I want to quit masturbation for life. What are some good books on asceticism?
I want to quit masturbation for life. What are some good books on asceticism?
KJV Bible
start by quitting this board
The Philokalia vol. 1, if you go past that you'll get some crappy schismatic E.O stuff
Also St. Francis de Sales is right when he says you ought to have a mindset where you'd rather die than commit a single mortal sin, which if you're not a Christian doesn't make sense - but then you'll never really be able to rid yourself of the scourge of masturbation or do anything useful with such a purging without having entrusted your merits to Christ so why even bother until you've at least reached that level.
Yea Forums is not all that bad compared to the rest of the internet - getting shouted at by the more morally on the level religious people here can be a good experience.
ikr right, i larp as a christian solely to tell other people what to do while my life is in shambles
Then actually accept Christ
Find a mate/spouse. It changes you.
You'll never want to have sex again.
Yea Forums is terrible. It's a timewaster and a swamp of existential angst and bitter rage. If you don't realize that you'd be well rid of it then you probably aren't capable of doing anything better with your time anyway.
How do you know if you've done it correctly? The entrusting/accepting
>Implying anger and rage don't fuel my bitter heart.
>do anything useful with such a purging without having entrusted your merits to Christ
What if I have almost zero belief in religion? I don't see masturbation (without porn) as a sin, but I want to find more reasons to purge it, as it goes hand in hand with modern sex-obsession and hedonism.
Asceticism is decadent. Unironically Aristotle was right, mediation is virtue.
Fuel it to what end? You could be reading right now.
>Implying I read while I work or drink.
Perhaps the most important thing to understand here, aside from the fact that self-improvement is intrinsically gratifying, is the relationship between perfection and faith. There is a “difference of type” between you and God; you occupy a particular location in reality on just one level of existence. God, however, is omnipresent, or “everywhere”, and occupies all levels of existence. This allows God to possess a great deal more knowledge than any human being. Thus, God alone has the knowledge and integrity to be “perfect”. Men, on the other hand, cannot always tell the difference between what is perfect and what is not, are sometimes caught in morally ambiguous no-win situations, and unavoidably deviate from any meaningful standard of perfection. The closest a man can come to perfection is to constantly strive toward it; its best approximation is the process of faithfully seeking it. How well and how faithfully you seek it determines how far you spiritually progress or regress. This is a cumulative process which requires that intelligent, morally sound choices constantly be made. How good you are at making these choices, and how much useful information you actually gain and correctly apply for that purpose despite risk, adversity, difficulty, and disappointment, decide your outcome.
This process naturally couples with faith, or a sincere desire to strengthen your connection with God and thereby approach the incorruptible standard of perfection that God represents. Where “good” is basically synonymous with “God”, to “do good works” while denying God is a contradiction; one cannot approach an ideal of goodness or perfection that one denies. Thus, to seek perfection without faith in God is pointless. Returning to the nature of proof, no matter how much you think you’ve accomplished through “good works”, you have no way of “checking your solution”. For all you know, the “good” you do may eventually turn out to have facilitated evil. Naturally, any claim that your heart was in the right place is ultimately subject to verification by God Himself, and God cannot be fooled. Asking God for guidance and inspiration can be of enormous value … but without the proper insightful and well-intentioned kind of faith, one cannot always tell whether the guidance is really coming from God. (No one ever said it was easy to be human, and sometimes one can use a little help from above. That’s one place where faith comes in handy.)
This is the last safe place where people can be honest in their opinions as their is nothing to be gained or lost with each post.
You speak of honesty, yet most of the posters on this board are so deeply ironic they don't even know what they really feel. This board is full of reactionaries taking the most extreme possible positions to get (You)s
a good conversation with a well read person in the real world is more honest than this place and more healthy.
keep telling yourself that.
It’s not necessarily about honestly. If challenged about a sensitive issue, I can follow the idea without restriction from social pressure which happens even with close friends.
Also larping takes a good deal of empathy and intelligence. I’ve actually learnt new perspectives when deep in a larp.
