
I wanna learn about the Kabbalah what are objectively the best books for doing so?

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Wrong one. Hold on a sec....

Okay Nick.

ive waited 11 minutes have you blueballed me?

The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford: Dilettante's Guide to What You Do and Do Not Need to Know to Become a Qabalist.

It's here somewhere.... Maybe you should come back later when you're ready.

gatekeeping is cringe

Gershom Scholem is best. This is a great intro, but he's written lots of other works on Kabbalah as well. Famous in the sixties for making the Kabbalah accessible to Gentiles

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Occult Church of rome by Michael Hoffman

I really don't know why this book is recommended. The first part is just his interpretation of comparative religion and Jewish identity. This book feels more like a historigraphical study than one on the kabbalah.

That’s the catch-22 of Religious Studies. If you want to be taken seriously in the field you can never treat religion as though it is objective or true, yet you can never deny it being true either. The only workaround is to do what Scholem does and present multiple interpretations. However, there is some good stuff regardless, it explains what the concept of Shekhina and Malkuth are, the possibly metamorphic nature of the Torah, Adam as God, the sexuality of God, the traumatic change from Ayn Sof to Yahweh. I still think it’s a better first step than occultist writers who will try to sell one version of the Kabbalah as if it’s the definitive interpretation.

Zohar, good luck if you don't know hebrew, massive pleb filter.

There was an user a month or so ago, who seemed fairly knowledgeable on the subject and said Aryeh Kaplan is the best and doesn't add any Hermetic or occultist bullshit either.

Kabbalah is a medieval fabrication inspired by "neo"Platonism, nothing about it is ancient or special.

Attached: ea4d840fe78860fed2112f87a603db61--ancient-greek-greece.jpg (544x715, 46K)

why would you waste your time on this meme. Just read about real judaism, it's more interesting

The fucking boy. Scholem-Benjamin gang for life

>Putting Crowley with gnostic books


What are some good starting points? I thought it would be good to start here since I know some things about the Kabbalah and understanding it further would be an alright stepping stone for reading more stuff like it.

Orphic Poems
Golden Sayings of Phytagoras
Chaldean Oracles
Iamblichus' On the mysteries
The Theology of Arithmetic
The Elements of Theology

I guess I would start from the Talmud and get into Rabbinic commentary.


There's a reason rabbis are stereotyped as deeply introspective, pondersome men. Lots of wisdom in this work. Also some stuff about how Christians suck

Alternatively, if you don't want to slog through the Talmud and look for things that interest you, you can look at the decisions of modern day rabbinic authorities on contemporary issues. I think it's pretty neat

Check out reb Feinstein's rulings on some major 20th century topics


>gatekeeping is cringe
Tumblr exodus

Talmud is not Kabbalah; there's only a few oblique references to studying the Chariot
Check out David Chaim Smith for an interesting take on the subject
Also, see this article for more explicit information on Jewish Tantra: esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeII/Blake.html

More specifically, there is a thread of ancient wisdom running from Plato and Philo through to the Gnostics and Kabbalists. It is absurd that Jews would appropriate the ideas of a Christian heresy, so it must be that it represents authentic Tradition. Harmonize and synthesize.

>it is absurd that Jews would X
doesn't sound absurd at all


>Umberto Eco
This board man wtf

try asking in the occultism and magic general on /x/

why is Joyce on that list?