
Are classics actually good? If so, what classics do you recommend reading?

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My diary desu

uhh Dracula idk

The Count of Monte Cristo is pretty good.

The Red and the Black

“Metamorphosis” by Kafka

Aren't they called 'classics' because they're good?


is this summer?

The Bible

What do you define as classics?

Wait, you read modern books?

No, they're called classics because they have a lobby behind them shilling them as such.

OP here

>aren’t they called ‘classics’ because they’re good?

Yes that’s true but recently I’ve heard mixed opinions about classics and I’d like to know what you people think.

>what do you define as classics?

I guess the common definition of those old books that were apparently tested to be good. E.g “To Kill A Mockingbird”, “The Great Gatsby”

>Do you read modern books?

Yeah I’m sort of all over the place when it comes to my taste in books. If I find it interesting and I enjoyed reading it then it’s a good book.

They are called classics because they had impact and influence, maybe by being the first to spawn a new genre, or one that came to define literature of a certain sort or a certain time. Many are still enjoyable to read, but some are quite dated compared to modern books.

Imagine classic cars from around the 1900's. They have a certain style and they will always be important as symbols and as forerunners of the modern car, but try driving one and you'll quickly realize that their function has been superseded by modern iterations.

I highly recommend these: Frankenstein, The Phantom of the Opera, The Monk, The Last Man, Dracula, The Castle of Otranto, Melmoth the Wanderer, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, The King in Yellow, the complete works of Poe, Saki and Mary Shelley (her short stories, but first read Frankenstein and The Last Man), The Count of Monte Cristo.

>Yes that’s true but recently I’ve heard mixed opinions about classics
Which ones, and what were the arguments either way?

"Classics" isn't a some objective category. Generally, some person or group of people is recommending works or authors. If the recommender has good judgment, then you can reasonably expect their recommendations to be worthwhile. If they don't, you would expect the other way.

>I guess the common definition of those old books that were apparently tested to be good. E.g “To Kill A Mockingbird”, “The Great Gatsby”
Tested to be good by whom? The two books you mentioned are usually assigned reading for high school students. Did you like them?

OP (and everyone here really), I would suggest you read an article that Italo Calvino wrote, called "Why read the classics?"

If you Google that name + PDF, you should find it. It's a great read.

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Kill yourself tranny

Don't "tranny" me, redditor.

You probably think the classics "need more POC"

Everything Harold Bloom lists in the Canon.

It's missing some serious works though

What? Where did that come from?

Then some of them are.

The ones that I rec are:
-100 Years of Solitude
-A Christmas Carol
-A Midsummer Night's Dream
-A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
-A Tale of Two Cities
-Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
-Crime & Punishment
-Death of a Salesman
-Divine Comedy
-Don Quixote
-Dr. Faustus
-Epic of Gilgamesh
-Ethan Frome
-Great Expectations
-Invisible Man
-Jane Eyre
-Julius Caesar
-King Lear
-Les Mis
-Madame Bovary
-Notes from Underground
-Pride & Prejudice
-Oedipus Rex
-Romeo & Juliet
-Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
-The Brothers of Karamazov
-The Catcher in the Rye
-The Glass Menagerie
-The Grapes of Wrath
-The Great Gatsby
-The Metamorphosis
-The Picture of Dorian Gray
-The Scarlet Letter
-The Sound & the Fury
-The Stranger
-Things Fall Apart
-Wuthering Heights

I'm trying to imagine being this retarded and I just can't lol.

Whoops, I meant

Fuck off memer

imagine being this triggered someone outed your reddit tendencies

>Are classics actually good?
>If so, what classics do you recommend reading?
Henry Fielding, I guess

more like ASSics if you ask me

mutually exclusive.
they are classics because their value was perceived by people across generations. If a "classic" is dated it is not a classic anymore.

>melville got paid per word
>canon is just another way of saying white supremist

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This too

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Anything from Edgar Allan Poe. I highly recommend his poems and short stories.

too much anglo trash

>reading dead white cis men