Summer Reading Lists

I listed all the authors I want to read and the number of days I want to spend on each, already know the works I want to read. I got:

>Marx and Engels (12 days)
>Albert Camus (2 days)
>Immanuel Kant (5 days)
>Arthur Schopenhauer (7 days)
>Ivan Turgenev (2 days)
>David Hume (6 days)
>Fernando Pessoa (3 days)
>Niccolo Machiavelli (3 days)
>Rene Descartes (1 day)
>Edward Feser (1 day)
>Friedrich Nietzsche (5 days)
>St. Augustine (2 days)
>Early Greek Philosophy (3 days)
>Dante Alighieri (3 days)
>Fyodor Dostoevsky (2 days)
>William Von Orman Quine (4 days)
>Hegel (7+ days, don't expect it to be the end)

Subject to change ofc

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Early Greek Philosophy (3 days)

>Immanuel Kant (5 days)

You won't read shit.

Don't really have a schedule layed out but what the heck

>The Dunciad (5 days)
>An Essay on Criticism (3 days)
>Sir Thomas Browne (3 days)
>Eloisa to Abelard (2 days)
>Philip Sidney (5 days)
>Edmund Spencer (4 days)
>The Rape of the Lock (9 days)

That's about a month of reading

You could spend your entire summer on each of the writers you've listed. Literature isn't a race, it's not a ladder, it's a web, and deep friendship with thirty books is better than acquaintance with a thousand. You don't want my opinion, but if you did, I'd suggest focusing all your energy on Dostoevsky, Hume, or Schopenhauer. You won't be able to read Marx for twelve days straight.

>>Ivan Turgenev
Now that's based. Make sure to read Father and Sons

Ok maybe i should extend Kant kek, that does sound dumb

>literature is a web
That's why I'm trying to read widely user, to understand others' viewpoints.

I read Fathers and Sons, probably gonna read his other books. I read a bit of Diary of a Superfluous Man (was busy and left it off) and think it'll be a nice read.

For me, seeing lists like these are the surest sign no reading will get done. When I find myself making such lists I know I'm more interested in the abstract idea of reading these things than actually reading them.

I'm not sure this is even possible user

My list is going to be:
>Bleak House-Dickens
>Sodom and Gammora-Proust
>Master of Go-Kawabata
>Naked Lunch-Burroughs
>Anna Karenina-Tolstoy
>Being and Time-Heidegger
>The Magic Mountain-Mann

I also have my eye on two Huysman books but no idea which one of his would be a good starting place.

Also going to read The Fugitive by Proust

What do you think understanding other people's viewpoints will do for you?

>On a Winter's Night a Traveler
>Maybe Illuminatus idk
>Being and Time
>Capital 1 & 2 (will probably get 3 soon)
>Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
>Human Action
>The General Theory of Interest, Employment and Money

I don't even know what I'm going to read tomorrow (after I finish the man who was Thursday) let alone all summer.

Help form my own

Rest of June
>The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
>O Pioneers
>The Man Without Qualities
>The Glass Bead Game
>The Magic Mountain
>Auto Da Fe
>My Friend Walter Benjamin

Pathetic. Just mull over this terrible reading list of yours during the summer, maybe you'll actually learn something

Heres a discord server that is lit related that have people who want to start reading lists for the summer

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Enjoy The Glass Bead Game. I recently read it after finishing Narziss and Goldmund and wound up loving it. I'll suggest getting The Master of Go too since there are similarities between both stories. The Man Without Qualities is something I want to tackle this year too. How is Augustus compared to Stoner and Butcher's Crossing?

