How do you overcome this mentality and become a man?
How do you overcome this mentality and become a man?
Have sex
have sex and stop consuming inconclusive media
Ling, we all know it's you posting these threads.
the doctors and hormone therapy helped me become a man. I couldn't have done it on my own.
understand the root of your pleasure and it will cease to bind you
I read this and threw up my guts.
Something is wrong with me lately, every time I think about transgenderism or read about it I feel immediately sick .
What could be the meaning ?
It never happened before, before I didn't care a bit.
Did anyone else unironically get turned on by that synopsis?
It means you're gay, faggot.
Is this a real book
Ew no. Lift weights, stop jacking off, and find Christ. Very /pol/ I know, but what works, works.
I don't know why, but this makes me a little bit sad... I get that it's just a fetish, but there seems to be suffering behind it.
>every time I think about transgenderism or read about it I feel immediately sick .
That's not wrong, that's healthy.
this is exactly how porn will fuck you up. the second you start identifying with female orgasms, it's too late for you. then you're on hormones and writing shitty blogs
Can you elaborate on this?
You literally need to dilate and have sex
All those "white nationalists" following an Asian sissy. Altrighters are degenerates
I'm afraid you are projecting.
White nationalists are a much smaller group than the 'alt right' and you are not going to find them supporting white-asian intermarriage.
Absolutely based Lingposter. Making people aware of the best book of the 21st century.
cognition may be reduced to interactions of electrochemical inferometry. symbol and gradient invoke eros as solid as the spaces between finer structure. if you are a freudian, it is to derive the function of ego from id so you become aware of it and move beyond it to a truer self. enlightenment awaits beyond many paths of knowledge, and could be considered to be reconciliation of the internal with the external, to discover what is most basic to your self and nature. without knowing your plights i cannot explain it in more familiar terms.
This is depressing
>every time I think about transgenderism or read about it I feel immediately sick .
Yeah, that's a pretty natural reaction to self mutilation.
this, worked for me
That guy is mentally ill and a disgrace to Genghis Khan.
If he wasn't such a God damn degenerate he would be alright.
He probably has some issues.