Asceticism is just Hedonism since you are taking pleasure in self-denial
>good books on asceticism
Reading good books is a form of indulgence, so there are no good ascetic books. Nor are there any bad ascetic books, because that would make them good by virtue of being bad.
Start by blocking images on this board and enabling thread watcher to use catalog.
The only way you "accept" Christ is by chasing after him.
Projecting. Asceticism in its highest stage is to go completely beyond the duality of pleasure and pain and experience inner joy wherein no external forces can change man from his inner stability. Only in the modern era with its degeneration of spirituality has asceticism taken on such a definition as you describe. Traditionally, it was a means to an end and not an end in of itself for some sort of foolish self-loathing sentimentalism.
Mr. Langan I was wondering what your view on Hegel was?
As well in your response to determinism you replied that reality is consequently unfolding and moving so it equates to us experiencing the immediate rather than simply experiencing a pre-destined fate. However I think that was besides the point as determinism goes by the fact that we exist within a finite world and so there will always be one direction of history, we may view it in poetic terms by history never stops as it is simply the actualisation of time recorded. If there shall always be one result that may be known by an omniscient being who created us in a sense while knowing the result there cannot be a free will in the traditional sense. A man cannot change his fate as he has made it himself out of the dough of reality and so I leave it at an almost contradictory view in which free will remains actuated as a prospect of our consciousness along with us being bound by a certain which is named by existence as determinism.
>sleeping around is the same thing as disciplining yourself and living a morally virtuous life
what a cope
this - believe it or not you can use media prudently without falling into the Puritan ban everything trap.
Catholics are right to condemn only the misuse of alcohol, not its entire use unconditionally.
You completely misinterpret the meaning of asceticism. It is not to simply deny pleasure but rather deny the self so as to be united with God. No one says an ascetic can't experience pleasure if it is incidental to a particular "indulgent" experience The Philokalia says that Monks are allowed to eat multiple times a day if a visitor insists. This would be an indulgence in your terms, but to see it in such terms is far too narrow. Rather, the only error comes if their mind becomes attached to the experience and mistakenly narrows their consciousness to that particular sensory experience instead of the transcendent consciousness of God attained through inner stillness.
>make them good by virtue of being bad
It was a joke post, my friend.
Are you a Jungian? It seems some of your beliefs could coincide with the Jungian concepts such as the collective unconscious.
Does it also not seem likely that one exist within these multiple reality's? How does God actualise or have an end goal/purpose if he himself is apart from time? You state that this purpose was self improvement (I understand this is a very basic expression of it however it stands as a correct terming) how can one apart from time actualise and what purpose would one need to actualise if he himself was apart from time and so apart from morality.
Ignore this fool
You may think its a joke post, but many people truly believe that
Good clarification.
When you have a taste of sin, you can never escape it's grip.
You will masturbate forever user, it's grip is vacuum tight
You should of stopped when you lost your virginity, and if you'r still a virgin then still you should of stopped at 14.
Kill yourself, cumbrain.
Thanks for writing that out. I'll have to keep thinking about it. Do you know any books that discuss goodness without God or vice versa? Also, how would you reconcile all the people and religions throughout time who seek perfection but don't believe in a single God, but maybe believe in a pantheon of gods or simply spiritual pureness or what have you.
>Yea Forums- literature and zoomers asking for advice on how to stop watching porn
>comes to a pornographic imageboard
>waah why aren't people ashamed of porn like me!
show me 1 good thread actually about literature
This is a literature board. Not ashamed of it. It's a terrible habit that only enslaves and wastes time and fatigues you. Even the most amoral atheist can despise porn for these reasons.
Sorry, it was written by Chris Langan, not me. Should have provided the source... here it is. - knowledgebase.ctmu.net
Not possible to prolifically read distraction free without first beating this habit.
This is based.
literature board, cumbrain
Theologica Germanica
Most lives of saints
>Not possible to prolifically read distraction free without first beating this habit.
really? lol
get some books on prostate cancer, itll cum in handy.
