/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

>The nominees are selected and we vote to choose the book for June's Monthly Reading.

Monthly Reading for June: TBD

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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Other urls found in this thread:


Voting time! These are the nominees:

Lord of Light,
by Roger Zelazny. ~300 pages

Good Omens,
by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. ~400 pages

Vermilion Sands,
by J.G Ballard. ~200 pages

Exhalation: Stories,
by Ted Chiang. ~350 pages

Her Smoke Rose up Forever,
by James Tiptree Jr. ~500 pages

In Other Worlds,
by A.A Attanasio. ~200 pages

I excluded Tigana because it is long as fuck, already frequently discussed and recommended in the selected fantasy chart.

Poll: strawpoll.me/18106910

Feel free to keep discussing the last book, There Are Doors by Wolfe. It seems like even seasoned Wolfe readers found the book somewhat confusing and without clear focus, have you read any other of Wolfe's stand alone books? How are they compared to There Are Doors?

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Vote Lord of Light since I just bought a copy from my local bookstore.

Thoughts on Disc world?

I vote Tigana anyways you dumb fuck

Lord of light sounds gay
Vermilion sands sounds comfy

>you will likely never get to read In Other Worlds with /sffg/

Nice, I bought my copy a couple of weeks back and have not gotten around to reading it yet. What edition did you get?

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Tigana is barely longer than 500 pages and 4 weeks is plenty of time to read it

This is a disgrace not really but I am still a little disappointed

Not as good as Good Omens (I tried to get into Going Postal and failed, finished Lords and Ladies and didn't find it all that great), in my opinion as it seems at least to me that Gaiman has helped to reign in his, uh, digressions. (Good Omens in itself does have its own digressions but to a lesser extent). I'm not a Pratchettfag.

I also am not a fan of Gaiman, Neverwhere was serviceable but not nearly as entertaining as works penned by authors like Jasper Fforde or Garth Nix (rose tinted lenses).

If you're desperate for something, Good Omens and Lord of Light are good off

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I want to spaz out like a retard.


I get that he establishes relationship between Moon's Spawn's Anomander Rake, Daruhjistan's relationship with Malazan conquest, but fuck me, it feels less like world-building and more like world dump. Is the writer ADD? I believe you have 6 POVs in chapter 6.

That said I am interested in where the book is going, I just wish it settled on the cast already.

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He does the exact same thing in like 6 of the 10 books.

>le in medias res style of writing in Malazan is only for superior intellectuals who don't need handholding

I like it

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Does Fire and Blood invalidate these novellas, or are they still worth reading?
The Princess and the Queen (2013)
The Rogue Prince, or, the King's Brother (2014)
The Sons of the Dragon (2017)

and does the main book series invalidate these?
Blood of the Dragon (1996).
Path of the Dragon (2000).
Arms of the Kraken (August 2002).

great always can make you laugh and have some solid characters, if you want something relaxing that does not burden you go for some of them the guards series is especially good.

I'm biased because I read a lot of them growing up, but I love them. I like the humour, and I like the fact that (after the first couple of books) they're passable stories with fun characters rather than just a series of gags with a fantasy backdrop.
And thank fuck they aren't a single massive epic and each book pretty much stands on its own.

is red country and the heroes any better than best served cold? about two thirds in and it's boring me out. it's too damn long

Where can I get a few hundred good books in a single archive? Need to fill up a reader and don't have much time for cherrypicking.


Chain of dogs is the best book in the series. Just stick with it.

