Where did all the Rand posters go?
Where did all the Rand posters go?
The chamber
To the Amazon warehouse
"Please unlock my cage"
>have job
This sort of stuff is uncontrollably hilarious to me.
>Based on the Hollywood Motion Picture
Look at how autistic Ayn Rand is... she isn't even aware she is on TV so the host has to tell her over and over
Funny how the way she talks about writing novels, how you 'can't do it inspirationally' and you 'cant just look at a paper and know what you're going to write' is exactly how someone like Nabokov describes his process.
hello i am a Ayn Rand poster and i just wanted to say that Ayn Rand is coming back. thank you for listening to my ted talk.
Back to the cage wagie!
>Emergency Bathroom light
Bathroom is not an emergency. Incontinence is not an emergency. Do they need to be micro potty managed?
got bored and started larping as christians
I thought they adopt ancap accel shits
Would Ayn Rand have approved of 2019 Disney?
They grew up.
Whould you?
Nabakov is a retard anyway so his opinion doesn't matter art hoe
This series of interviews made me realize that Ayn Rand is just Nazi fascist ideology, but transformed by hyper-individualism.
>morality is artificially constructed by those who want you to submit to them
>the highest virtue is achievement through work, the highest sin is to hate someone for his work achievement
>God is dead and rationality rules
>but only my rationality
Does anyone agree? I haven't read any Ayn Rand, so I don't know shit. Would anyone contradict this comparison?
>Where did all the Rand posters go?
They were kept out by wicked machinations of the neo-Kantian gatekeepers
What made you think we went anywhere?
What kind of person makes a post like this? Fascism BUT hyper individualist? You're a retard.
We grew up
Any integrated ideological belief system is like that.
X things are bad in society
Y people who perpetuate X according to ideology A are bad and need to be eradicated
Only folks who follow ideology A are good, however subjective intepretation of A's doctrine leads to internal strife
If we got rid of X we would have utopia Z
Utopia Z is only accessible thru the proper application of ideology A, and any other manner is a grave sin that can only lead to ruin according to A
Replace ideology with religion and utopia with heaven, afterlife etc. and you get my point. Ideology is religion.
Nice ideology
fpbp as usual
Advocates for disintegration such as yourself are the pinnacle of pseudery.
Am I wrong, though? It might not be every ideology and religion but it sure as hell seems to apply to a lot of them. I don't feel abstracting is wrong.
I am one, I refuse to debate retards on Yea Forums
Got btfo
This unironically, they're all perverts in sexual slavery since they don't believe in macro moral systems (unironically)
>macro moral systems
Translation: non-collectivist moral systems.
We treat ethics as a knowable absolute. You're just talking out of your ass. Lmao especially that "sexual slavery" part.
Wholly. The merit or demerit of any given philosophy is contextual all the way down to it's philosophic roots and opperants. You fags are the centrists of phil.
Literally grew into incels from their adolescent shells and thus now hate her not sure to her actual flaws but because she's a woman
Objectivists laugh at the impotency of method incels and mgtow both succumb to.
Objectivism is opposed to a certain little philosophic premise called the malevolent universe premise that is at the root of both.
Though why would I think any critical thought went into the use of your faggot little maymay buzzword?
Occasionally post but prefer less stagnant, reddit infested forums.
You think fascism is hyper individualist? What about the Nazi push for volksgemeinschaft, and Mussolini's "nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"? What makes fascism individualistic?
I've never actually read any of her books desu
Hello, here comes the free marketplace with yet another great solution for this inhumane problem: Shove a catheter in his dick everytime his shift starts that redirects his piss.
they finished puberty
>I can't remember the title because it's too long.
They did it, they got someone more retarded than Rand to make her look smart by comparison. Wonder if they had to lobotomise the poor sod to get him to that level.
Jezus Christ, >Philosophy is the science...
How do you fuck up this fast, I thought she was at least educated on the basics??? It's a back and forth between who can be the most retarded in this interview.
>You think fascism is hyper individualist?
No. Reread my post.
In the manager's office maybe
Reminder that
100 Wealth
50 Might/Peace
95 Liberty
90 Progress
Is optimal Objectivist.
>Writing 101
Thanks for pointing this out.
If objectivism were either desired or optimal, the majority of people would be objectivist.
That the greedy are overrepresented at the top says more about what you consider the top and how exploitative the system is than it does about any kind of efficiency.
Sorry, but I really don't understand what your original post is trying to say.
>Fascism BUT hyper individualist?
This is the only thing you say that isn't an attack on me but on the idea. I took the capitalization of "but" to mean that that was the part you disagreed with. That seems to be incorrect, so would you correct me by elaborating? I'm genuinely interested in seeing the error in my thinking.
I suspect they grew up and became r/acc or breadpilled.
Reminds me of this.