Indeed. Abstinence protects against developing prostate cancer, mental midget.
>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age
>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s
>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.
have sex incel, it's not that hard.
Accomplishes nothing unless procreation ensues. Serves only to weaken the physical constitution and entrench one further in the habit of doing it yet again and again and again and again ad naseum until death. That's no way to live. That's surrendering all our higher elements and directing them for the purpose of attaining base, ephemeral, blind wanton pleasure.
It's all theoretical to you. You'll understand one day when you break down and buy a prostitute
>"hello fellow nofap intellectuals you see i am not an incel I am a vocel mgtow. I do have sex not because I can socially autistic! I do it for my health!"
>so enslaved to sexual vice he can't contemplate any thought process that doesn't involve it and related buzzwords
I've had girlfriends before. Sex is unfulfilling and becomes the centerpiece of your life.
I'm def an incel but jerkin and squerkin on my dinglething aint a good way to be an incel
Yea Forums is mostly fine. Yea Forums is an addiction that I can’t cut
Boomer degeneracy.
You should've listened to my posts leading up to April where I told you it was your last chance. It was piss easy for me to leave that hellhole when I knew the only thing I would be missing was GOT and endgame reddit shit for months. feelsgoodman
God literally does not care. the New Testament made that abundantly clear; believe in the Holy Trinity, and you are saved, no exceptions. why do you think God still cares about your penis?
t. Brainlet.
t. hasn't read the New Testament and is theologically Jewish in all but name
he's right incel. just because you're ashamed of your dirty penis doesn't mean other people can't whack off and live a healthy life.
>Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
>For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
I dont beleive in God. The idea that the representation of perfection and incorruptiblity would encourage a terrible habit that causes one to waste his life, can only be the thought of a religious brainlet who is only rationalizing his bad behaviors to be compatible with his theological framework, a massive cope. His interest in religion is probably only to feel good and delude himself into some vision of eternal life where sunshine and rainbows await. Whereas greater men in times past used it as a means of rising above our baser inclinations, even if it was false, it still was useful.
i'm not reading all your gay shit dude jerk off or don't but don't tell me what to do.
>cumbrain can't muster the focus to read a post.
i'm not gonna waste time I could be learning how to seduce women but instead I'm talking to you about how you want me to proofread your novel about other people cumming in socks
>secular justification for not touching an external organ
lol literally worse than people with legitimate porn addictions
Case in point.
to be fair it is a pretty long and boring post dude.
I struggled with masturbation and porn addiction for years.
Now I'm completely cleaned up but I payed a high price.
Now I have nightmares every night, I wake up feeling sick and get bad panic attacks.
I've been struggling not to throw up every morning when I wake up and or when I feel lonely and hopeless.
I've had trouble last evening, I could barely hold up and so far this morning I'm doing okay, maybe I'll even eat something later.
I will resist though, whatever happens I will keep up down this road.
for you.
you guys seem sensitive about this topic
They're hopelessly addicted and cannot see life without it. Lost causes. Too late for them.
why should I live like a monk because some autist on 4channel is scared of his cock's shadow? it's ridiculous an incel would ever try to tell me what to do or give me advice like he's my equal and not a disgusting subhuman.
I mean it's basically blah blah blah blah don't masturbate blah blah blah
>pretty long
It's like 3 sentences ffs
for you.
Masturbation has consequences.
>sitting around
>see something arousing because this is Yea Forums
>jerk off
I’m kind of indifferent. It’s certainly a waste of time, but every day we waste massive amount is time anyway. Whenever I’m actually busy with something, I don’t jerk off.
Lust indulged becomes habit and habit unresisted becomes necessity.
not really, we're not the ones getting really fucking triggered over masturbation
for you
>reduced risk of prostate cancer
>reduced irritability
>increased testosterone
>something to do when you're bored
I'm not seeing a downside
>>reduced risk of prostate cancer
im not religious and jerk off all the time, i just dont get butthurt about people suggesting it might be bad because i dont care, it's vice number like 25 on the list
It's worse than opiates and cigarettes were for me. For me it's vice #1.
