Can we analyse this text?

Can we analyse this text?

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Yeah, it's based.

>he gets his religious orders from a book written by other humans rather than direct communion with god

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It's just a fucking weird book. Really weird.

There are all these stories that are really specific about certain things in different ways. Makes you wonder how much has been lost in translation over the years.

Just another book of fairy tales

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Are you a quaker?

But isn't this man intellectually retarded?

>transforms biology
>intellectually retarded

Dawkins again with his based gnostic interpretations.

Not today, but I'm 100k words into my analysis of this text. Lot more narrative cohesion, actually. Not that that's surprising since the Bible isn't a single book, but still.

Attached: book_of_mormon.jpg (944x993, 121K)

>tfw when I found a free book of mormon but lost it

That quote is childish, if it even is his.

Most people who claim to be speaking to God are considered deranged.

You could say that people who deny Godhood are deranged in their own way.

The future of Mormonism is in dire straits atm due to more information about the scriptures having become available to them and thereby revealing contradictions with the Book of Mormon.

What's up wih all that bible shilling these days ?

Id like to communion on those tidders

ironic men with ironic hearts

but you are not ironic

you are a man

why are you talking like a bad guy in a b movie ?

closet gays desu

maybe because its the foundational text of the entirety of western literature dumbass


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I read it in his voice.