Got my drink, got my book, ready to start a reading session. How many sips do you take per hour while reading?
Got my drink, got my book, ready to start a reading session. How many sips do you take per hour while reading?
depends what im sippin
One per page. Nice little refreshing reward for my efforts :)
I drink half a litre to a litre of water an hour
>Mummy says I can have some flavoured sugar if I stay quiet
>They drink soda
How awful, where my tea boys at?
For me its black in the day and chamomile at night
Chamomile is the good shit. I’ve been on a matcha in the morning/herbal midday and night kick
>reading one page of a book is effort to some people
Earl grey + honey + ginger for me.
If I’m pipe smoking then it’s dark coffee or may e cafe au lait if the blend is light
for me it's pepsi
What are some good pipe tobacco blends? I went by some man's car and he was puffing on a pipe while parked and the smell was intoxicating nothing like cigarette smoke it was very sweet smelling.
Russian Black tea is perfect for reading
Caffiene addicted retards
do you get up at 4 in the morning to masturbate to pictures of jocko and imagine you're a navy seal?
I imagine I'm a backwards afghani who fears the Taliban rule but has no power to stop them. Secretly I pray for Allah to send the Americans to free us and one day it happens, they burst through the door and for a moment I think I am saved but in reality, the big strong marines want nothing more than turn me into a sissy as they take it in turns to pass me around with no regard for my wellbeing.
Be gone Britisher scum. Coffee has a richer and more fulfilling flavor.
the official drink of having too much time on your hands
>macha meme tea
>Britisher scum
I hope that Jews hurry up and turn American into a vassal state so we don't have to keep dealing with them.
I'm sorry that I am unfamiliar with preferred beverage of fairies and poofs.
If his tea looks like that he isn't British...
You guys need to go easy on the anime and videogames.
Fuck you cocko, you wasted your life defending a despot of a nation.
Black, with some grated apple and barriers that prefer to drink cold. Comes out a little like Russian Kompot.
Also Kvass, but It's been years since i've tasted a Kvass that was any good. =(
>his metabolism isn't fast enough to handle soda 6x per day on top of drinking butter ketone coffee without gaining even a pound
Low IQ detected. Intelligent people can consume 4000 calories a day and stay a twig. You just have a shit tier brain that does not use much energy. I bet you don't get tired very much either.
Dude was probably smoking an aromatic. Not my cup of tea but the smell is really nice and a good idea for public places if you want to avoid angry stares due to the foul smell (which I’ve gotten with cigars). I smoke mild cheap traditional blends, not a Puritan in any way, nothing fancy either, just get some Prince Albert or Carter Hall in a 7$ corn cob and smoke away. If you’ve got the money maybe break it in with one of these aforementioned blends and explore a bit. Dunhills are very nice too. If you’re based in America pipe smoking will cost you next to nothing.
Don't listen to the haters user this is pure
>smoking when pic exists
That being said, Orlik's Golden Sliced is very nice.
Yes, I also roleplay characters from deathnote
Don’t know what that tin is. Snuff?
>if I'm pipe smoking
ha ha fuck this virgin board
>drinking anything other than water, mineral water or sour milk
>drinking something with sugar in it
Never going to make it breh
Absolutely degenerate, disgusting and nasty.
isn't that dirty ass matcha?
don't touch that mouse
i mean, black tea with some milk is good, but you posted this juvenile garbage - very disappointing.
yeah, let me just inject some test enanthate instead. you truly are a higher being.
about of 1/3 of the drink during the first pages, then get immersed and completely forget about it until it reaches room temperature
What does Badlands Chugs read?
> people do things I’m not interested in
> call them virgins
t. a mentally challenged inbred
The instruction on the pill bottle for his diabetes.
Incorrect. He just chugs the whole bottle.
I never drink anything, I mean I'll have a drink there but I'll forget it exists until I stop reading.
f a g g o t
>not drinking vat69 from the bottle while reading in bed
get comfy boys
You dont understand the term addiction. Read a dictionary.
I like tea, but weeb tea memers are shoot on sight in my books.
black tea with whiskey and sugar and milk
I have sex, smoking a pipe can be a good icebreaker.
what brand of Kvass would you recommend, assuming that one day I'd have the money to import some from any of the countries where it's being produced? it's probably not going to happen but I would do that, I tasted it once and it was great tbqh.
>acid syrup vs dirt water
Milk is the patrician's choice.
When I read, I want something a little savory. It has to be the perfect flavour + aroma for me to stay engaged.
you’re such a faggot
this man knows
you’re the milk drinker here
Yes, and my bones are made of literal titanium.