Start by stopping to watch porn. I don't think there is anything wrong with masturbating occasionally.
Also, what's probably most important, is that you get your technology habits in check.
those priests fuck little boys all the time tho. they probably come more than me.
because he's been proven wrong again and again
you're old news gramps, this is a spiritual war
shit in your time was childs play
The only person you are proving wrong is yourself with your low IQ stylometry and poor arguments. You make pro masturbation people look like complete morons raging whenever they see someone talk about discarding this habit.
>i just dont get butthurt about people suggesting it might be bad because i dont care
I also don't care if these people think X opinion about masturbation. the problem is that they are, in the process, committing blasphemy, and I will not tolerate that
>tfw don't believe in God and view masturbation as a terrible compulsion that makes you fatigued and mediocre
>don't talk about priests buttfucking me when I was a kid
is that why you're so ashamed of sex? be honest did someone diddle you?
yes, but you can't justify making that value judgement without god. okay, masturbation makes you fatigued and mediocre. so what? you're just a bacteria on a speck of dust? what's so terrible about it?
I never said I was ashamed of sex in the first place.
I was raised in an irreligious household.
Everything. I want agency over my life at the very least. The base pleasures are ephemeral and ruin enjoyment of everything else.
I notice how you didn't deny you were pumped and dumped though.
You didn't say that.
But that's just your opinion. You're not basing it on anything that would ground those beliefs in relation to an objective purpose or standard that would make it actually "bad" (namely, God).
I'm about to give up on no porn. I'm not strong enough to stay away
Don't do it. God expects better of you.
it's too late now you've basically admitted that you were raped as a child, that some man put his bratwurst in your chocolate pocket.
and you've grown up to be the kind of man that genuinely spends time discouraging strangers from masturbating on an anonymous Malaysian basket weaving board
for shame
How do I stay strong though?
you don't need porn. masturbate to your imagination. masturbation is fine, it's porn that's soul-degrading
>some man put his bratwurst in your chocolate pocket
you are absolutely not helping our case here
Logical conclusion of "no porn": it reactives past memories of porn and maintains the habit it first caused. At best no porn is akin to chronic methadone treatment. It didn't solve the core of the problem.
Best strategy is images (no videos or GIFS) and gradually cutting out masturbation. Only real path to freedom.
Reading comprehension 0/10. Failure.
here you go bro
Pray. Ask God for his strength, ask Him to use you for what He knows is best; a higher purpose. Do this with sincerity.
Fucking gross woman, even photoshop and makeup don't fully hide it.
I'm the only person here who will give you good recs because the rest of these faggots are out here pontificating about morals and shit.
- Cupid's Poisoned Arrow - Marnia Robinson
Pretty much goes in depth on human mating cycles and how masturbation and orgasm fucks up people and their sexual relationships. Goes into christian, taoist, hindu, islamic, and buddhist teachings on the practice of abstinence. It's a good read.
- Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Not really a book about not fapping but it's philosophy might be helpful. Basically quit being a slave to your desires.
- Tao Te Ching - Lao Tsu -
Ancient chinese wisdom similar to meditations in its wisdom.
- Narcissus and Goldmund - Herman Hesse
classic Hesse novel concerning the duality of two men raised in the same monastery wherein one lives the life of a devout monk and the other lives for hedonistic pleasure and fulfillment of artistic desire. It's a very left brain/right brain thing but it's pretty relatable.
you're gay dude
you're also gay
shut up i hope you get raped again
>cumbrain.exe has stopped working
If you think that woman is the peak of attractiveness I think it's more likely that you're a gay guy LARPing as straight. Because that woman looks like a caricature of what women think men want, it's almost uncanny
I seem to have struck a nerve by bringing up your childhood rape. triggered much?
post a 10/10 then you low test cuck
I wasn't. You're literally inventing narratives. Your thought process is delusional and precisely why the alienists and psychiatrists of the 19th and 20th centuries circa respectively thought sexual excesses played a role in the development of insanity.
not him, but you have to admit that you literally haven't explicitly denied his claim yet
>I wasn't.
