What book changed your life the most?

What book changed your life the most?

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The Koran :3

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The Bible

the one by Marie Kondo, literally..

They are both correct. :3

Deal with it

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All spooks

everybody poops

Ethics by Spinoza

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


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The Foundation for Exploration

Mein kampf

>Mein kampf

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That one

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This. I was too young to remember, but some kid threw it at me. I've been blind in one eye ever since.

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is this suited for people without philosophy background?


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Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
It'll show you the value in spooks. A life without spooks is a life half lived.

War and peace.
The art of loving.


Forbidden fitness: summoning of the abs

I could lie and post something cooler but the truth is that it was The Lord of the Rings.

Who says LOTR isnt cool enough?

It's not suited for anyone with triple digits IQ.

I haven’t actually read Stirner but all the autistic sounding atheists constantly talking about him convinced me that it would be a waste of my time

fuck you

And you're not wrong.

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Better to Never Have Been

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True, you need 4 digits

The Prince. IDC if it's a meme.