Are you guys listening to Yea Forums related podcasts?

Are you guys listening to Yea Forums related podcasts?

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I watch the Center for Hellenic Studies' livestreams on YouTube. Top notch shit, for real.

Looks good, thanks for the recommendation

Jesus... easy on the carrots

Girls Chat

Podcasts are for midwits. I don't care for the babbling of inferior minds about some novel revelations they happened upon. is the best ongoing podcast and very informative

It's more like entertainment.
Like movie reviews or gameplays in a way.

For you.

Uhm... yes....exactly my point?

I usually only listen to my dad beating my mom through the walls...

yes obviously, since i like philosophy

Thanks, just checked it out, I will be watching it in future...

Have sex

What do you listen to when you work out?

You're kind of harsh.
Even bright people enjoy some entertainment now and then

You "like" philosophy like a kid likes outer space, midwit. He doesn't understand astrophyics any more than you understand metaphysics. If you had a true interest in it or were fit to learn about it you would be reading texts and would tire if not resent imbeciles' séance at divining what was meant. You're listening to bugmen who read Wikipedia tier extrapolations further botch what was already botched. You'll never make it. Please find another hobby. You'll only make a pseud of yourself and waste people's time.

If you're into Homer, I would recommend Nagy's book "The best of the Achaeans". Just to get a perspective about who are you listening to, etc.

This is what autism looks like. And I don't mean that as an insult. It's literally autism.
There's nothing wrong with listening to people analyzing or chatting about your hobby while you're working out. If you think that's such a waste of time, why are you even here? Looking at memes all day is worse.

Learn from the mistakes from others

Mindfulness and solitude > brainlets talking


Professors discussing literature is not worth your time, but reading Yea Forums is? Who's the midwit here?

>me listen to smart professors
Professors average 130 IQ. Impressive to a midwit like you.

>me reading smrt post on 4channel

yeah I'm thinkin he's based

I had a professor from the Center for Hellenic Studies, she knew a ton about homer, very interesting. Thanks for the rec.

I recommend the podcast Philologia Perennis if you have any Latin. There's a number of good Latin podcasts out there.

I like listening to Sadler in the Background when I work out.
When I'm in bed and I don't feel like reading I listen to In Our time or History of philosophy or some interview.

When I'm communting and I need some dumb stuff I like the x types like The What cast or movie discussion like The Last Podcast on the Left or Wyrd Signal.

When I feel sad I just like watching television with my family, it brings me back to the real world.

Sadler doesn't have a podcast.

>Center for Hellenic Studies
Prof. Nagy is great
his course The Ancient Greek Hero unironically changed my perception about life
it's a light "start with the greeks"