(((They))) deleted my channel.
Please, buy my books and spread the message.
hail Odin
(((They))) deleted my channel.
Please, buy my books and spread the message.
hail Odin
Other urls found in this thread:
I support your freedom of speech Varg but you really probably shouldn't have killed people.
I hope they delete Survive the Jive next. I actually dislike both Varg and STJ, but I have a personal grudge towards the latter.
Shit, they deleted his channel? Varg was a huge tard sometimes, but some of his videos were comfy.
I love Varg. Fuck YouTube
Hail victory
Love you Varg
Why is killing people in self-defense wrong?
Youtube is deleting a lot of "controversial" channels.
please explain pagan values and morals in a quick rundown
i think strength is valued in paganism as highest value, should not a sane person following logic then follow the strongest religion around?
Or is it all about muh people etc. I legitimately do not understand pagans (in terms of resurrecting a dead -> weak religion)
I understand the desire of practicing the religion of the forefathers, however this is Christianity. I dont fucking get it.
>killing in self defense
You mean driving to someone'a house and stabbing them 6929592 times is self defense?
Your pic is bullshit. Wise man can realize listed things with pure analytic meditation.
Varg if this is really you, thanks for the videos and thanks for the times
Does it say war is the only way
This is good, this will cause an exodus to other platforms.
It would be far far worse if they had done this slowly, making people invisible, dissuading them from creating content, causing new content creators to think there isn't a market for this sort of thing, gradually over time. That would have been the slow death. This will cause a mass exodus and lots of press.
>Heartiste blog gone
>Varg suspended
>Yea Forums is shit, even on full- c h an
Looks like the old days of the internet are gone. Honestly Wizchan is one of the only last bastions left but it's only for male virgins.
Why? Survive the Jive has nice content at least when it comes to cultural stuff. I liked those videos and still believe in one God, the creator and origin of all visible and invisible.
Did they get Cultured Thug?
Varg please respond to this post
CT has been gone for ages
Bummer, sorry to hear that YT deleted yr channel, but it was sort of inevitable since your message runs counter to the mainstream narrative. See you on Bitchute!
Soundtrack of this thread
It would be worthless as a basis for culture and society, as a religion, if it could be given in a quick rundown. A good religion is not a couple of vague values, some dichotomies, and an afterlife. It's inseparable from a culture, more specifically a culture not built on a braindead and simplistic worldview. It's not exactly a single religion either, though it's undeniable that at least when using it to refer to Indo-European religion that it has some fundamentals common to all. People basically become pagans because it addresses far more than what Christianity would consider the realm of religion, there's nothing that it is exempt from really. Or because they want to LARP. You might be interested in those fundamentals but just note that ritual and the mundane things that are addressed are just as important, because their bring you closer to the fundamental where intellectualism cannot. It's not just some metaphysical decrees but a complete way of life if you put the effort into developing it to be.
Varg had some really fucking cool music in the background of several of his videos and I tried for ages to find it but never could
It was like fantasy tavern music, it was great ambiance
This one is my favorite:
>It was like fantasy tavern music, it was great ambiance
Survive the Jive has good, comfy videos. You are a gay.
He got deleted, then came back and they just deleted him again.
nigga he aint coming back. some conservative yt guy made fun of a homosexual and oppressed twitter went hard on yt and now the wrath has come.
>shill thread
Buy a banner, fucking cheapskate.
ayyy that's good shit varg
plug me into the ancestors
>Vargs channeled gets shoah'd on the day of the feast of Saint Boniface
Based primitivist fascist larper man.
Also: bring this shit back to /pol/ .
Looks like baldy's about to flatten himself and his congregation.
Varg made a new channel, he is triggered
It's his own music. His one-man band is called Burzum
fuck you varg belongs on mu or lit
>pagan larper
and nothing of value was lost
But in all seriousness, it's fucked up that they deleted the channel. It's pretty clear that these "platforms" are no longer acting as "platforms" and are instead curated "publishers". Which is fine, so long as the lose the protections offered to platforms by the government and open themselves up to litigation.
Why? He's incredibly smarmy with a personality about as abrasive as sand paper, but some of his content is genuinely informative.
YES! Hail Odin daddy! Drink semen!
You're assuming that human values winning equates to the strongest or eternal values, but this just isn't the case. Even in Christianity we see the potential reign of the weakest within human territory: degenerate cities or the Iron Age.
The best religions speak to eternal laws, and many of the European religions did this better than any other. There is a balance of multiplicity and oneness, the eternal and the ephemeral, power and freedom.
Paganism is coming back because of these eternal values, out of necessity rather than weakness or human desires.
I like when he wear the bucket on the head
thanks for posting.
looks similar to hindu metaphysics (vedanta) with a heavy emphasis on customs and traditions.
It is not as complicated as you try to make it ...
Yes, bad thing the globalists all shill perennial philosophy though.
>bruh we are all one
will be the globalist world religion.
I'm surprised they deleted his stuff. The only videos I watched were his area/house tour and his one about fixing his UAZ. What other stuff did he have? He didn't seem to talk about genocide or anything.
Christians really cannot meme.
>spreading a shit ton of misinformation about the guy you murdered
>shit talked the people who stood up for him like Fenriz while talking good about yourself like you are some kind of saint
Surprised it lasted so long. Liked the video where he drove around the woods to the Cure though
Sounds like somebody needs their big tree cut down again.
He made another channel
>Me getting banned of this video site for spreading antisemitism is exactly the same as Trotsky getting an ice axe to the back of the head and being pic related-ed.
umm, sweaty, you are forgetting he is also a massive racist.
Varg is pretty edgy so I understand why they might have cause but Jive is just making videos about history and is largely uninvolved in pop-politics.
and they will delete it because, that violates TOS
Lol they got him again. Who is kvetching about CT? Guy didnt even post his fascist videos most of them were communist and anarchist videos.
I didn't even bother watching those videos but I can only imagine how bad they are
go back there.
>/pol/ channels finally disappearing from youtube including all those shitty videos attacking marxism
Feels good
>marxist fears critique
>all those shitty videos attacking marxism
sweetie the far left is also extremist
All they do is misrepresent things and use ad hominems. That is not a fair critique and should not be taken seriously.
>marxist defends capitalism because its destroying his detractors
Honestly pathetic
There are hardly any leftist channels promoting hate speech or anything on the level of what the right does. It's fine if they remove any other channels breaking the TOS
I will agree with you if you can tell me why this paradox shouldn't also apply to Islam being accepted in the West. Take your time.
...so the answer is to ban it? plebs
Who is they? CT made tons of videos about marxism and they weren't compeltely anti-marxist. He's a big Lenin and Sankara fan. He got taken down too, sperg.
Probably best not to elevate 'tolerance' as a virtue, huh? And just admit that all societies require a certain (and currently growing) amount of social and thought control in order to function. If we are being honest with ourselves, anyway.
Because being muslim doesn't mean you are a terrorist you retard
neither does being a national socialist tbqh. It theoretically can be peaceful just like Islam, they just in practice aren't