14 books in 14 days

>14 books in 14 days


And u cant even read just one in 14 days

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This try hard couldn't even get into Oxford.

I’m a man. I don’t have time to just sit around reading books.
I actually have to work

Dont act like you wouldn't marry her
Bet you can't read 14 books in a month

Obviously I would marry

off to a good start with the art of war today, tomorow i will tackle the richest man in babylon

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>complete works of Aristotle

How do I read this shit in a day?

they were all short meme books. i can finish some crime novel in a day if i'm not at work.

well at least i'm not an ugly w*man

>sharing books is an ethical necessity
>ethical necessity
Is this sufficient evidence that speed reading is useless?

It hasn't even started retard, she's starting tomorrow.
It is made up of many books, many of which are less than 50 pages.

And neither is she
Stop watching porn, fag

>It hasn't even started retard, she's starting tomorrow.
The books are short and meme tier either way. Fuck you and your 3/10 youtubewaifu.

That's because I took a screenshot in the middle of the video. Check her Instagram u faggot

i watched the entire 2 minutes video they are both ugly cunts

God damn. I just read war and peace in 1 month.But History of time i started yesterday have already read 55 pages.

I could read a play a day. Novels though it takes me like 2 weeks for a 300~ pages one.

I need to clean my house, cook, work, exercise and spend time with friends in that same time. I’ll just keep reading 30-40 pages a day.

eh, a book every two to three days is fine for me. last month i read around 12 so that's a pretty good number. i aint worried about speeding through THAT fast.

I'm a fairly slow reader. Maybe 100 pages a day consistently.
I don't feel a strong need to read more just so I can tell people on the Internet I did, though. I'd rather read one good 400-pager than 14 80-pagers that are YA crap.

i remember being kinda jelly that pewdiepie could read 72 books in a year and i could only read 29 but then again I do have a a 40/hr a week job

And also depends on the type of books...

Basically this
I could read all fucking day if I didn’t have to feed myself, pay rent and taxes

I could read 14 yeah YA fiction books in 14 days easily. I finished the Hunger Games trilogy in a day when I was 13. This girl is going to read trivial rubbish, don't let the accent fool you. I'm Scottish, I know an English con artist when I hear one.

books in 14 days
Easy. Just read a book from the Bible each day.

She's going to read Lolita, at least. Check out her list

>unironically British
Blech how disgustinn

Does that mean she craves the dadcock?


and it also depends on the length of it - it's very easy and convenient to say that I have read fifty 150-200-pages books, than twenty +500-pages ones

That really depends on the lenght of the book.
Additionally, when i was 10 I read 6 books in 50 hours, because each of them was around 200 pages long.

he basically read the Yea Forums starter pack with extra mishima

Based pewdiepie

if someone tells you they read 14 books in 14 days and you don't immediately assume they didn't understand any of it you're just a brainlet impressed by numbers

yeah, and I read the whole Start with the greeks list in 5 days

i wish i had a gf like that

I didn't imply anything of what you're saying. I'm not "impressed" and I believe in quality above quantity. You seem like a brainlet though, mad because you can't read more than one good book a year.

i was gonna read dubliners in 4 or 5 days, taking my time with it
currently going on about 3 weeks because it's so damn boring i couldn't bare to finish it

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regardless of what you believe you made a brainlet post fetishizing the reading speed we're discussing, faggot

why do anglos measure everything in quantities and not qualities? My reading experience would be shit if i would have to read 14 books in 14 days, i want to ponder on the thoughts, i want to sit after i have read an insightful paragraph and think about the implications.
reading has no inherent value, it is not the same as understanding, studying a book.

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women not anglos. though we can blame anglos for women for sure.

the whole rating system (wow she is a 10 ) 5 Stars, whatever it is, it is always this consumeristic attitude of putting a label on everything so others can relate and easily identify how much consume value it will offer.
There was this ceo thread of how he can consume more books, what is the optimal way to CONSUME books.
Not even having a word for Muße, because Inspiration is not worth alot in a world dominated only by money. Muße translates to leisure which does not even do it justice.

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shut the fuck up faggot


most reviews were done by one guy.

