Critique thread - Comrade Delusional Edition.
>Read and give advice on two previous posts when you post your stuff.
Try to read as much as you want people to read yours. We all love to get someone reading us.
I'll critique the two following posts.
‘Remember that trip we took?’ I do. ‘twas good’. We took several trips but I don’t really care about which one he is thinking off. I agree though. ‘twas good. Good trips, good friends, better times. Matt leans over, whispers. ‘Remember the girls?’
I do remember the girls. He laughs harder than me tops of my drink. I want ice but I don’t have to ask for ice. Hannah goes ‘Dinner is served’ so Dan raises the volume on the record player and heads to the kitchen; the girls finish setting the table.
‘Where’s the bathroom’
Dan yells back from the kitchen ‘By the stairs, first door to the right.’
Nice place. Small, cozy. I find the bathroom, half bathroom, so they must have a full one upstairs. Bet its nice. I wash my hands and dry them on the towels we gave them as a housewarming gift. Do you think she put those out on purpose?
I get out, Maria is waiting. I point at the towels she smiles and nods. I start walking towards the kitchen but she tugs on my sleeve. ‘Did you ask him about-’ ‘No, I will after dinner’ ‘Good’ she says.
‘Is she a great cook or what?’
She is. ‘She is!’
Maria asks Hannah for her casserole recipe but I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a while. Maria says ‘Why don’t you boys go refresh your drinks while we clean this up’
‘Pie is almost ready too’ Such a great cook.
The record is over, so Dan puts another one in. Then he opens the bottle I brought and pours two, ice on mine.
‘I tell you, I’ve put on at least five pounds since we moved in.’ ‘I didn’t know how to tell you.’ He chuckles. ‘Nice kitchen you got there. Spacious.’ He gets his cigarettes from the bar and offers me one. ‘She loves it. Spends the day there.’ One won’t hurt.