You're fucking retarded congrats
tell me more. nobody here has even attempted to refute my idea, except for
>hurr all ideology is bad because it might be wrong
It's actually not that far from the truth, nice post user
That's not Nazi m8 that's Nietzsche
to hell I hope
I was mocking the notion that fascism, the "bundle of sticks" ideology, can be in any respect individualist.
Yeah, the lack of communalism is what makes Rand's philosophy not fascism. The point of my original post was to imply that she took the other attributes of fascism, which I delineated, (though is right, I think at their core they're just Nietzschean principles) and made them pressing upon the individual instead of the community.
Just made myself think. Nietzsche was obsessively individualistic. Is Rand a crypto-Nietzschean?
You will discover Rand quite heavily criticized Nietzsche. I challange you to find one single philosophic operant with which Objectivism has in common.
Some form individualism could conceivably do that if it were rooted in a mysticist base, but Oism is not only individualism but based on the supremacy of reason and laissez faire. Hard-incompatible.
>Oism is not only individualism but based on the supremacy of reason
How can the supremacy of reason be anything but individualistic, if reason is done using only one's own faculties? Reason outside of self immediately becomes faith, no?
I think Rand is fascinating in being a book that affirms the norms of the ruling caste, namely the unabashed pursuit of self-interest being emblematic of their status, even their obligation back to society: they must be greedy or else who will build new cages? But I don't think that same ruling caste would ever need to read Rand, only talk to family, clan, their family accountants and attorneys, who would more or less put them on the same path, albeit without Rand's specific terminology, presumably. But for those beneath that caste, Rand's spellbinding reminds me of Zizek's "Virtual reality," facilitated by ideology. With Randian ideals, and they are ideals, unassailable, die-on-these-hills ideals, behaving as monolithic henges around which some captivating miasma ("OMG, John Galt is so free and embodies such pure, high ethics!") convinces people our system is actually emblematic of a Randian experiment, that it has indeed gone live at some uncatalogued date prior to their birth, and since then has manifested an albeit imperfect but quite pleasing and most of all productive set of solutions, all things we should be proud of for the sheer effort and achievements and crowning properties and bejeweled portfolios we've accumulated, all tick marks on a Randian rubric. Only most "Randians" don't seem to own much of anything, let alone wielding capital or piracy or revolution. Instead, in my limited experience, the Randian appears as the most zealously affirmative of the worst behaviors, seeing them as philosophical totems, proof that the system is pure and Randian and unfettered by anything beyond the owner's self interest. The most essential event to the philosophical development of the Randian beyond this state of profound servility is likely a series of sexual encounters that would complete their humanity, or else some sort of purely spiritual delivery.
jesus christ you are a damn idiot who does not understand objectivism. fuck you sjw piece of shit
tbf she might have meant it in the sense that hegel and marx use "science" (but i doubt)
Probably at a second amendment gun rally or putting up Gadsen flags in their mom's basement.
Do tell.
>Only most "Randians" don't seem to own much of anything, let alone wielding capital or piracy or revolution.
And you know this, how? Most people know what it looks like when people pull imagined invective out of their ass to more colorfully shit talk their ideological enemies cat.
One can extoll a thing, the individual for instance, but do it on faulty premises. Evasion and dis- or non-integrative thinking methods can contribute to this a can be done with most anything. This is the whole reason Rand stressed the development of one's philosophic framework and potency of their method as crucial.
I've never ever once heard cited within an explanation to any success by any CEO, CFO, COO nor board president or hedge fund manager or even any commodities trader the faintest quotation of Ayn Rand or "Objective-ism," as I think you people call it, let alone Atlas Shrugged as having supplied them with any insights about the real world and how you make money and gain power within it. Good God, Man, what counterpoints could you possibly supply? Is it really true about that secret Randian squad of gamer-quants that have applied their superlative glittering Randianisms to build their empires, their own John Galt's Gulches? I'm probably butchering all the nuanced wisdom hidden beneath the exploits of Dagny "Tagged Her" Taggart, one of the Twentieth Century's early era iconic roasties, who readers could imagine astride a new cock every chapter, really whenever Rand sensed she'd been too much of a sour puss about the ugly poor people and needed to spice things up a bit. The vexing fact that I'm in this dissgusting thread makes me feel wretched, like having learned you had eaten something filthy and horrible, horrifying even. That a human mind can read Ayn Rand and not feel immediately impoverished and ashamed poses more quandaries and conundrums to me than HIV bug-chasers, saline-inflationary fetishists and the poor lads who elect to have their scrotums full-force kicked, repeatedly. I'm certainly not one to scuttle the entire capitalist experiment, but I am quite bored of Randian Philistines professing any sort of learnedness or improvement from those books. Whatever it is they think they gained, I would impress upon them with all seriousness that they possessed that thing beforehand and some trick of the brain made them fixate upon it so. If I was pressed at a party to decide which books I would burn, and after making plenty of cautionary qualifications and woe-unto-you intonements about why this sort of game isn't even that fun and a sordid entertainment at its core, being a kind of burning of the human spirit itself in the act of burning a book, I would not at all reluctantly deliver a littany of whichever Ayn Rand books I could query on my phone beyond the most hilariously well known bound kindling that's still keeping her Granddaughters Plan B and her Grandson's PREP pills financed. I could say in all confidence before a jury of my peers or Goddess herself, that the human project, whatever else it must overcome, whatever feats or heights that await it, we shall reach it at no interruption or slowed pace by forgetting thing Romanian roastie's toastieposting.
