Good Anti-Hero?

What makes a good anti-hero? I am talking about somebody like Guts from Berserk not the shitty edgy isekai MC's who literally have one line about how bad their life was and now they are going to make everyone suffer.

Attached: Rorschach_Alan_Moore_Watchmen.jpg (1280x800, 235K)

Have you read Watchmen?


Attached: Screenshot_2017-04-05-19-18-25~01.png (720x533, 453K)

Yep, but i was definitely too stupid to understand it completely

I always thought he was one.

It depends if you're talking modern anti-hero or classic anti-hero.

>Yep, but i was definitely too stupid to understand it completely
dude its capeshit how stupid are you

What’s the difference?

>talented writer chooses to create in the medium that captured his imagination in his youth
>forever disregarded by pseuds because his work comes with pictures

iirc modern is an asshole immoral edgelord while classic is like he's secretely a coward

p much

Pic very much related
I bet you have not even read it

I've read it, its one of my favourite comic books ever, doesn't mean it belong on a literature board. I remember being underage too, user, hopefully one day you'll grow up.
That's a lot of assumptions for someone who reads capeshit. You Watchmen kiddies are very silly sometimes

I’m not going to die on this hill but all I’m saying is there is worse shit that gets posted about here. It’s pretty good and shouldn’t be discarded solely because it’s a comic book

>while classic is like he's secretely a coward
Any examples? This is interesting.

>not based from hell
i am disappoint anonymous

Shinji from Evangelion

What is secret about his cowardice?

Blackadder, Caiaphas Cain, Huck finn

and the byronic hero "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection"

Are you a hero, an anti-hero or an antagonist in rl, Yea Forums?

old school anti hero is someone like boromir who while he plays the role of the hero has flaws like he's a coward or greedy or lustful or whatever, basically a realistic person

A modern antihero is someone like Batman, Rorsrach, punisher etc. Basically an edgelord who does unheroic things like torurting people etc for the greater good and views genuinely good heroes as misguided idealists

please tell me you're never going to post again on this board

nope, what's wrong with it

the secret ting is not mandatory. it's just someone who is bad at being a hero but has to.

Eugene Onegin
Absolute classic. Caricature on those shitty "byronic heroes" so loved at that time.
Basicly lazy stupid spoiled brat who thinks like he's better than anyone else, whole novel acts like he's better than anyone else and then fails horrendously at the end.

Pic absolutely not related. There's very little heroic about a half-retarded bug who gets smushed like one should.