What I'm trying to say is understanding Hume just isn't possible in a weekend. If you want a crash course in all the thinkers/writers you've listed, you're better served by just reading their Wikipedia page and whacking off all Saturday. Reduce that list by two thirds at minimum. Hell, Dostoevesky's core books -- Demons, Brothers K., Crime and Punishment, The Gambler, Notes from the Underground, The Idiot, The Double -- easily go over 3k pages. And that's not to mention the background research you'll need to do to really interpret his theology/ethics. My advice is to chop this list down to three or four writers and go deep.

the highest IQ take yet in this whole thread

Not who you're responding to, but I've read everything he's written.
>Williams' first novel
so atrocious that no one remembers its name and no one wants to bring it into print
>Butcher's Crossing
Decent. Not good, not bad. The scene where the first snow starts to fall while they're in the buffalo valley is one of the most heart-pounding things I've ever read, so props. Predictable ending.
Flawlessly executed. Tight, well-paced, lucid prose.
I didn't think he could've written a novel better than Stoner, but this is a masterpiece of contemporary fiction. Truly. His best book. It's worth dropping what you're reading now to read Augustus instead.

Read too much and you wont remember shit, its better to take notes and take your time especially with philosophers

What did you think of the scene with Scheinder and the rope?

Brainlet spotted

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Alright, I guess? Butcher's Crossing felt like Williams tried to make Literature out of a Hollywood idea. He should've just written a cowboy thriller.

The scenes were they have to ditch the hide and are running low are food are some of my favourites in Butcher's Crossing but you're right there's something very Hollywood happy ending about how the main character goes back and fucks Francine.

Stop watching anime.

Just crack some cold ones with your bros

you will have forgotten everything marx wrote by the time you finish Kant.

also, remember these great minds spent years developing their ideas. So expecting to absorb all that in 1 summer exposes an immaturity that's out of touch with reality

They also worked on making them accessible in a digestible manner (except Kant)

it will go something like this

>fap and play video games (62 days)
>panic and read a chapter of the stranger, get bored and fap again (13 days)
>last day: read 1 chapter of thus spoke zarathustra, can't see yourself reading it all and then fapping some more

add shitposting, discussing and lurking on Yea Forums and listening to music to that list and you've got my summer.

Hmm maybe you're right, I think I'll cut it down before summer starts, early greeks, pessoa and some others are unnecessary

Ofc I will be taking notes lol, especially on the non fiction

I haven’t read Butchers Crossing but Stoner and Augustus are very different. I’m 100 pages in after two days and about the only similarity I see is that Octavian and Stoner have similar stoic responses to grieving (full of sorrow but they have to keep going. They have other duties.)

I am enjoying it even though I know the basics of the story from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra


This. Overambitions lists like these are pure mental masturbation.

I’ve got
>Interpretation of Dreams
>The Sublime Object of Ideology
>Can Life Prevail
>Man and Technics
>Ethnos and Society

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Yearly reading list

>Rest of Plato's works (done the main works)
>Hopefully get into Aristotle this year as well(where to start?)
>Finish the Sailor who fell from Grace with Sea and read a few of Mishima's other works (not the tetralogy just yet)
>Start some other good fiction as I have been mainly reading psychology and philosophy (recommendations?)
>The Culture of the Teutons
>about 6 other smaller ones

Some of these I have started others not at all.

Based and anti-degeneratepilled

>and the number of days I want to spend on each
Thats fucking autistic as fuck nigger

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Why is this so fucking true

Why are these so fucking true

Rate my list friends

>Finish Current Stirner read( The Unique and Its Property)
>Read Schopenhauer's WAWI & WAWII (already read thesis and On Nature Essay)
>Fanged Noumena
>Descartes Meditations
>Leibnz Monadology
and from here either delve into more /acc bullshit or finish off Kant

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Is this speedrun?

It'll take you a lifetime to read Marx, and another to read Kant. People actually do this, they spend their entire lives reading one of these two authors. The timetables you've set up are more fitting for reading fiction.

My list for this summer:

Man without qualities (about halfway through)
The Sleepwalkers
Death of Virgil
Joseph and His Brothers (read the first two parts so far, I am waiting to get the final two parts as they didn't have them in my library)
Berlin Alexanderplatz

My list is pretty varied this year
>The Red and The Black
>Berlin Alexanderplatz
>Infinite Jest

Stop it you’re hurting my feelings

just posting here because of schopie

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