Hard work, Anons, that is one of the most important things. I found a Russian website that mentions how fanatically Tolstoy worked on war and Peace. I copied the material on Google translate and changed into English. Here’s the more interesting parts:
>How Tolstoy worked
If this definition required evidence, then Tolstoy's creative activity could serve as the best illustration of it. Describing the extraordinary working capacity of Tolstoy, Dr. D. P. Makovntsky, who knew the great writer closely, noted: “Lev Nikolayevich worked every day, worked every hour, overcoming himself to do what was needed. He was merciless with himself. Leni did not know ... He, like the Chinese, did not recognize holidays. ”
First of all, the exceptional scope of Tolstoy’s self-educational work, his immense thirst for knowledge, are striking. By the end of his life, Tolstoy, according to the same Makovitsky, knew the following languages: French, German, English (perfectly), Italian (translated freely), Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew (knew well), Polish, Czech, Serbian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Ukrainian. It speaks of the great culture of a great writer.
The width of the self-educational work of Tolstoy is also evidenced by his Yasnaya Polyana library; several thousand volumes of it are stored on their pages interesting notes Tolstoy.
In the work of Tolstoy, he is struck by his extraordinary demands on himself as an artist of the word. A necessary condition for creativity, he considered the assimilation of the experience of all other writers. He systematically and unusually read a lot. He declared: “The right way is this: digest what your predecessors did, and move on.”
Literature for Tolstoy was the work of his life, in which he invested his whole soul. Only with such an attitude toward literature is, from the point of view of Tolstoy, the activity of the writer possible. “A work of art is the fruit of love,” he said. He himself worked passionately, with excitement, with passion. In 1864, Tolstoy wrote in his diary: "Today in the morning he dictated about an hour to Tanya, well, calmly, without excitement, and without excitement our writing business will not happen."