Tomo cunt, you based fucker

Tomo cunt, you based fucker

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>implying the education system is designed to turn out analytical thinkers

>more anti-intellectual right wingers moaning about bumptious college students
it's always the same shit with these guys

>muh lofty intellectuals should always be trusted
it's always the same shit with these guys

I don't know how people expect anything else when you are literally not allowed to have a bunch of opinions.

Most people's idea of an argument is associating their opponent with a low status group.

Notice how they never provide examples of things wrong with specific syllabuses or offer any amends the universities can make and instead pick out the most ardent and passionate left-wing college students who made a fool of themselves on a protest and extrapolate from this that universities aren't teaching them to think critically. Guess what, faggots? Young people being passionate about left-wing political causes isn't a new thing. Even Stirner mentions 'bumptious college students' in his book from the 1800s.

Left intellectual is an oxymoron, it is the economic beliefs of the less capable.

race differences. how about they fund studies, a shitload of studies on twins and adoption, to see whether the races are actually the same. Since there is a metric fuckton of money being extracted from whites and given to blacks on the basis that the gap in wealth between the two is due to discriminatjon and not innate differences.

While theyre at it they could do the same thing with the sexes

America should be burned to the ground, then the earth should be salted so nothing can ever grow there again. It is a country of intellectual and spiritual mediocrity, and its best minds are consistently ground into the dirt or forced into exile (Poe and Pound, to give two examples) while hacks like Thomas Sowell and that youtube tranny always getting spammed here are elevated to the status of public intellectual while earning tens of thousands by acting as platitude peddlers and mouthpieces of venal thinking.

>System is based on the 200 year old prussian model of turning humans into factory drones who don't bother their parents, long after the 1st industrial revolution (on the brink of the 5th IR) ended and our economy evolved past the industrial era.
>School spending has nearly quadrupled with no noticeable improvement in attainment
>Standardised testing designed to retard the growth of intellect to the pace of the slowest in a class.
>Overpaid, uninterested teachers who can't be fired, who will keep taking out paychecks until they fucking expire in 30 years.
>School aesthetic inspired by prisons.
And that's before we even start considering the universities.

Education has been dumbed down for a political purpose. It's serves both the right and left.

Be the elite minority who can think

what? is he retarded?

Public schools are glorified overfunded day-care centers. Private schools are glorified underfunded day-care centers. Most 'students' shouldn't be in school but society provides no alternative, leaving the ~30% of kids who can function and excel in school to suffer at the hands of the 70% of idiots who are so stupid and bad that their parents don't mind paying taxes because those taxes support the schools that keep their idiot children out of their hair for most of the day.

>calling a based blackman stupid because left the democratic plantation
you are the real racists all along

>>Overpaid, uninterested teachers who can't be fired, who will keep taking out paychecks until they fucking expire in 30 years.
Don't forget teachers who retired from teaching and then come back to the workforce to teach because they have no other skills but still need a job because actual retirement is a fever-dream at this point
These people (mostly women) can't connect with their students in any meaningful way but continue to exert influence over the system because it's what they've done their entire adult lives
The American education system, like most American institutions, would be easy to fix if the FUCKING BOOMERS would just die off already

Nvm, I was stupid.

stop pretending to be me libshit

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>tfw no rhizomatically structured high school w/o organs in which to educate nomadically and produce an anti-Priest/King war machine in a totally decentralized manner

You can't teach "conflicting arguments" because of parents. Most Americans don't even believe in evolution.

It's a pretty good warning when anyone brings up prisons or the Prussians that their idiots. You know absolutely notting about the Prussian educational system if you think what exists today in anyway reflects it.

>You know absolutely notting about the Prussian educational system if you think what exists today in anyway reflects it.
Tell me more about how wrong it is

Every important work of art from the last 300 years has been produced by a leftist

What is the point in saying something this dumb and wrong?

what about triumph of the will? birth of a nation?


Isn't this nigga supposed to be dead lol

To make you mad

>that their idiots
That their idiots what user?

I said art, not fart

yay postmodernism!

Spoken like someone who's never read anything by Sowell. Also Straw-man.

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then why can't i call people niggers?

Fashits have only showed to the world just how anti-intellectual their rebellions are.

when God was handing out brains, you thought he said "trains" so you got the fuck out the way!

>a bad thing
if the fruits of intellect are you passing then i'm good cya

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