Site claims to be about science and reason

>Site claims to be about science and reason
>It’s actually just far left lunatics getting triggered over microaggressions
Why do liberals pretend that they are open minded? How do we stop them from further infesting philosophy with their shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>far left

>i-it's not real communism

>How do we stop them from further infesting philosophy with their shit?

Ride the tiger, slut.

>right winger attacks website for supposedly being closed minded
>while simultaneously being triggered by beliefs contradictory to their own

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>actually giving shit about ideology
The wiki is still useful as codex of modern american neoliberalism, same as conservapedia does for bible thumping.

It does veneer into tumblr batshit woo at times, by metrics of rest of the world it can get pretty extreme at times. Same could be said about american right wing. When it comes to polarization on social issues, burgers come far ahead of anyone else.

It's not far left, definitely not. Center left more like it

It's funny how they try to pretend historical figures/ philosophers were modern day liberal egalitarians.
They hate tankies at the very least.

Why are self proclaimed "rational" people so cringe?

>no u
Not an argument weeb

>It's not far left
Maybe 5 years ago, now it's almost leftist metapedia

>FaceBook clone
>in every way


not an argument

centrism is leftism user. he's right.

what did they mean by [[this]]?

>They hate tankies at the very least.
Funny, since they're not too far apart ideologically once you leave out a economic disagreements.

Why do right wing retards get away with calling shit like social security socialism? It's a mistake as bad or worse as considering Trump a fascist.

Tankies are socially conservative.
>they're not too apart ideologically once you leave out everything

That discussion though...

[[neoliberalism]] is jewish, but squared.

Looking from anywhere in the world (eg commierope), american liberal "lefties" are still extremely conservative, and near indistinguishable from republican "fascists". Difference being only in lip service populism for their voting blocs, which all have near zero effect as tangible social/fiscal policy.

What actually is a tanky?

sure, sure.

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Rationalwiki is Keynesian.

Soviet apologists basically

Hardcore hardline communists who worship USSR and think Stalin didnt du nothin' wrong

this thread is a perfect example of why it is so pointless to try to talk to americans about politics
also Yea Forums - literature, fuck off back to /pol/
pic unrelated

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is that a discussion? it's just a wall of indistinguishable text

this isn't even tangentially Yea Forums related

ironically, most of them are gay, trans, mutts or wymyn claiming to hate liberals while being avid dildo and furry porn collectors.

>I wouldn't call John Cleese a racist, but he's certainly racially biased, like most octogenarians. Something I've had to recognize after re-watching Monty Pythons Flying Circus, they use blackface and peddle in some mild racist stereotypes.-RipCityLiberal (talk) 16:45, 31 May 2019 (UTC)

Yeah, well neither is this.


What the fuck does this have to do with literature?

>fuck off back to /pol/

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