Every 5th line by either of the two characters is "dude look at the time I need me some coke right fucking now!"

>every 5th line by either of the two characters is "dude look at the time I need me some coke right fucking now!"
I'm 25 pages in and already I want to drop this novel

Attached: 511F2BPRV8L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (329x499, 35K)

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Ever since I learned Thompson was a libtard I haven't been able to respect him.


Libs then and libs now were different, though.

being a lib in 'his time' was cool and sensible, now it's mental illness and literally retarded (low iq)

So if you are surprised by that I can only assume you haven't seen the film, which leads me to believe you are very young, which leaves me puzzled about your motivation to read this book.

I'm 27.

>Not young

>"dude look at the time I need me some coke right fucking now!"
That's how cocaine is though

This. Totally a faggot boomer

That's how you know this nigga is a zoomer. Coke last like twenty minutes max.

>over 27
>on Yea Forums

wasnt mescaline their drug of choice for most of the novel

>deciding to stop respecting someone because you find out their political beliefs
Conservatives are absolute slaves to their team

Thompson was a decade too old to be a boomer.

This fucking faggot.

and pedo don't forget. fucking scum

Yeah he was a privileged moral grandstanding pseud back when they were actually a minority and not an oppressed larp fest. The true golden age for that type, all the lefties today must have some serious wrong generation feels.

See Thompson was a classic liberal. Everything he did (his love of guns and mild patriotism) would have him branded as a fascist nowadays by academics and pozzed college students.

Trust me, you won't be missing much if you drop it. It's just self-conscious shock-lit, and not even accurate in its depictions of drug use.

>an author's worth depends on his political purity
Admit it, you're all basically SJWs.

>He strongly criticized the dominance in American society of, what he called, "white power structures".[72]


Libs back then were very different than the braindead retards we have today

Yeah but he's a Patriot