Guenon v Ellul v Evola: Who to read on technology?
Guenon v Ellul v Evola: Who to read on technology?
All 3, but start with Eliade.
The only one of them that is an actual philosopher is Ellul, so I would suggest him.
Ellul is a sociologist. I suppose you think philosophy started with Thales?
guénon and evola are obviously philosophers, you just don't like their philosophy.
what's the point. it's already too late
Read Kaczynski then Evola
Jacques Barzun - Science, the Glorious Entertainment
Is reading Ted's manifesto really worth the time when I could be reading the others? I suppose his is more recent but is it up to par?
It is excellent, comprehensive, and will only take you a few hours.
He's worth reading. But Ellul is even better. Skip the other two orientalists.
The Manifesto is mediocre at best. Spend your time reading other luddites instead of that crap. Can't comment on his most recent work, it might be better.
They are luddites? I suppose I'm looking for more of a diagnosis of the problem than a prescription, as I believe that nothing can be done about it.
i liked anti tech revolution, but i like trivia in books.
He argues about all the solutions and how they will not work, i think it might be true however he does not talk about global conspiracy and world goverment which would make it able to steer the wheel into one direction. Especially if lower members only know parts of the plan and cant fuck it up.
I pity all of you. So much waste of good time
He goes into self-propagating systems in anti-tech revolutions. Sacrifices for long terms plans aren't viable for survival, and long term effects aren't ever really considered. He also makes compelling arguments for why a technological society could never prop up again after a collapse, if only because the most accessible energy resources have already been depleted, making going about a sort of industrial revolution an inefficient strategy.
Anyone know where I can get a copy of this for free? Obviously PDF or whatever. I read a preview and want/need more
Heidegger and Ellul
Philosophy literally did start with Thales numbnuts...
>i pity all of you
Lol why? This will be good
You waste time complaining about technology instead of earning money to buy the new IPhone R™
Thank you user, I already put in an order!
>I pity all of you. So much waste of good time
>t. Yea Forums user
Excellent! Your social credit score has been updated!
That heavily depends on your definition of philosophy numbnuts
No mention of Lewis Mumford?
None of above. They aren't radical enough and stops before suggesting returning to the ecological power relations.
How do you expect to get everyone on the same page in regards to this? There's no point to prescribe a solution for the problem on a macro level
Guenon and Evola are delusional plebs. They are the philosophical equivalent of middle class white people who go gap years to Asia to discover themselves.
Fuck both of them, just read Heidegger.
Why are you so philosophically puritan? Do you want to earn pseud points?
>middle class white people who go gap years to Asia to discover themselves
more like allan watts and terence mckenna, but thats on your conscience.
Either just go off to the woods with your family and maybe a few others or if you want real change then I would aim to do something like Osho did.
>Allan Watts is too deep for me
Sometimes I like to smoke a joint and listen to McKenna or Watts. It really blows my mind how insightful they are, western philosophy doesn’t come close.
they're /pol/tards and that disqualifies them automatically from being philosophers or anything other than low iq incels for that matter.
Guenon was initiated by Muslims and Evola wrote about spiritual adoption. Neither of them were /pol/tards
>Islam hasn’t in over half a century
Whabbisim has eroded what was once a viable tradition
cope harder, poltard
memes aside, the four of them actually have parallels with heideggerian thought. martin dwells in the mystical more so than surface reading. theyre distant schools but philosophy is the same family.
funny how the anti-pols now also think like poltards
Kittler. You read Kittler for technology.
Alan Watts is the community college professor who wears sandals year round and his feet are stained from walking in sewage while cleaning beaches in India.