I will be reading this out loud to my wife tomorrow. Try and stop me, faggots

I will be reading this out loud to my wife tomorrow. Try and stop me, faggots.

I’ve waited, and waited, and waited
For someone like you
I waited, and waited, and waited
But I never thought that you would come

I though that you were a dream
A creation of my imagination
Nothing but a construction
But you’re real, realer than anything

You’ve disproved all the doubts I had
You’ve proven what it means to be one
One with another human soul
Nobody can feel what I can feel

How could they know, when they don’t have you?
How could they, when they don’t know love?
How could they, when they don’t know life?
You’re the greatest thing a man can get.

You’ve made me know what it means
To be a man, in this cursed world
With you, I can overcome it all
The world is paradise with you at my side

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>I’m having an affair with Jimmy from work

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Her pussy will dry up faster than the Aral sea.

writing poetry for your girl is patrician, but lose the
>You've made me know what it means
>to be a man in this cursed world
Bro, a woman doesn't want to be with a guy who doesn't know what it means to be a man. you should know what it means to be a man without a woman. Yes, I know that "It's not good that a man should be alone", but you should change that into something along the lines of making you complete or whole. I'm serious and I'm trying to help you out. women need strength, and by saying that she makes you know what it means to be a man, well, that's just not strength.

the last line is great, but lose the first three lines of the last stanza and tell her something like how she's your missing rib.

let us know how it goes. hope you get laid at least

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>You're the greatest thing a man can get
don't call her a "thing"
also, Gillette already has that. youtu.be/ThDBf14qPsc?t=56

I guarantee you faggots, she will be on the end of my dick and begging for another baby.

...probably this. Women love when men write poems for them, as long as they like the man who writes it.

Poetry doesn't work with modern women bro. A girl I was sleeping with showed me a poem some guy from her course sent to her house. It was hilarious (his writing was pretty decent to be fair).

Trust me bro, modern women love poetry, as long as you're good looking, of course. Don't come across as "that poetry/literature guy" and they will like it.

Honestly, it's not something I'd call good, but I can for sure guarantee your wife will love it

True it's the guy who's doing it.

This guy has has sex before, 100%.


If you're so sure of yourself, why post it here? You're clearly looking for criticism. If these are your wedding vows, great. If this is just some shitty poem you wrote her, then lmaoing at your life

I'm just baiting you faggots with my shitty poems, which you autists (and myself included) will think are shit, while my wife will think are amazing.

>A creation of my imagination
>Nothing but a construction
If you read it, I hope she throws you down the stairs, op

She will suck my dick for at least 30 minutes, before I blow a load inside her, but I won't make her pregnant as she's already pregnant from 5 months ago.

What the fuck is this strange level of exposition you're one?

With my wife, yes

Poetry without Rhyme Structure (X)
Poetry without Syllabic Structure(X)
Poetry with reliance on repetition as main focus (X)
Very self-centered poem (i.e. something a woman would dislike) (X)
Literally dogshit. Just go all the fuckin way and put "You make me want to be a better man" and you have a complete trite, banal, unoriginal, POS, if you wife enjoys this divorce her, because you married a mentally challenged woman, and you should feel bad.

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We're anonymous here my sweet summer child.

When was the last time you had sex?

Do you have an accent? This unironically won't work if you aren't foreign.


Having sex is very, very easy. Tinder exists. I don't fucking understand how you people are still virgins.

Nah, it would've been super cringe if she didn't love him. But trust me, we love this stuff from men we adore. She's his wife, hopefully she adores him.

Like a true patrician Im a fucking volcel, repent you damned sinners

Attached: FurryWithAgUn.jpg (1024x892, 56K)

Volcel = incel in denial

Based femanon.


Smell that? Smells like a heathen heretic. I think you're a heretic heathen.

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Wow, okay this might work because she likes you, maybe. But jesus, this is trash. If a man I was dating gave me this, even if I already liked him, I would seriously be questioning my choice at that point.

It's so lame and unoriginal, it's almost insulting. Despite the fact that this is supposed to be a 'love poem', the actual content of it is all about you. How is that romantic?

how do i do it? i've been very straightforward and my messages literally just boil down to something along the lines of "wanna fuck", and i'm pretty attractive so i get a lot of matches and a good 1/10 women say yes to it, but when push comes to shove i chicken out and stop responding. help me. i need an outline of every single step i need to take to get laid or something to satisfy my autism because i've been repeating this process for the past few weeks.

Don't listen to the haters. It's alright.

kek pic related

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nah, impregnate her.

It's not yours


Sure thing bro

Women just want u to be a man bro
