Why bother if there's no afterlife?
Why bother if there's no afterlife?
because there is
Because there is this life?
What makes you say that?
But this life expires in a few decades. Why bother doing anything but maximizing enjoyment?
god exists
Because a better world is a better world. Do what you can to make the world better, and you will find yourself enjoying a better world. The problems of the world are large and complex, but that only makes it more vital that they are addressed. Besides, even small things help more than you might think. The pursuit of "maximum enjoyment" is short-sighted, and ultimately empty and vain.
You should instead ask yourself why you're so desperate to believe in delusions? Is the real world that unbearable to live in? Why not focus on the real world and work to make heaven on earth?
Yeah, I plan on skipping death.
Clearly not
how come there are so many religious fucknut threads on here at the moment?
why can't you all fuck off to /his/ like you were supposed to?
you people are fucking poison
One or two flooders no doubt
How do you know?
Why clearly not? Are you an eternal recurrence fag btw
You are like a little child, fleeing from the truth :3
Didn't you pay attention to the thread I had earlier?
There will always persist those three main groups on Yea Forums :3
Ooof, wrong question. Why bother if there /is/ an afterlife? And if you say anything like "because in order to earn the afterlife you have to demonstrate virtue in this life," I'll be angry.
Why bother if there is?
Cause the perceived absurdity of existence necessitates a higher power.
>You are such a child! Santa IS real! I have proofs!!
If there is an afterlife you'll be able to remember your selfish actions and feel guilty for them.
I don't understand how one proves the other.
Imagine a world in which everyone said "why bother". Is it a good world to live in?
If no, then why bother? You see, your logic eats itself.
Where is your proof that God does not exist? Provide it.
The world is already a bad place to live in.
That's who we are talking about? Santa? I thought we were talking about the Creator of this world.
I think if you fashion yourself a pantheist, as you've stated, then just realize that this is largely a product of living in a heavily commercialized democracy, and unwind yourself even from this philosophy.
Hone in on the best attributes of men and women, this is essentially who God is. He wants you to be loved, Butterfly. And that's part of why I am here :3
There are a couple scenarios that explain our existence. The first is that there are higher powers responsible for it. The second is that we live in a multiverse where every possible existence happens in a different universe, but this fails to answer anything because it only leaves more questions and doesn't reach the core matter at hand. Also, you need just as much faith to believe a multiverse as a God.
Why does nobody love me?
Prove Harry Potter isn’t our lord and savior.
You can’t.
Why does that mean there's an afterlife?
Didn't you guys always like to say that /lit is a christian board? I'm glad that it's finally coming to bite you in the ass
You still post here? I take a break for four months and you're still here the day I return. Pathetic.
>four months
And how did the gender reassignment go?
"The question is not 'does life exist after death?' but rather, even if it did, what problem would that solve?" -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Because I wanna
>The first is that there are higher powers responsible for it
What explains the existence of these "higher powers" then? You bascially make another problem.
It sucks that the laws of physics "just are" at the moment, but they have more evidence supporting them as the origin of creation than a God.
But what are the origin of the laws? Something has to be responsible for the laws of physics, whether random chance or not. Also, whatever that thing is lies outside our universe, and therefore doesn't necessarily prescribe to our human notion of logic. People debate whether mathematics is a tool, or an actual part of reality, and if it is an actual part then physics couldn't explain it because physics is based in math.
lmao, Butterfly casually BTFOing Christcucks, love you qt
She pretty much stopped posting after I posted this.
You will be loved. Guaranteed :3
But having faith in God helps.
>Something has to be responsible for the laws of physics, whether random chance or not
It just is?
>Also, whatever that thing is lies outside our universe
Doesn't need to be.
You're not really justifying your position so much as questioning the origin of the laws of physics. With our current understanding we are a ta point of "it just is" at a certain level, but base don progress thus far there's no reason to believe we won't discover more. Even if all knowledge of Physics and science stopped now, doesn't defend the existence of God one bit.
What an imbecile
Before existence existed, there wasn't time or space, therefore the thing that set forth existence must have existed in some realm beyond comprehension. The laws of physics, "just being the way they are", doesn't make sense, because it would be statistically improbable for atoms, let alone planets or humans, to form if the universal constants had not been what they are. There are many more scenarios where the universe doesn't coalesce into anything, which is why you need either God, a multiverse, or some kind of cyclical universe, to justify it. there are many physicist arguing for a multiverse for this reason.
Because there is life and life continues to endure.
>therefore the thing that set forth existence must have existed in some realm beyond comprehension
Our "realm" is not determined by the existence of time and space. As in, we could have had static gibberish and then suddenly things moved due to unknown processes that exist without an intelligent higher power guiding them.
This is besides the point though.
> because it would be statistically improbable for atoms, let alone planets or humans, to form if the universal constants had not been what they are
I'm not sure this is true. Even if it is, ok, it's improbable, but it happened, then. Whys that matter? How's that help God?
>which is why you need either God, a multiverse, or some kind of cyclical universe,
You aren't proving this.
Some physicists may argue for a multiverse, or things we cant measure currently but explain formulas--however, that doesn't mean it's as likely, or less likely, than the existence of a God.
Butterfly is god and I want to suck her toes
Fuck u
No afterlife means you absolutely should bother. If this is all there is, make the most of it.
>I'm not sure this is true. Even if it is, ok, it's improbable, but it happened, then. Whys that matter? How's that help God?
The fact that it is improbable suggests that either the laws of physics and initial state of the universe were chosen, or it's random and that many cycles and/or universes would be required in order to obtain a similar result to our current universe.
>You aren't proving this
The idea of a cyclical universe is not usually entertained because that would require the universe to compress back down to a single infinitesimally small point, which contradicts the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. That leaves only higher powers or a multiverse as top candidates for existence. However, if we did live in a multiverse, that still wouldn't explain why there is a multiverse in the first place, so existence is either ultimately God, or an infinite regression of multiverses in multiverses (aka turtles all the way down). I find higher powers to be the more logical of the two, but to each his own.