Culture of Critique

This book is so important that ADL forced Amazon to ban it.
What did Yea Forums think of it?

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it's good

Guess I’ll read it.

what is ADL?

Jewish organization dedicated to silencing and destroying critics of Jews.

It's in my list but I can tell just from the cover that it's going to be antisemitic hogwash. You have the ominous silhouettes of fedoramen stood threateningly in the background and the bleeding letters. Also "evolutionary analysis" kek.

Lmao by critics of Jews you mean antisemites and racists

So this is the book critiquing "the culture of critique" huh? Seems very unreasonable.

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Correct, Jews see any critcism of them as 'antisemitism', a meaningless term they invented to make such criticism taboo

It's written by a biology PhD, not some /pol/tard.

Read Siege before it gets taken off as well

We prefer to be called counter-semites.

It's one thing to criticise a group and another thing to contribute to the pernicious narrative that was the direct cause of the Holocaust. I too have a problem with the in-group mentality and tribalism of many Jews but I don't from this construct a narrative wherein all Jews are cunning deceivers trying to bring down the white race or something silly like that.

yes there can be no legitimate criticism of jews, it all comes from a place of mindless hatred

A'd the guy said he wrote it because he fears that the jews are importing muslims and black, who are far more antisemits than white, en mass despite this contradicting his basic thesis (jews manipulating society for their survival)

It's basically trying to make every jews behavior fit into the jewish hydra.

>biology PhD, not some /pol/tard.
Hahaha, you don't know very many biologists I assume.

The ADL would call your statement about the 'ingroup mentality and tribalism of many Jews' antisemitism

oh no, you've woken the JIDF

Maybe they would. But that doesn't invalidate the work they do in counteracting Nazi propaganda.

How does that contract his basic thesis?

Congrats you just made an antisemitism

Jews want to import people who are hostile to Jews even though they are supposed to be the manipulators of society. Pretty simple.

Capital is mobile, labor is not. It's a global game now.

100% truth.

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Idk seems like most lefty Jews would agree with me that tribalism and ingroup mentality are bad things

Let's say there were no Jews. You'll be left with the next highest IQ group, Western Euros and North East Asians, either of which or both who will dominate the global economy. They will end up doing the same actions MacDonald describes Jews performing. Maybe it's the system that enables a global economy and multi national corporations than it is the people who successfully accomplish and play by the game.

Jews lobby USA to bomb and invade middle east and then they have NGOs bring in refugees and other migrants to Europe. This destabilizes the middle east and europe at the same time. You can't have a nationalist revolution, when half your population is Muslim. And most Jews aren't really in danger since they're segregated away from the Muslims.

Will the book tell me anything i that can't read on /pol/ RIGHT NOW?

Just look at the British Empire, they were much better rulers than Jews.

Probably but singling out the jewish kind might not go well, even if its "anti-zionist" but thats just one form of jewish tribalism.

Zionism is your real enemy. Thinking Zionists care about their fellow Jews is like thinking the CEO of Walmart actually gives a shit about their own low-level workers.

Yeah and the Chinese are better imperialists in Uganda than the Brits but it doesn't make it right.

Zionist and leftist jews both deserve the oven. They work in tandem most of the time even if they're not open about it.

> I don't from this construct a narrative wherein all Jews are cunning deceivers trying to bring down the white race

You should because it happens to be true.

>I too have a problem with the in-group mentality and tribalism of many Jews

Congratulations you're an antisemite according to the ADL.

Bro it's the right wing that are in love with Israel. The left is anti imperialism, anti ethnostatism, anti war, and anti racism. All things Israel represents. You are delusional.

More like:
>This book is so badly written that the ADL needed to intervene and force Amazon to throw this huge crapping of ink into the trash

They both work against white people's interests, so they're both enemies in my book.

>Anti-defamation league declares book too be a poorly written attempt to link jews with cultural subversion
Then why would they care? If it’s poorly written then who would buy and read it?

There’s a quite by Voltaire: to find out you rules you, ask who you’re not allowed to criticize

Very nice, they both still suck and are often hypocritical

>5 shekels have been wired to your account

MacDonald is Catholic, so it's like the pot calling the kettle black. I have no interest in the work.

Nietzsche is the better thinker and the better source on the subject of the Jews.

Why do you presume nazis speak for white people? Do you know how many whites died fighting against nazism? I guess you'll just blame that on the Jews as well.

Meme quote. You're not allowed to Ben racist against black people but nobody would say black people have the power in society. It really is summer isn't it?

>If it’s poorly written then who would buy and read it?
Anti-semites, user. People who are irrational and would love to have their madness dressed in fact.
>to find out you rules you, ask who you’re not allowed to criticize
Voltaire never said that lul, a pedophiliac nazi by the name of Kevin Alfred Strom (Look him up) said that and it's been attributed to Voltaire ever since.

I'm speaking for white interests, not for white people.

>niggers can’t be racist towards Whites
Then why doesn’t the ADL get shit like this banned?

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ADL doesn't ban Mein Kampf, but bans CoC, because they know that CoC documents reality.

>t. White cuckolds that are using the time their bull gave them to be racist and anti-semitic
*sigh* You people need to be re-educated.

>you need to be educated on why jews are good and Nazis were bad
Sorry, my education says yours is a load of horseshit.

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oh shit, a banned book? That means I have to read it.
Thanks for the rec my jewbros

>>niggers can’t be racist towards Whites
Brilliant reading comprehension sir. Would you like to perform an exegesis on my post and tell me how exactly you came up with that interpretation?

