I frequently kiss my dog on the nose
I want to fuck
i dont like you
You don't even know me, son.
I like audiobooks.
I drink a bit too much lately
Had a wank thinking of my mom getting fucked by a dog in public.
I haven't drank in over four months but I've been binge eating like a mother fucker. All my efforts to lose weight fall short
I can't live an ascetic life. I want to fap and eat junk food.
Hearing confessions while not being a member of the clergy is an excommunicable offense. Tread lightly.
me too
When I was 20 i jerked off and wiped my dick in my little sister's panties which she apparently still wore later since i didnt hear anything
i drank alcohol the other day after a few months of avoiding it
i haven't been reading as much as i aspire to, i've been watching game of thrones and sleeping all day instead
flesh and slavepilled.
Write a book on this
I cut whole pages out of my projects if I'm too pessimistic about the odds of particular passages being redrafted into something of value.
You fell off hard,
Flesh is all there is. Nothing exists beyond matter. Can't prove me otherwise. All religious doctrines are false.
I like OP, however. That is my confession.
Having romantic daydreams about you right now.
I can't live without people
Well Father, I’m a compulsive liar in real life after having dealt with an unsavory family and assholish people. Wish I wasn’t but you know the environment turned me into this what can I say.
Is the sentiment you just conveyed something made of flesh, or anything else physical for that matter...?
Father... I'm listening to audiobooks. Every day. Please forgive me.
I tell posters to have sex, but I have never had sex
I’ve cheated on my gf over six times and idk why
End the relationship and let her find someone who loves her.