Why are women attracted by serial killers?

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what'd the video say, OP?

women are attracted to "rule breakers" because they think he'll break the rules in support of her and her offspring by him.

what they don't realize is that sociopaths like that tend to get a woman pregnant and then move on to the next hole, leaving her to bring up his sprogs. she's lucky if he doesn't come back to check up on her.


did not watch the video but
I can only assume it has something to do with what women always seek in power: power/dominance
serial killers may be rejects from society, but the act of killing in itself is an establishment of power over someone, plus some "smarter" women seek out men who are at the top of outside hierarchies, inculcating the idea that society is made of morons and consequently those who operate outside of its rules have access to some sort of esoteric power

also I'm not trying to sound like a petersonbucko, just those are frankly veryn apt descriptions imo

>seek in power
meant seek in men, sorry

someone who can literally kill others at will and feel nothing is unironically a good choice for a mate (in a dangerous setting, not in a PA suburb or something); the kind attraction some women experience towards serial killers is probably atavistic in nature, as the only thing having a serial killer for a partner will get you in 2019 is a 20/20 interview and a charge for murder accessory

theyre not bro just a handful of druggees or white trashes that'll nail anything that twitches

Why are men attracted to women who are serial killers?

This thread is bad. Why do people on the internet talk about women as the 'other'?

The sexual dismorphism of the human specie.

you must be a woman

it would be totally acceptable to entertain a conversation focusing on negative traits of men and you know it
horrid b8; don't even get a (You)

women's priorities are antithetical to society which is man's priority

Well it s sorova normall I guessssss bc society, inequality, social media, and tv but oh dont you dare mention biology.

I'm not a woman, but all of this baseless theorizing is annoying. How do we know these are negative traits of a certain gender? We can't just say things and expect them to be true? Also, I have never met a man that has acted just like another man on an individual scale. I have also never met a woman that has acted like another woman on an individual scale.

Even Otto Weininger admits that people are compromised of varying degrees of masculine and feminine.

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Maybe in Aristotle's time, but not today. Which incidentally explains the state society finds itself in.

Uses gender instead of sex
>opinion discarded

see this is an interesting contribution, why were you asking why this thread even existed?

>How do we know these are negative traits of a certain gender?
I'd say taht the phenomenon we observe (women who love serial killers) may not be representative necesarily of something feminine/womanly, but the very wealth of evidence lends to an interesting discussion. of course it's fair to say that the focus on women is caused largely by the prominence of MALE serial killers (thereby more likely to attract women) but ultimately what can be done about that to rectify a grand injustice but to have a separate thread about all the creepy guys obsessed with female murderers, who I'm sure exist

>I have never met a man that has acted just like another man on an individual scale. I have also never met a woman that has acted like another woman on an individual scale.
but I would assume that you, if only because I know I have, have met people who act unlike indivudals. that is to say they act like steretypical representatives of the group. not to say this has anything to do realy wth women who love serial killers, but we can't just throw out oberservable mass phenomenons just because they're driven by individuals

>Even Otto Weininger admits that people are compromised of varying degrees of masculine and feminine.
I agree as well, but we can still talk about men or women as a group even if we have to accept that it is not 100% accurate

feminism is correlated with the downfall of multiple societies, including our current one with it's dropping IQ

Is feminism the cause or the result of dropping IQ in western countries?

its* phoneposting.

they are correlated.

God I hate regular people

baka people don't even bother with "books for/about x?" anymore


*if the rule breakers are attractive

All black pilled people are basically edgy normies, desu. They don't think about their world view critically, they claim that their world view is informed by statistics(ew) and logic but once you really press them, they end up either saying 'cope' or something similar to the statement above.



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no one tells you cope unless you're coping, nobody calls you a cuck unless you're being a cuck.

chris watts isn't a serial killer.


He serially killed his family...


Why do men become serial killers?

probably because thats literallly all they are attracted to and everything else they settle for is jus the next closest thing

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that's a spree

the words of hypocrites are worth nothing


Killing is the dominion of men since time immemorial. It's in our blood.

*has been the dominion of men

based kekistanian

who the fuck is attracted to a girl who kills besides maybe boudicca? and i wouldnt even cause shed cut your dick off

I'm slightly attracted to cold and calculating women.