Ah yes muslims immigrants are the only thing stopping a nationalist revolution. If it wasn't for them the next Messiah would have already appeared and cast out the jewish devil before userhing western civilization into a glorious everlasting utopia.

>one book written by a fraud forgotten by everyone but retarded deniers
>uuh why don't they ban it.

always better to understand something from the source than through a filter of retardation

>I too have a problem with the in-group mentality and tribalism of many Jews
That would be classified as anit-semitism by the ADL and if you were a political figure, you'd be put on their list. No joke.

You can criticise the ADL for being too liberal in its definition of antisemitism but there is no denying that the majority of what it deals with (like this book) is antisemitic propaganda.

CoC is unironically just >the in-group mentality and tribalism of many Jews. All the guy does is talk about a few Jewish led movements in the 20th century that show them acting in a tribal way.
Have you read it?

It specifically paints Jews as the manipulators of society who act in their self-interest by bringing in nonwhite migrants into the West. More than that, it proposes a BIOLOGICAL explanation for this.
There is no difference between this book and the propaganda of the 1930s. These are all classic far right and antisemitic talking points.

I do deny it. The ADL was exposed years ago as hack-fraudery that has to literally invent antisemitism in order to justify its funding. Antisemitism- the irrational hatred and violence towards Jews based on nothing but their physical presence, has been declining across Europe and North America for decades as Jews generally become less religious and more culturally involved in consumer capitalism. There are however orthodox and heavily Zionist elements of Judaism that utilize the religion as a means to play out their little nationalist fiefdom games in the middle east.

Look up Yoav Shamir's 'Defamation,' it's worth a watch. An Israeli Jew gets unfettered access to the ADL offices for several months.

It's just a historical fact that Jews were involved in the 1965 immigration act, that they were pissed off about the initial restriction in the 20s, and that they have a vested interest in white countries not being racially homogenous or racist, because of their history of friction living in them as minorities.
Calling that propaganda or classic talking points doesn't make it not true

Calling it propaganda or classic talking points is another confusion tactic

if you can connect your target with other successfully-defamed targets, you don't have to bother finding valid (or less than valid) arguments

Obviously most minorities want to end racism because it affects them. That is not the claim being made. The claim is that Jews cunningly, manipulatively, like shadow-puppeteers, resolved to put an end to white homogeneity and ultimately the white race. This is never framed as a genuine belief in anti-racism and egalitarianism but as an attack by a powerful group trying to maintain that power through nefarious means. Take black people as an example: most blacks vote for anti-racist policies and the civil rights movement had probably a larger effect on the passing of the 1965 act than any Jew did, yet for some reason blacks are not talked about in the same light.
You've put yourself in quite a comfortable position there. Instead of having to respond to the genuine criticisms by leftist Jews or anyone that argues against racism you can just wave your hand and assert that they're acting for the "Jewish agenda" and that their "shekels have been deposited".

I honestly don't believe anybody on earth except maybe certain extremely sheltered white people are really 'not racist'. Anyway Jews had a lot more influence than blacks did, but of course blacks also tried to exert their will, as anyone would.

The Jewish agenda as you put it is not very different than the concept of white privilege, a pattern of preferential treatment and promotion of norms without any real conspiracy behind it. It is actually kind of absurd to propose that Jews wouldn't do this, anybody who gained any power would be liable to act that way, and Jews are anomalously tribal people.

The anti-racist agenda is not the Jewish agenda. It's the agenda of left-leaning people, including whites and minorities. Minorities are more likely than whites to be left-leaning not out of tribalism but because they are the ones affected by racism. If they were not minorities they would probably have an equal split of left/right leaning people in their populations like whites do.

the british upper class of the empire was thouroughly inbred with the jews, lots of intermarriges

no, regular people

>Yeah and the Chinese are better imperialists in Uganda than the Brits but it doesn't make it right.

anti-semitism =/= racism

NO ONE thinks that "all jews" are in on some big scheme, that's a strawman.

I make a point of always referring to the Jewish Oligarchy AS the Jewish Oligarchy.
The JO is quick to use anti-semitism as a smokescreen, naming them as such helps to get around that.
I have lots of Jewish friends, and I love Seth Rogen.
Not Jeff Goldblum, though, he's totally in on it

>da joos are ruining our country
>but it's okay if whites or asians go imperialist over other countries

Oh look, another thread about a foundational ideological text of the Alt Right

This has nothing to do with what the guy said you retard. And he's right, that's the exact reason they do it.

Who needs CoC when you can read the Forward or Tablet?

>right wing
you mean neocon boomer amerimutts lmao

you haven't read the book

Imagine thinking genetics determines IQ

>leftist jews are zionist
uh, in the US I believe bernie and that somalian woman are the only politicians to ever criticize israel, and it made most republicans and democrats seethe

>anti imperialism
The left is all for imperialism, as long as it is their guys doing it. Remember how quickly the liberals went from being 100% in opposition to Bush's foreign policy, then being 100% onboard with Obama doing the exact same shit and then some
>anti war
see above
>anti ethnonationalist
I agree with you on that one
>anti racism
The American left has a facade of anti racism. Arguably, they can be just as racist as right wingers. They treat brown people as their pets and when one dares to step out of line and vote for the wrong person, just look how they treat them. White liberals talk to blacks with simpler words, compared to when talking with other whites.

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He is not wrong about any of the facts he cites and his evo-psych case is at least interesting. Those who still identify as Jewish in the current year would probably have been selected for certain traits, since any Jew without strong in-group preference would have just bred with members of their host nation eventually, assimilating and ending their "Jewish" line.
Reminder that Zionism was a modernist racialist movement similar to Nordicism and almost all who claim Jewish identity in any form are products of it in one way or another.