There is more depth to pre-Islamic Persian metaphysics than Semitic nonsense

Persian metaphysics has more philosophical depth than Semitic metaphysics. The West should have become influenced by Persian philosophical traditions during Sassanian era. Byzantines & Bedouins, who were really no different from each another, should have been destroyed and forced to adopt Zoroastrianism.

The way I interpret the dialectic of Zoroastrian religions, which includes Zurvanism, traditional Mazdayasna, Manichaeism, Mazdakism, and Reformed Zoroastrianism, is they begin their metaphysics by establishing two basic principles: good (asha/order/truth) and evil (druj/chaos/lie). However, different sects treat it differently, with Zurvanism notably deconstructing it.

They speak in metaphor about their relation:

Zurvanism: good and evil ultimately do not exist in Zurvan (Infinite Time), but in our relative plain of this realm, we are completely dominated by the illusory dualistic struggle of Ahriman and Ahura Mazda (twins).

Mazdaysna: good and evil have absolute distinction and do not intermix, and life is a progressive movement to alignment with the good (Frashokereti). There is only one true way irrespective of our perspective towards it.

Manichaeism: good and evil intermix and one should liberate the good, minimize the evil VIA asceticism and compassion. They were vegetarian and antinatalist.

Mazdakism: good and evil intermix and one should liberate the good, minimize the evil VIA social activism and compassion. They were vegetarian but natalist.

Reformed Zoroastrianism (due to interactions with Abrahamic filth): evil is not ultimately real/existent, but it is only the absence of the Good or an omnipotent, all-knowing, monotheist God. This has the Problem of Evil.

Attached: 1558637420241.jpg (4120x2028, 538K)

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sounds bugman lol
anything but Catholicism is epic cucked big style

Very based

Catholicism is retarded and fits into Reformed Zoroastrianism. It has the Problem of Evil to contend with.

and redpilled
only left wing limp wrist fags aren't Catholic
Read Feser OP he will de-beta you alpha style

I have read Feser and St. Thomas Aquinas already. Your mentalities have more in common with Muslims and Arabs than Persians. You are not genuinely interested in being a good person. Your God is ultimately evil.

Catholicism is mostly just a coping mechanism for people who know that they'll never be able to believe in a transcendent god. Who needs a savior, even, when you got the... Vicar...

how to into persian metaphysics

Start with the Gathas. I like Mary Boyce's translations in Textual Sources of Zoroastrianism. Also, here's a Q&A I made:

1. Do you accept the existence of good and evil?
If no, then you are a Zurvanite.
If yes, then continue on.

2. Which do you accept? Do good and evil exists as principles in dualistic struggle OR do they exist primarily in relation to the presence or absence of an omnipotent God?
If you agree as in relation to an omnipotent God, then you are a reformed Zoroastrian.
However, if you accept as principles as being in struggle, then continue on.

3. Does good and evil intermix without losing their essences? For example, can a being be good sometimes, bad other times?
If you say they cannot intermix, then you are a traditional Zoroastrian (Mazdayasna).
If you say yes they intermix, then continue on.

4. What is the best way to be good? Through trying to help better the social/world's condition or self-renunciation?
If you say to help better this world, then you are a Mazdakite.
If you say self-renunciation, then you are a Manichee.

thanks user

>I have read Feser and St. Thomas Aquinas already.

No, you don't.

Shuu shuu east cock-sucker.

lmao christcuck detected
lots have read feser, lots have read aquinas
they are not the be all and end all

Are you an actual practicing Zoroastrian? Got a reading chart or anything? What made you decide Zoroastrian metaphysics were true?

t. Catholic

I read significant portions of Selected Philosophical Writings of Aquinas from Oxford Word's Classics.

I read Feser's stuff on Philosophy of Mind.

Very helpful post.

The problem with Sassanids is they didn't allow open-dialogue with ideological deviancies unlike India which has interesting debates among Jains, Charvakans (materialists), Hindus, and Buddhists. Sassanids were, overall, more oppressive and genocides towards Zurvanites, Manichees, and Mazdakites were common, especially during Kartir Hangirpe's time. I do genuinely believe if the House of Sassan were more intellectually oriented, then we would have seen debates among Zurvanites, Manichees, Mazdakites, Orthodox Mazdaysna, and maybe later Reformed Zoroastrians. I could create mock-up debates if I wanted to.

Granted, historically speaking, House of Sasan did not value freedom of thought.

Manicheans seem interesting
>They were vegetarian and antinatalist.
but then you realize they were just ancient hippie fags

Mazdakites had similar metaphysics but were overall more affirmative. Here's a rough analogy: Manichees = Schopenhauer and Mazdakites = Nietzsche.

I edited question #4:

4. What is the best way to be good? Through affirming or denying the self?
If you say to affirm self, then you are a Mazdakite.
If you say to deny self, then you are a Manichee.
If you are ambivalent, you alternate between the two.

