Is there anything more wrong than bringing babies into the world

Think about it: when a baby is born, the are consigned to a life of suffering that terminates in death. All pleasure is temporary, and unevenly distributed throughout mankind.

All life should be destroyed, then suffering will cease.

The real horror is that the people who are too retarded to realize religion is bullshit, will continue to shit out an endless stream of people. Thus the cycle of suffering continues.

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I love literature.

Threads about antinatalism:
>Suffering bad
>Happiness good

Over and over and ouroboros again

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Op here

Fuck, you are right. People have their minds made up, I'm just fucking bored

Making this thread instead of killing yourself immediately belies the hollowness of your outlook.

imagine being an antinatlist, it's based entirely on the belief that life is overall bad and suffering, literally only losers think that lol. I'm glad I was born

I'm not an alt right tard, I think EVERYONE should stop having kids

t. retard has no idea what anti-natalism is

That's right whiteboi, stop having kids, it's irresponsible, don't worry about Mohammed and Jamal

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Congrats, my life is literally constant pain, maybe you'll know what's that like when you inevitably get cancer or raped. Even when your life is good, you're still suffering for you have to constantly feed your needs.

Everyone should stop having kids

>uses the phrase "Think about it"
good job; your opinion goes in the trash before I even read it

nah not really im not suffering at all, I enjoy my life and "feeding my needs" not sure what that means

And 95% of anti natalists are loser white people, non whites won't stop having kids

Well you're a retard. Congrats

Top lol, you will suffer, it's inevitable. Coddled faggot.

of course I will suffer a bit but I don't mind that because I'm not a pussy, and my life will still be overall enjoyable

No I mean really suffer, to the point you wish you were dead. You don't know the meaning, but you will.

why? because you said so? plenty of people go through life without that kind of suffering

Just wait and see, forgot :3

Yes that's exactly what he's referring to.

>the antinatalists retard is a phoneposter