What's the best milk you've had user? When I went to Turkey I tried mare's milk, made me feel powerful. Sadly can't get it where I live
you’re a good lad honest if i had planned on compensating your time i’d a never posted yet the sands of time tip toe towards night then morning may time be on your side
I can't tell you what milk I had, because I don't remember, but it was a very long time ago at my grandmother's house when she used to visit some special market. I've never had horse milk, that I can remember, only cows. If you ever find an opportunity to choose between milks in a store somewhere, I recommend going for 2%, organic milk, if you can afford it. 1% and whole milk is for heathens, and they have a somewhat repugnant aftertaste, similar to raw cow milk. Don't ever go for raw cow milk, it doesn't work and it tastes very bad. The quality of milks can differ highly even between brands in the same areas. I generally recommend not going for the generic store brand, you would think that something implied to be local would be better, but my experience is that most of the time this isn't the case. It's important to get a milk that's dense and not watery. If it feels thin and similar to water in consistency, that's a bad thing. Choosing between organic and regular milk is moreso trivial, I'm completely fine with drinking a 2% regular milk by a good brand, but buying organic milk is amazing if you can afford it. It's typically around 4-5 times as expensive, so it's very much not worth it from a cost efficiency perspective, but if you want the good stuff, go for that. An important part about drinking milk is using it as a way to quench thirst. Milk is genuinely better than water at this. I get literal ecstatic chest spasms when I drink milk after being thirsty for a long time. I don't if I have some sort of dopamine wires fucked up or something, but the rush I get when drinking milk after having been incredibly thirsty is the closest thing to orgasm I've felt anywhere other than my crotch region. Anyways, some parts of the world package milk in a bag. This is gross, and stupid. I don't recommend this for a lot fo practical reasons. The way you drink milk is important too. Like I mentioned with milk being a thirst quencher, milk goes great with almost any dry food. This might be personally subjective, since I drink milk like a maniac, but I have a hard time finding things milk does not go well with. Fruit and spicy food is a universal no though. Milk and spicy food are sometimes paired together, but this is really only a tool for nullifying the heat of spice. Milk is always served cold, so it makes spicy food more manageable. This is always as a detriment to the milk, it doesn't taste particularly good. Never drink milk with anything sour. I guess I should also mention as well, always drink milk cold. I've found zero context in which warm milk is acceptable. The drinking container for milk is also important too, believe it or not. Milk from a glass is simply the best way to consume it. Never EVER put ice cubes in your milk. The people that do this are evil and twisted. Anyways, in short, I recommend cold, 2% organic milk from a tall glass after a long day of work. I unironically want to travel Europe some day and taste new amazing milks.
Not but a Ukrainian boyo here. The best Kvas I've tried that's imported to my area of the US is Taras. Not as sweet as the others, and I prefer em that way. Great taste.
Ok that mug is cute af
I unironically use a wide assortment of drugs to exacerbate the terror of existential introspection.
Deal with it
I got it at the Kirby cafe when I visited Japan
Greenteafag here, strong and sweet! Gots to be either Indian or Sinhalese, too...
You dont have to import anything. There is somewhere in your area a Russian store; find out where it is and get some Kvass, some Russian ice-cream (another hit and miss affair) , some smoked or salted fish, and some sour cabbage. which is also
The rule with Kvas is that it should be naturally carbonated, rather then fizzed up after the fact like the cheap brands do. Also make sure it's made from wheat or oat's or whatever rather then cheapoo flavoring.
I bet you knit dildos
Yea Forums is truly the intellectual board of Yea Forums
moron, coffee (if considered its chemical properties) can be nourishing and can extend your lifespan. How is it a drug. With your retarded argumentation you can make breathing air a drug because you rely on it. Go plant based and follow the puplic health advice because you do not understand basic biochemistry. Ascetic foo.
Decaf provides all the same health benefits but go on, continue justifying your addiction.
It doesn't. Solvent extractions and supercritical CO2 extractions take away other constituents and the stimulant effect of caffeine is therapeutic and beneficial. Sorry you're a retard that doesn't wake up at 4 in the morning and can't time it so his dose is nearly out of his system some 16 hours later when it's time for bed. Nicotine isn't addictive either and can help with concentration and focus. In a crude physiological sense they indeed are "addictive" insofar as withdrawal symptoms will manifest but both are very forgiving, resulting in a mild headache at best. There are still marginal benefits to be had after physiological adaptation is had. Porn is more harmful than either.
Fat fuck
Imagine trying so hard to defend a weak dependency. The fact worse things exist have nothing to do with the point. It's like a cigarette addict saying "well atleast I don't shoot heroin!". Pathetic.
> gaining weight is the only bad thing about drinking soda
Based and achoo-pilled
I grow, process and blend my own snuff. It's a nice break for the mouth and hits strong and fast, excellent when reading too. Snus is just a little more sustained and clean so I turn to that more often. Anyone here who pays for any type of tobacco should try growing it themselves - it's a lot easier than you think.
Heroin does not increase cognition. It decreases it.
Nicotine and caffeine do. They are not pleasurable in and of themselves. Your analogy sucks.
Relief from withdrawal is not improving cognition.
el diablo....