That part of his claim was explicitly denied, brainlet.
I'm trying not to look at porn remember?
it didn't appear that way. without clarification, it looked like a denial of being triggered, not of being raped. if you intended to deny being raped with it, then it was an implicit denial. I'm still not seeing an explicit denial
>I wasn't.
that's because this dude's dad was a buttpirate and his asshole was treasure fucking island
whatever fag
you just won't admit it because it undermines your argument.
>...triggered much?
>I wasn't.
seems pretty cut and dry to me
>dad was a buttpirate and his asshole was treasure fucking island
holy shit you are seriously not helping our case at all
basedboy beta cuck detected.
fat fuck
not an argument
im not even sure what your case is
What is your problem? Why are you so triggered by the posters in this thread of all things?
I'm just carrying on a conversation with my crew, famalam. You're the one who is incredibly uptight and weak, probably because you were molested as a child and you've convinced yourself a magical sky fairy will be angry if you masturbate.
I always forget Yea Forums has literal 16 year olds browsing it
not him, not an argument
Why would it be an argument? It's just a comment. This isn't a debate
ad hominem
>This isn't a debate
not anymore because you lost
Is it possible to be addicted to jerking off? I've been doing it since I was 7 and I have found it's my go to activity whenever bored, anxious or idle (and often when I'm none of these things). I find wanking represents my general inability to overcome my desire for physical comfort and easy pleasure which is causing my procrastination and social awkwardness and ruining my life.
People go on about porn addiction but I definitely don't have that. I don't always use porn to jerk off and have often found it unappealing and decadent. The artifice of professional hardcore porn puts me right off. Most of the stuff I watch is poorly shot amateur stuff and videos of people fucking escorts; only once in a blue moon will I watch some professionally done porn.
You don't care about astronomy or have any control over yourself if you masturbate. It's even more pathetic than being religious.
the mind is more impressive than any object in the universe, bugman. of course controlling it is of foremost importance.
I have masturbated to everything legally allowed and some borderline unethical/ embarassing shit when I was a teen.
I quitted porn about a month ago in utter shame for the degenerate maggot I was.
Now I feel like dying just at the thought of it.
I completely fucked my mind to the point where I look for sexual connotations in everything and everyone.
I am a broken person .
Abstinence has made me more self conscious about my past and the crippling loneliness stops me from being a productive individual.
This summer is gonna be hell for me.
Too much free time will mean that I'll become an idle sickly, anxiety stricken person.
Good luck user. Never had this psychosomatic guilt problem so don't have any advice. I stuck to the normal stuff and didn't even feel bad. Just felt tired, hypersexual and unmotivated for at least the next 16 to 24 hours. Happened with any release, even sex. Just remember most people are hopelessly addicted to sexual releases and for you to realize it's a problem puts you a notch above the rest.
Thank you user.
I will continue down this road and see where it leads me
amazing that people get this far without thinking "maybe it's the abstinence that's fucking me up, maybe masturbation really is a normal and completely okay thing to do"
Nothing that can cause such pain and humiliation can be okay, not for me at least.
Would you tell a meth addict going through withdrawals that he should get back on it to stop feeling bad?
Why? Scripture says nothing of it.
>deny the self so as to be united with God
Zero-sum is Satanic.
no thanks
>>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.
Wouldn't this further prove the point given that Catholic priests rape so much that even the Catholic Church is forced to admit it?
Based. Not a believer but I picked up the crusty old bible I got for my birth. Has some nice redpills, I especially recommend John, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs.
The Bhagavad Gita is not strictly a book about asceticism, but you should still find it to be helpful
Shut up
>conveniently choosing to ignore the first study and assert a claim that goes way about the statistical incident by occupation
>being this Sola Scriptura
Bible also doesn't say anything about what you should eat for dinner tonight, but I guess you're going to have to figure that out anyways somehow right?
Not about asceticism but if you want to quit masturbation read Libido Dominandi.