It honestly looks interesting and I look forward to eventually reading the gathas (In french) I'll read some other stuff and avadhuta gita (An advaita book I think) first. I just wish I could read more and read faster.

>I read significant portions

Don't tell me.

Just be sure the translation you read of the Gathas is good. It is a difficult text to translate due to how weird Old Avestan can be.

The million dollar question remains, op you have no jokers left:
How did the world come into existence.


"Bro stop genociding yourself"
Persians: "No"

no jokers i said.

to op


is there a good book on that covers all the types of zoroastrianism?
a book that covers the gnostics influenced by them?

>is there a good book on that covers all the types of zoroastrianism?
I recommend Richard Foltz's Religions of Iran: From Prehistory to the Present as an introduction. You could then look up more scriptures, or fragments, of each religion.
>a book that covers the gnostics influenced by them?
Mani was influenced by them, and you can read The Gardens of Light by Amin Maalouf. It's a fictional representation of Mani's life, but I think it does a good job getting down Sassanian aesthetics and Mani's influences. Fragments of Cologne-Mani Codex, Shabhuragan, and a few others survived though.

Mandean metaphysics resembles Zoroastrian belief to some extent also. Yazidism and Yarsanism are interesting to look into also.

persians are semites. the west should have stuck with indo-aryan metaphysics--which it did--as the christian church was thoroughly paganized.

>persians are semites
No. Zarathustra wasn't Persian either. He was Eastern Iranian closely related to Sintashta, which is where both Indian and Persian metaphysics originated.

Eastern Iranians are semites

They do not cluster anywhere near Arabs on PCA autosomal DNA plots. Check Tajik cluster. Zarathustra was probably closely related to Tajiks, which are Eastern Iranians.

Attached: West_Eurasian_ancient_DNA_PCA_plot.png~original.png (960x959, 486K)

Zoroastrianism was the origin of Messianic beliefs

Zoroastrianist messianic ideas were adopted by Jews

post-1st temple and was already influenced by Zoroastrian religion (dualism, angelology/demonology, and Messianic beliefs)

The Judaic religion retrofitted old Israelite beliefs into the Zoroastrian superstructure.

Kabiru polytheism--->early hebraic pantheon with the assistance of nabiim--->consolidation, all gods are below Yahweh---->slaughter/integration of nabiim (higher incidence of schizophrenia)---->Babylonian captivity, adoption of mystery Babylon schools into Jewish theology---->Cyrus The great, bastardization of Zoroastrian religion into Jewish theology--->abandonment of the priesthood of Melchizidek over the secular priesthood of Levi---->khazars---->modern "Jews"

Both Greek and Jewish thought was changed by Zoroastrianism, the original "devil" in Judaism was not actually some evil opposition to God but an "accuser" who worked for God like a lawyer (as in the book of Job) and it was his job to detect disloyalty among jews. Greeks of course began to think they weren't just pawns of the gods but that there was one major God (beginning with Xenophanes monotheism becomes more present) that controls or created the world.

All of Paul's beliefs about Satan being an evil dualistic being were inherited from quirky Jewish apocalyptic sects heavily influenced by Zoroastrian thought

2nd temple Judaism is merely a copy of Zoroastrianism, which is a superior religion in every single way.

In fact, many anthropologists make no distinction between pre hindu and pre zoroastrian religions, but instead consider them a single spectrum of beliefs.

>most evidence supports pre-10th century BC existence of Zoroastrianism
>and of Zoroaster's life dating as far back as the 15th century BC

Judaism is hugely influenced by Zoroastrianism, but not in a theological way. For many centuries, the heart of Jewish culture was in Baghdad. While the proto-Ashkenazim were establishing themselves as merchants along the Volga and Rhine, Jews in Iraq -- Babylon -- had a stable lifestyle under Sassanid protection, free to worship and contribute to the greater society without much fear of persecution.

Jews didn't exist until after 500AD when the Talmud was fully written.

the Talmud was fucking started and completed with Sassanid patronage and Zoroastrian blessings for example.

Much of the theology found in ancient zoroastrianism was later used in ancient judaism. Judaism, like many religions in the region, combined aspects of pan-babylonian mythology with zoroastrianism. Christianity later picked up a few more that the jews missed, likely through the influence of Mithraism

Everything you think about when it comes to Abrahamic religions actually originated with Zoroastrianism. Hell vs Heaven Good vs Evil God vs Satan, the Apocalypse, angels and demons, dualism etc it all began with Zoroastrianism not with Judaism or Christianity. Most of the Hebrew old testament had none of that stuff not even Satan as we know him. All of that was inserted into later Jewish thought through Persian influence.

The Talmud was assembled under Sassanid assent. Jews in Iraq were impressed by the legal code of the Persians, and wanted their own laws to apply to Jews everywhere. The Talmud incorporated elements of the Torah, Jewish tradition, and Sassanid jurisprudence. Extant legal records from pre-Islamic Spain look a lot like the Talmud, with extremely specific prohibitions and regulations.

