Halfway through this... I have no fucking clue what's going on

Halfway through this... I have no fucking clue what's going on.

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kek, keep up the valiant efforts

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Welcome to Pynchon.

It's bullshit all the way down.


stencil is looking for V
benny is a beatnik
esther got a nose job

not that confusing

Just enjoy the fantastic V. and Old Stencil chapters.

In short, on the prowl (searching) for V (V? woman/vagina) pussy. Pynchon was really horny and lonely in very abstract way when writing this

Yeah right, you know those buck teeth had a clit in between them every night since he was in the Navy.

When it comes to Pynchon, just go with it. You'll get something by the end.

great post

You're on the right track. You're not supposed to understand it. But by the end it will satisfy you and will make you go.....this was cool but why?

When does it get good?

Why was the priest who got killed and dismembered a tranny?

The priest was actually V. in disguise.

I remember the part where he talks to a crash test dummy and it's like "We're not so different, you and I" and I began to realize people who hold Pynch in esteem might be retarded,

He wrote V when he was like 25 lmao


So? Still shit

good thing it's just one sentence...

don't worry just keep reading

I dropped halfway. It was cool but I think you can't really follow anything unless you read like 50 pages a day to keep it flowing, which is something I don't have time for.

You should probably stop reading V., then stop reading Pynchon until at least after you graduate high school.


still better than Gravity's Rainbow.

you don't like the stuff about the young people getting together? And a lot of the Stencil stuff is like a really highbrow spy novel

>still better than Gravity's Rainbow.
um, sweaty.......