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So, all of them?

femme fatale is not literal killer

The best scientific expl. I've found for this is r/K selection theory.


It's used by some biologists to explain patters of mating behavior between predatory and prey animals. Many of the same scientists refuse to believe that humans are influenced by a similar dynamic, but the theory accounts for some women's infatuation with psychopaths.

It's all about gene dissemination strategy. Those women are attracted to men who fit the "live fast, die young" model of mating (or r-strategy), where an increased number of poorly nurtured offspring counterbalance a small number of highly nurtured young. This strategy works best in volatile, unpredictable environments: ecologies where mortality rates are high. The idea is that most of your children are going to die, so you want to pump out as many as possible. Given that sociability and agreeableness aren't good strategies within these environments, they're naturally attracted to men who show absolute disregard for the rules — beyond fucking and power.

You see this in contemporary sub-Saharan Africa. It's existed all over the world at various times. Today Europe and America tend to favor K-selection (i.e. small number of well-nurtured children with fathers who follow the rules), but this might change as the 3rd world encroaches.

In short, some women's brains are wired to find psychopaths attractive b/c psychopaths fit a specific type of ideal mating strategy.

this doesn't even make sense, they want to fuck serial killers because serial killers will get them pregnant? not hard to find a guy willing to do that

I wouldn't say at will. More like killing in surprise. I'm sure most serial killers don't just attack people, they stalk

>some women's brains are wired to find psychopaths attractive b/c psychopaths fit a specific type of ideal mating strategy.

It's also telling that young girls seem most attracted to psychopathic boys, to the extent that some go through phases where they only date these types (see: trashy white sluts fucking ghetto blacks), only to "grow out" of it by their mid-20s or so, when they unconsciously realize they've chosen a hellscape (vs a civilized) mating strategy. The ones that got knocked up are often fucked to exist in hell world. The ones who didn't can sometimes recover, marry a non-psychopath, and rejoin K-selection world.

No, they want to fuck a serial killer b/c the serial killer's genetic profile is better adapted to an environment governed by r-selection. So their kids who survive will carry on the r-selection ideal. Plenty of studies show that psychopathy is hereditary.

How many men wrote love letters to Ilse Koch, Myra Hindley or Aileen Wormouis?


Women are attracted to prominent people like actors, sportmen, oh and yes mass murderers

>not hard to find a guy willing to do that
lol, thinking its likely to find a responsible and career focused guy whos just going to get bitches pregnant without thinking about the future of his kids, wtf are talking about

The explanations given in this video are retarded. It's 7+ minutes of emotional rationalizations for genetic urges.

"Stronk wamen naturally attracted to bad boyz girrrll...."

Fuck off. It's hellscape vs. civilization. If civilization ever collapses, which periodically happens, psychopathic k-strategists have a genetic advantage over rule-following K-strategist men. There's something deep w/i women that's attracted to the former. When things go to shit, and societal restrictions are loosened, those women will jump at the chance to mate w/ the psychopath.

Will their lives be horrific and full of drama? Absolutely. But primal drives are fucking crazy.

Same reason those dumb men were attracted to the "yandere" who stabbed her co-worker in cold blood a few days ago. These kind of people are truly disgusting.

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'Cause they are dumb.

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>"I want to reward guys who torture innocent babies and children and women and animals with my pussy, and society HATES me for this :(((( ... wtf I'm so victimized :(((( ... can't ppl just let me like things :(((("

This. Can we just treat people as people?

You can, if you're pathologically allergic to pattern recognition

Reducing everything to in-grouping highly misrepresents reality.

ignoring patterns in human behavior highly misrepresents reality

Men like yandere because she's devoted, and proves her devotion, albeit in a negative way. The attraction to yandere likely results from a feeling that women aren't or will never be that devoted to them.

But why do women like serial killers? Serial killers aren't devoted, and will never be devoted. They're just strong, and emotionless. There is a difference. At least there's something slightly moral about the yandere's loyalty.

>me me me. I just want to share my love with human scum.
If I can grow out of masturbation, she can grow out of her attraction to evil. I hate the entitlement people have nowadays. No one thinks seeking virtue is a worthwhile cause anymore. Thanks gaytheism.

Now how this applies to the behavioral sink?