Is the rest of the trilogy any good?

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Yes it's amazeballz

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It's good, but each book is stylistically pretty different so get ready for that

Ok cool, im kind of into that

Invisible planets are really great I just finished it. No I have to read the three body

Yes, but they censored the books in English.

>A popular Chinese author said on Monday many parts of his science fiction trilogy, The Three-Body Problem, have been edited by a US publisher in the English edition for gender discrimination.

>Liu Cixin told the Global Times he wrote on popular online forum on Sunday that Tor Books made more than 1,000 edits in The Dark Forest, the second book of the trilogy, some of which touched on gender discrimination. This included a reference to the secretary general of the United Nations as a "beautiful woman" and four males as the most important protagonists.

>Words used to describe women, such as "purity" and "angelic," were deleted as well.

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yes, the story and tech get pretty fucking insane and bleak

>the absolute state of the west

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book 2 is far better than this one

rest are better than the first one actually

Is this the English version only? If it is then I'll probably read the german translation

Yes, the trilogy is good and definitely worth a read in its entirety.

It's very different from the first book. The first one, specially the parts within the three body problem, felt very ethereal for me, yet the others feel much more like science fiction.

It's very good, I enjoyed it.

And of course the Italian edition is translated from the English edition rather than the original Chinese.
fucking yanks ruining everything they touch

They're different and the whole situation changes/escalates so much that it's very much worth reading, it's such a ride

Oh goddammit. And I just finished the first one. Shit. Well, thanks for informing me before I went out to find the other two.

>Is the rest of the trilogy any good?
yeah the one-body problem was good
the two-body problem was a bit weak at the end
i'm waiting for the prequel trilogy that starts with the minus two body problem
and i want to get the standalone spinoff, the square root of minus one body problem. but i've heard it's a bit abstract

The Spanish version was translated from the original Chinese.


You might be lucky, I looked into it and apparently my hungarian version is also translated from the english version but don't have any censorship.

Attached: dark forest trans.png (1285x767, 156K)

For the ones who read it in English , does the censorchip makes any difference for the story?


thanks, but I just checked that same passage and it's the censored version

¿Dónde lo has comprado/descargado? ¿Es latino o castellano?

No lo he comprado, lo he buscado en Internet. Me refiero a la traducción española, por Javier Altayó Fenestres, que es un traductor de mandarín a español.

Si pasas el enlace me haces un favor.

I want to buy this book, is the german or serbian versiom censored?

It's still worth reading. Just be aware that the translators tried to castrate the sequels.

I just checked the german version, it looks like its also censored

better than the first imo
>mfw the melancholy kicks in at the end of death's end
also gib AA gf

mi versión traducida por altayó también tiene esta censura

en epublibre los tienen pero también parecen censurados

>be aware that the translators tried to castrate the sequels.
what do you mean?

Perdona, se me pasó. Si buscas el nombre del traductor en Google aparece su web y cómo contactar con él. Quizá valdría la pena preguntarle por la censura que según mantiene del inglés en su versión. La trilogía no me interesaba mucho y ahora menos.