Why do people think real things matter more than dreams?

Why do people think real things matter more than dreams?

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Dreams are polluted by and influenced by real things. Develop a pornography addiction and all your dreams will be sexual.

drug/alcohol withdrawal dreams are the craziest more realistic things ive ever witnessed. impossible to describe why but should you ever drink constantly for a week and then stop you will be in hallucination city,. kind of neat in hindsight but awful at the time

>Why do people think real things matter more than dreams?
Why do you think dreams matter more than real things?

>reality: construction worker curses loudly after stepping in pig shit
>dream: the peerless beauty of Narath with its hundred carven gates and domes of chalcedony
Wow the real world is so great.

last night i dreamt of being brown horse that was fucking black horse. my dick was partially horsecock and sausage. i saw myself fucking the horse from side and from view of my butthole and strong horse legs. this happened in a gloomy underground world of lost and confused people. then i woke up with cum in my shorts.
dreams sure are something

Get better at dreaming.

>shit is in the real world
>dreamland is more tidy
I think you’re more in love with fiction for the absolute control you can exercise over it. This is typical of right wingers/Christians/children. Don’t get me wrong. I love fiction. It’s wonderful to pretend, but an adult needs to wake up and take care of business sometimes.

Stop watching pony porn, furfag

>but an adult needs to wake up and take care of business sometimes.
You've yet to justify this.

How do you mean?
I’m one of the minority around here who has a job, when I kid around it’s out in the open and not a troll, and everyone knows I’m a materialist. How much more soberly mature can ya get?

You just stated your position again.

Because they dream of real things

>I just read Lovecraft's Key somethingsomething dream story
Literally a shit story.

Because non-fiction is for adults and fiction is fancy lad bullshit.

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Dreams dont have a logic

Most people regard some dreams as reality before waking from them.
In my opinion, it is best to regard any present experience as reality, including something which may be a dream.

You can't eat dreams

In dreams begin responsibilities

Last night my dreams were absolutely terrifying. I dreamt of realistic landscapes occupied with a mix of people and puzzling creatures whose questionable constitution and erratic movement was almost as horrific as their appearance. I dreamt that I was conversing with a man under a lamp-lit awning when from behind him emerged a creature that embodied an expression which I was not fast enough to realize. It was gunned down by an agent whose appearance I cannot be sure of, but who was nonetheless familiar to me. Shortly after I recall being in a hospital talking to a surgeon after one of his surgeries when I realized he only had a finger and a thumb on each hand. I didn’t ask him about it. Instead, I continued trying to inspect his mind. He got up and left and my awareness captured a door it had not during our dialogue. I approached it and it flew open; from it sprung veinlike tendrils that paralyzed and suspended me until I understood what was happening. At that moment a creature who barely resembled a human, skin stretched and contorted in strange ways over an unprecedented skull, encroached upon me. After these hellish instances passed, calm waters always seemed to follow, yet the serenity that comes with it feels off-kilter. I know that I am serene, but the equanimity I felt carried forboding tones.

Dreams are beautifully strange.

because in my dreams I am always smashing my female co-workers.

Post tits. In exchange, I’ll skillfully have your back when other anons pick on you.

The opposite of dreams aren't nightmares. They're memories.