>culture of greed
If only everyone were actually greedy, the world would be better.
I've never ever once heard cited within an explanation to any success by any CEO, CFO, COO nor board president or hedge fund manager or even any commodities trader the faintest quotation of Ayn Rand or "Objective-ism," as I think you people call it, let alone Atlas Shrugged as having supplied them with any insights about the real world and how you make money and gain power within it. Good God, Man, what counterpoints could you possibly supply? Is it really true about that secret Randian squad of gamer-quants that have applied their superlative glittering Randianisms to build their empires, their own John Galt's Gulches? I'm probably butchering all the nuanced wisdom hidden beneath the exploits of Dagny "Tagged Her" Taggart, one of the Twentieth Century's early era iconic roasties, who readers could imagine astride a new cock every chapter, really whenever Rand sensed she'd been too much of a sour puss about the ugly poor people and needed to spice things up a bit. The vexing fact that I'm in this dissgusting thread makes me feel wretched, like having learned you had eaten something filthy and horrible, horrifying even. That a human mind can read Ayn Rand and not feel immediately impoverished and ashamed poses more quandaries and conundrums to me than HIV bug-chasers, saline-inflationary fetishists and the poor lads who elect to have their scrotums full-force kicked, repeatedly. I'm certainly not one to scuttle the entire capitalist experiment, but I am quite bored of Randian Philistines professing any sort of learnedness or improvement from those books. Whatever it is they think they gained, I would impress upon them with all seriousness that they possessed that thing beforehand and some trick of the brain made them fixate upon it so. If I was pressed at a party to decide which books I would burn, after making plenty of cautionary qualifications and woe-unto-you intonements about why this sort of game isn't cute or fun and a sordid entertainment at its core, being a kind of burning of the human spirit in the act of burning a book, I would not at all reluctantly deliver a litany of whichever Ayn Rand books I could query on my phone, beyond those most hilariously well known bound kindlings that's are incredibly keeping her Granddaughters' Plan B and her Grandsons' PREP pills financed. I could say in all confidence before a jury of my peers or Goddess herself, that the human project, whatever else it must overcome, whatever feats or heights that await it, we shall reach it at no interruption or slowed pace by forgetting this Romanian roastie's toastieposting.
*and can be done with
This. Most people are just cruel.
for desk dicksucking company facebook memeslave
They became Nazis when the SJWs tried to steal their video games and ponies.
fucking BASED
I've read Atlas Shrugged. Don't regret reading it, but it took 5 months to slog through, and I only started to agree with objectivism many months after. Overall, Peikoff > Rand, read his shit instead of Rand's half-retarded letters and essays. See: youtube.com
>implying the majority of people are not braindead retarded like yourself
Listen cat if you insist on having malevolent shit such as buzzwords like roastie in your lexicon thats your bussiness, but why, having made it clear you hold Objectivism in such emotional disgust as you do, would you expect yourself to have encountered any of the meta-bussiness objectivist people in the world around us?
Egg meet face. All Objectivism ever asked of people was ask people stop assessing their own intellect in determinist fashion and actually start developing some potency of method in their goddamn lives.
Holy shit bro you got some deep seated resentment to work through. You can't refute a single word of John Galt's speech, you know it, and so you fantasize about shit like book burnings. When, presumably, the death blow to Rand would be the disinfecting light of day. Since she's so bad. Try not associating this evil shit you and your circles cook up to give voice to the dull terror you treat the world with with things that don't have anything to do with it.
Okay but it takes a village to raise a child.
Get bent Hillary.
Coke brothers stopped funding them.
>this thread
Asshurt over Rand will never die I see
And thus the puppet turns. Rand always makes me think of sex too weird to be sex, and much else more of broomsticks than electrolux ease. Which is also to say that charlatans make it their business to guarantee customer dissatisfaction.
>bootlickers are talking about us again
>wants current society but with even less protection for the poor
>fuggin bootlickers
They probably got into reading by way of Rand and then went back to television and games after a year.
More like less perpetuation of poorfaggotry.
Laissez nous faire faggot. It aint trickle-down, it's flood-down.
Greed the way Rand means it unironically did nothing wrong.
>Lisa Duggan
>Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York
Riiiight into the trash
Obviously all of them are rich entrepreneurs and if they ain't is the government's fault.