What did Seneca mean by this?

What did Seneca mean by this?

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God, what a Chad.

I don't know but it feels based as fuck.

>If the room is smoky, if only moderately, I will stay; if there is too much smoke I will go. Remember this, keep a firm hold on it, the door is always open

This is the secret every human knows deep down, and in which we find the comfort and support needed to keep going.

Suicide is a sin. Repent and pray for your Lord, Jesus Christ.

>Dont like the government? Kill yourself

Never said it wasn't.

That's why the idea of eternal life and divinity is so terrifying, it robs you of that last refuge

I'd literally much rather kill myself than have to keep feigning faith in some collective fantasy.

Good point. On the surface, it saves you from something (the ordeal of death). But in really, it deprives you of peace.

There is only peace in heaven, under the Lord's loving grace.

He's telling you to stop being a bitch and stop whining about pain, and if you can't do that then go kill yourself and be free of it.

Christlarpers need to go with their God and away from this board.

Seneca was the filthy frank of ancient Rome

What do you prescribe to someone who has been trying for four years to be faithful and Christian, but cannot convince himself to truthfully and genuinely believe it? Why does "the Lord" make it so difficult, implausible, and impractical to believe in him?

Faith is never absolute - faith is faith because it isn't knowledge, and that is what makes it the strongest force of all.

Let go of your hate and accept the Lord with your heart and he will accept you.

because you are rational and are used to things having evidence. There is literally no evidence for a God to exist and every literary account of religious history is very dubious.
This doesn't reject some higher being, which I certainly doubt comes in the Christian form, but is just a chasm that is the beginning and ending of infinite cycle of universes imo.

>thinks he's rational
>believes in infinite universe cycles

I'm a fan of the 'Big Crunch' theory

he's saying - KYS ...

but in Latin


Are you retarded? What's hard to understand?

Because you're scientifically illiterate. There is no Big Crunch "theory", it is literally science fiction. Along with the Multiverse, I might add. Nothing is more disgusting than a "rational atheist" who rejects God, a being that is logically necessary, yet believes in actual scifi nonsense

Cuck religion

Keep a pistol, full bottle of opiates, or a live grenade handy just in case you're ready to go.

Spoken like a true npc.

Jesus explicitly says he can only die willingly.

Same as this legend

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