immediate point of the fishstory is that the most obvious, ubiquitous,important realities are often the ones that are the hardest to see and talk about ...It is aboutsimpleawareness — awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, that we haveto keep reminding ourselves, over and over: “This is water, this is water.”
–David Foster Wallace. This is Water: a commencement speech. 2005.

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Metaphysics is nonsense.

God being 'being' (and 'being' meaning presence) is a simple ruse of a language that assumes 'being' exists by its grammatical rules, not something that occurs before and outside of that language

>only OPs understanding of God
>not the objective being of God (can not make an assumption bc Transzendenz)

>makes a metaphysical statement to debunk metaphysics

God derives from "good", therefore God is everything that is good. Nature (matter, the matrix) is the mother of all things, that which creates and destroys. God is goodness itself, and that which is good survives natural selection.
Truth is good, and because most animals are incapable of dishonest behaviour, God created everything that exists through the process of natural selection. God is the pattern in the matrix that exists eternally, as God is omnipotent and omnipresent.

religitards fuck off
Yea Forums - literature


>When you read philosophy for the first time:

"duh", are you next going to tell us that grass is green? Intelligent people only use being conventionally to eliminate conceptions of His non-existence and not as His essential definition