Itt: people in books who literally did nothing wrong

Itt: people in books who literally did nothing wrong.
P. S.
Fuck Baldanders.

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But rape is wrong

the point is that severian does lots of things wrong

Name one thing he did wrong.

unnecessary violence and rape

That wasn't rape, she wanted it.

I liked the part when he raped


Do you guys know the name of a pornstar or model that resembles Jolenta? I need an imaginatory reference-point for when I'm reading parts that feature her

Jolenta was asking for it

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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who read that scene with his dick in his hand. Jolenta's almost cartoonish in the way she's described, with her huge breasts and her huge ass, so thicc that she's too out of shape to walk long distances. And Severian just "pumps into her" as I recall. It was hot as hell.

Fernanda Galvao

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every Hayashibara character is qt

It literally wasn't rape. Wtf?

Why was Gene wolf such a perverted sinner despite being a catholic?

Found the whoremonger.
Dorcas was /our girl/.

I just passed this stage in Sword and Claw yesterday.

Was it rape though? I perceived it as a form of almost drunken/semi-senseless union.

Also the fact that everybody now acts as nothing happened is strange and only enforces this view

It wasn't rape, she wanted his cock, and has been trying to get it for ages.

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they say it is rape in Urth

For "despite" read "because of"

How could one man be so based?