>Not "El Quijote" in best books
What a fucking retard hahahaha

She's a psychopath bros

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Three weeks??? Breh even if you only read 1 story per day it shouldn’t take you that long.

YA scribblings are not books.

you make a very good point of our disgusting capitalist system with labels and ratings and that. also a good point about consumption and the quantity instead of the quality.

>Caring about spooks like Essay marks

someone with a goodreads account add mein kampf or culture of critique or siege or some meme book to this list: goodreads.com/list/show/136542._14BOOKS_Tag

not worth creating an account for but i'd like to see it thanks

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She’s kind of cute, but would probably be a nightmare to live with.

fairly out of left field though, almost like he was falling back on virtue signalling rather than responding

What a worthless thing.

>Reading Moby dick in one day

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It takes less than 90 minutes a day to get through that many books. 40 hours a week should not be a barrier

why is she making thousand of study tips if she got rejected by uni and shit lol

so similar uni thots have something to distract themselves while they avoid studying

This camwhore is hotter and more intelligent

Why did she get rejected?

I go at my own pace and if I don't want to read I don't. People who tout how much they've read are often the biggest midwits.

Hit dogs bark.


My parents had an account with the largest bookstore in Beirut and I would pick up books in what seemed to me unlimited quantities. There was such a difference between the shelves of the library and the narrow school material; so I realized that school was a plot designed to deprive people of erudition by squeezing their knowledge into a narrow set of authors. I started, around the age of thirteen, to keep a log of my reading hours, shooting for between thirty and sixty a week, a practice I’ve kept up for a long time. I read the likes of Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov, Bishop Bossuet, Stendhal, Dante, Proust, Borges, Calvino, Céline, Schultz, Zweig (didn’t like), Henry Miller, Max Brod, Kafka, Ionesco, the surrealists, Faulkner, Malraux (along with other wild adventurers such as Conrad and Melville; the first book I read in English was Moby-Dick) and similar authors in literature, many of them obscure, and Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Jaspers, Husserl, Lévi-Strauss, Levinas, Scholem, Benjamin, and similar ones in philosophy because they had the golden status of not being on the school program, and I managed to read nothing that was prescribed by school so to this day I haven’t read Racine, Corneille, and other bores. One summer I decided to read the twenty novels by Émile Zola in twenty days, one a day, and managed to do so at great expense. Perhaps joining an underground anti-government group motivated me to look into Marxist studies, and I picked up the most about Hegel indirectly, mostly through Alexandre Kojève.
When I decided to come to the United States, I repeated, around the age of eighteen, the marathon exercise by buying a few hundred books in English (by authors ranging from Trollope to Burke, Macaulay, and Gibbon, with Anaïs Nin and other then fashionable authors de scandale), not showing up to class, and keeping the thirty- to sixty-hour discipline.
In school, I had figured out that when one could write essays with a rich, literary, but precise vocabulary (though not inadequate to the topic at hand), and maintain some coherence throughout, what one writes about becomes secondary and the examiners get a hint about one’s style and rigor from that. And my father gave me a complete break after I got published as a teenager in the local paper—“just don’t flunk” was his condition. It was a barbell—play it safe at school and read on your own, have zero expectation from school. Later, after I was jailed for assaulting a policeman in a student riot, he acted scared of me and let me do whatever I wanted. When I reached the “f*** you money” stage in my twenties, at the time when it was much, much rarer than today, in spite of a war raging in the home country, my father took credit for it by attributing it to the breadth of the education he allowed me to have and how it differentiated me from others like him with narrow background.

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this girl is the living proof of woman's inferiority

Certainly cool n all, but it's very hard to think of a more insufferable person to have a beer with. Arrogant fedora beta-arab trying hard to cover perceived inadequacies through machismo boomer core.

honey let me tell you something. don't expect to see the grades you're used to at school in college. It's not your fault really. That's how college is. You need to realize that you're doing the best you can, whatever comes after is out of your hand. I was like you in my first college years, but I realized grade don't matter as much as the knowledge and the experience and somethings just happen and it's fine.

it's a copypasta, faggot

Don't get too aggressive with me, or I might take you up on it and scrape your rectum.

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