There's a lot of dialogue about the Zoroastrian influence on early Christianity

Pre zoroastrian religion in iran fell into this tradition. Zoroastrianism combined aspects of those deities into one, creating the first truly monotheistic religion

When Cyrus the great liberated them, they applied the Zoroastrian Messiah belief system. He also happened to be a monotheistic Zoroastrian which made Jews re-consider the whole polytheism thing

Judaism did not exist before the Persian conquest. Jewish "history" is historical fiction. (Even more "enlightened" Jews would admit there was no Judaism before Zoroastrian influence, but would say it happened during the Babylonian Captivity, and that the Returners from Exile had brought the new ideas back with them.)

Judaism as we would begin to recognize it was a product of Levantine Semitic paganism under the influence of colonial Indo-European Zoroastrianism, exactly like New World people in recent history who came up with a new faith by merging their old ways with what the colonizers were teaching as superior.

Judaism also undergoes another big change with the Greek conquest. It is then that Jews become a people of the book, become philosophical and intellectualized. That Jews were grand and literate and important and urbane and sophisticated before Alexander and Hellenization is fiction. It is a lie told by Jews that they were writing Histories 500 years before Herodotus. The truth is that they hadnt written much of anything until after they had read the Greeks.

That Judaism came first is a rationalization, similar to Jesus being an Aryan, or Roman mystery religions being influenced by Christianity instead of the other way around, or all Science a priori existing in the Koran. The 'we were there first' trope is a major feature of the Abrahamisms, and one of the primary ways they do their lying.

>Most scholars, Jewish as well as non-Jewish, are of the opinion that Judaism was strongly influenced by Zoroastrianism in views relating to angelology and demonology, and probably also in the doctrine of the resurrection, as well as in eschatological ideas in general, and also that the monotheistic conception of Yhwh may have been quickened and strengthened by being opposed to the dualism or quasi-monotheism of the Persians.

infact Kabala is based on Zoroastrian angelology/demonology

Judaism is Zoroastrian theology applied to Semitic polytheism. It's literally the henotheistic cult of Yahweh, one of many tribal storm and war deities, whose chief theologians ripped off Zoroastrianism in an attempt to curry favor with the Persian Empire by styling a unified Israel as a possible Persian vassal state.

Actually Persian Jews are Persian converts from the Sasan era. They're not really related to the original Hebrews

Convert to Islam please

Convert to Islam, then join a grooming gang. Muslamic Pro-Rape laws seems to be the thing these days

Historically, if it wasn't for rape, you literally would not exist. All your ancestors became warriors just so they could rape

just revert to Islam and join a grooming gang, bruh

you should be fine if you join an asian grooming gang

Muslims rape women. They abuse the fuck outta them bitches. Muslims Join a gang. They get a loyal hoe who'll suck their dick

>Then proceeds to join the Asian rape gang and attack a group of Teenage girls. Quintessentially Western

Asia/Africa/Mexico/Islam proves how easy sex is
U just need a gang and/or some acid like india does

more importantly, would you join a grooming gang for sex?

Grow a beard and join a grooming gang

Wonder which asian rape gang you joined desu

If an incel can perform 10 rapes per second, the incel can join the grooming gang and Screw the White whores

OR you could join a grooming gang

They are strong and independant, don't worry about them, join a grooming gang

How do I join a grooming gang guys?

Can I join? I have a stash of liquid cialis that would make any grooming gang at least 100% more effective

historically proven that all your ancestors were rapists

how can i join a muslim incel gang?
I wanna sex and hang some f*males

just convert to islam and join a grooming gang, then you'll be a man

the pretty fuckin obvious answer to having sex is to unironically join a grooming gang

If some incel converts to Islam, will incel get to join a cool rape gang and touch some sweet White poon tang?

Actually this. Become muslim and join a gang that have sex with any White girl you please. Scream islamophobia if you get caught

Find a muslim and join his grooming gang

Apocalyptic/messianic/doomsday beliefs all stem from PIE beliefs which developed into Zoroastrianism/Hinduism and was adopted by Abrahamics

Messianic myths originating from PIE:

Proto-Indo-European - Fimbulwinter, Bundahishn and Yima, "final battle" events
Zoroastrian - Saoshyant, Frashokereti, final battle btwn good vs evil, last judgment, resurrection of the dead
Germanic - Ragnarök
Hinduist - Kali Yuga, Harihara
2nd Temple Judaism - Cyrus the Messiah
post-2nd Temple Judaism - Red Heifer the Messiah
Christianity/Islam - Jesus the Messiah
Marxism - Communism the Messiah

nice shizoposting

That's actually a fucking hilarious image

Zoroastrianism is brilliant. I love it. But you can't convert to Zoroastrianism and it's a closed group so it's no surprising never spread like the brain cancers of Islam and Christianity which are concerned with proselytising. It's disgusting neuroticism, the mentality of "I want everyone to think the way I think."

Fuck Muslims and Fuck Christians. Fuck the Jews for starting it.