How exactly is this thread against the rules, mods?
How exactly is this thread against the rules, mods?
Mods are metaphysical incels
Get your book and go read it. We don’t need it up all the time.
I didn’t report it, but we see these kinds of threads all the damn time. This is not a watering hole for fashies
Tripfags are %5000 less welcome than any political ideologue and yet you shit up every fucking thread with your absence of though and horde or beta orbiters
Abundance of polshit
As a dedicated anti fascist, you should fuck off and die
We NEED fascist fucks to open up so they can be challenged; the more people harbor subversive thoughts unchallenged the closer we all are to facing a union of these social rejects
Mods are losers...what else is new?
Mods are fags, not that crazy to ask for books about likely the biggest figure of the 20th century
Please just please kill yourself
Go to their spaces and challenge them then. If they want to hang on a literature board, and the do, talk about something else besides their great leader savior.
>if you wanna hang on the literature board only talk about people I agree with
yes that is fascists thinking. butterfly is a fascists. everyone report this fascist. a fascist stifles our intellectual proclivities
>thread asking for book recs gets taken down
>the top thread is just about how women are sluts
>reddit meme thread is on 200 replies and still up
>some guy attention whoring his discord gf is still up
I thought that Yea Forums didn't have mods, but no, it does, they're just retarded
What an enormous faggot
We’re talking about BOOKS of the guy, are you really this abysmally insipid?
>take it somewhere else! we're talking about literature here, not ICKY literature!
>shits up every thread and every convo with attentionwhoring tripfagging hole logicing bullcrap
fuck you are a worthless piece of trash
>As a dedicated anti fascist
This is as stupid and self-important as being an anti-monarchist or an anti-anarchist. T Here is no real fascism left, you clown
>tripfaggot telling who and who isn't welcome here
kill yourself you immense fucking faggot
The answer is Mein Kampf.
I pray every day for your death
The fact that you post under a nickname just shows that you are only here to shitpost because you just need those social attention browny points. Most of your posts are vague and useless to the thread they are directed to, I hope you get breast cancer and your family gets in a car accident that will set the car alight and your folk will burn alive inside it
jnes even ban for criticism of the publishing industry.
please someone just get her address and go murder this whore
This has to be ironic.
>As a dedicated anti fascist
Did you read the rec?
It's best if they don't read.
y'all hate on "tripfags" like they're somehow violating the true nature of Yea Forums, but they're literally using a feature of the site
WHAT is the obsession with fucking Nazis.
Trust me at this point you are a fucking ANTI Intellectual who no colllegiate will respect if you are either
A) a fascist
B) an SJW
These two things hardly even exist in real life. Get real :3
who determines the "true nature of Yea Forums?" the users or the designers of the site?
regardless, a culture centered around anoynimity exists here and tripfags KNOWINGLY transgress these standards in the name of more attention
hardly seems irrational to be mad at someone so rude and self-centered
so true...
This butterfly guy... cant stand him!
The mods and jannies are all newfags who have no understanding of what Yea Forums is (just look to ancient filters like baka desu senpai which still haven't been updated) and the enemy of the users. It's impossible to get any enjoyment out of this site in a thread that doesn't 404.
this is a literature board and OP literally asked for books on a historical figure
Back to twitter filth
>regardless, a culture centered around anoynimity exists here This old sob song.
I have an old story too. Yea Forums had dozens of trip users when I first came here. Only newfags ever mentioned it, just like you’re doing now, newfag.
(You) transgress Yea Forums standards. If you had any respect for this boards “trad” you either gtfo of get a damn nick already.
>rude, self centered
Look who’s talkin!
>sjws dont exist in real life
Go to reddit if you want a username
Fuck off
Read it again
if ever there was any doubt you cam from reddit then here it is
also how can one be self centered when they actively do not reveal there 'self'?
you're a fucking idiot, the words you use having meaning you brainless shit
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
trips are for unique content, you create one, post your shit, reply to comments if needs be and that's it. it's not a fucking username, this isn't a difficult concept
go to fucking reddit to fulfill a shit sense of self worth that real life isn't giving you
you are mentally deficient in the extreme if you think the 'dozens of tripfags' you saw were the ones doing it right and the 'newfags who disagreed' were the people out-of-touch
I guess this is just high octance cognitive dissonance, what else can one expect from such a blight on humanity
>you may have your arguments, but I have shitty images someone else made and I saved! check and mate!
suicide is the answer
ever notice how the tripfags are gone and the people telling you to stop are still here
hmmmmm, thats strange, almost makes it seem like you're the one fucking things up for everyone else, but that can't be true can it? thousands of people telling you the same thing every day must all just be crazy and bitter, right? makes sense when you're a fucking fourteen year old girl
No. You wont listen to me, so why even go over it again? You're not bright. I don't think you even read much of anything. You're just a plague here.
What politics are you?
Reading lies won’t make them true, sorry that’s just not how it works
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!