>So.. what do you do aside from fapping and reading?
So.. what do you do aside from fapping and reading?
Hunting and shooting. Sometimes I binge watch animu.
Failing on tinder
i don’t even read i just come here to larp
Practicing martial arts and playing videogames from the 90s
Writing and wageslaving.
Animu, gaming, shitposting, working, studying, praying, not fapping
Wishing I could get a gf
cod4 promod and some writing hear and there thats gonna accumulate to a book one day
based and broken&hopeless pilled
Work, play basketball, watch movies or tv, hang out with friends, smoke weed, chill with my dogs
fucking woman
>some writing hear and there
seems like your book's going to turn out great
tfw job and gf make me too tired to read when i finally have free time
>cod4 promod
Is there even much of a promod community left?
calisthenics, watch movies, smoking weed
Literally me
I also started playing mtg arena like 3 weeks ago, and I go to college
Do hillbillies really lives on the game? How could this sustainae?
>spending time with gf is mandatory
You know the answer. You want the answer.
only with friends though
Most of my food comes from the store. I only hunt during the hunting seasons.
ive been clean the past month and im gonna buy a 24 rack tomorrow and obliterate this dry spell mercilessly
I needed the break but boy o BOY am i ever ready to get wet again
why not cod4x?
Draw frogs on the computer
>Stage 1
>Play video games
>Watch anime, movies and tv
>Fap to loli, shota, traps, women with well defined abs and dark skin, feet
>Eat sweets, pizza, kebab, KFC, McDonald's
>Shitpost in 12-15 hour bursts
and then every 3 months or so:
>Stage 2
>Stop doing all of that
>Spend all day reading and contemplating suicide
>Try to reason out what I should do with my life, on my current course I'm set for misery but I'm happy-ish now
>But all alternatives seem even more miserable, even if they're less self destructive
>Do this for a week then go back to stage 1
working so I can afford to continue doing the first two things
based and redpilled
Once u get kids, the free time u have now will seem like a vacation 24/7. Still worth it.
one week on stage 2? Get on my level; the anxiety and existential agony from stage 2 lessens, but melds to your very being, causing you to move onto stage 3
>permanent insomnia
>permanent disassociation
>constantly analysing your self and your course
>can't read because always too tired to do so
>get really good at resuscitating corpses
>^ that's what you do every time you wake up in the morning
woe is you
Ash come back please
Chances are if he's playing promod English isn't his first language anyway
I like to sit in the middle of a pasture watching insects
i do it every month or so up in the hills..nobody around for around miles..only vast green meadows and buzzing flies on cow poop...heaven
Pray, run, cook, clean, write.
>not at least one crying episode per week
fucking pussy
Study maths, paint, lisent to classical music and having megalomaniac fantasies
I'm a "Information and Business Services" professional meaning that I plug in Ethernet cables and reset print jobs for the local government while intermittently watching anime and cheesey action movies on Hulu/Netflix.
>Study maths
Lately watch Criminal Minds, maybe some YouTube