>and does the main book series invalidate these?
yes, they are just chapters from the books

i liked best served cold personally, but a lot of people don't seem to like it
i liked the heroes too and i think it's generally more highly rated
found red country pretty bland


Any Vorkosiganfags try this out on a whim? I know I did, and found it to be great (as is the sequel, though not quite as good). I'd almost call myself a Bujoldfag, but the Sharing Knife is cancer, spare your brain cells.
It's really comfy. Ex-soldier from the minor nobility with some nasty scars treks over to the villa he worked at before becoming an officer, where (as luck would have it) the young princess of his kingdom is. The widow in charge of the place puts him in charge of the wild young royal (and her attendant) as educator and chaperone, which he takes to. He's determined to protect his daughterfus from the mess that is the royal court. It's really sweet, and the magic system is based around the gods, though the only one that anybody in that world sees on a semi-regular basis is death magic, which is equivlent exchange.
Oh, and, y'know, the titular curse. But it doesn't become relevant until a good while into the story.

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Curse is her best work imo, def worth reading. It's completely different from the Vorkosigan books though. It's on the slower side and can get a bit emo at times. But Cazaril is the best "older" protagonist and flat out one of the best characters I've come across.


Nvm, brainfart. you've already read it, I thought you were asking if it was worth reading.

Anyways, I'm so waiting for Bujold to stop writing those shitty romance books and start something new. I mean I didn't mind the romance in Vorkosigan it was great but it's better in small doses instead of basing a whole series around it like she does with her newer works.

I like The Witches stories more than anything else - Granny Weatherwax is a really compelling character.

I bet most of them wouldn't be able to finish Finnegan's Wake.

Are there any good anti-lgbt sff books that I can read in support of the fuck Pride month movement?

Not since 1999


i just finished the night's dawn trilogy. it's not anti-lgbt and the author is definitely a liberal, but what made me laugh is, that in the book, humanity started colonizing planets by only sending one (or several similar) ethnic groups per single planet. because having multiple ethnic groups living together led to strife and instability and the first few planets they tried it on became shitholes.

so you'd have european-ethnic planets, french-ethnic planets, african-ethnic planets, etc. just imagine what kind of a reaction an idea like that (basically segregation) would get from the current sci-fi audience. made me smile thinking about it, while reading the books.

anyway i'd heartily recommend the trilogy. just be braced for a slow and annoying start until you get your bearings and become invested in the characters' stories. i'd say unironically probably you need to get 200 pages in until you get into the groove.

Reminder that not to listen to incels and that this book is good.

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>A world divided.
>A queendom without an heir.
>An ancient enemy awakens.

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>>An ancient enemy awakens.
kino trope

Name one good fantasy book that doesn't involve an ancient evil returning/awakening.

Protip: you can't.

Based and Comfypilled

Alphabet of Thor...

Ah shit.


Stop it user, you've been shilling that shit since you got baited into buying it by reviews written by 17 year old Katys and Amandas on Amazon.
You're the type of faggot that takes a girl home, realize she has a dick bigger than yours, convince yourself that it's just a really big clitoris, suck it good then take it up your ass and tell all your mates next day that you had amazing anal sex with a 10/10 beauty.

t. incel

I will also vote for Tigana because it's the best in that list and fuck you. It shouldn't take more than 2 weeks to finish it.

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what are some other books like this (specifically sci-fi with gnostic themes)? I was recc'd this one while looking for books like Xenogears.

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Monthly reading is not supposed to take two weeks. It’s not even supposed to take one week. It was originally meant to focus on short stories but I dropped that since people wanted to read longer works, and I would have allowed Tigana if there were fewer nominations. Anyway, Tigana is a great book and you have my blessing to read it and discuss it here in the thread.

Come back when you’ve actually read the book and have more than buzzwords to say about it.

Try these

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I decided to follow through and write my novel. I mean I already started writing it, but I'm only about 8k words so far, and at the end of the day, thinking does nothing against writing. So I'm just going to write, and write, and see what comes of it.
Also checked out Iron Dragon's Daughter and it's nothing like I'm doing, so I'm safe in that area.

Look at this beauty. The grumman F-14 tomcat, now imagine something like this flying overhead in a supersonic roar, shaking the earth, cracking the windows, felling men on their knees in despair. And then come the missiles, an endless stream of fire and brimstone compressed in that instant of impact.
Now all you year is the hissing if its passing, and the obvious cries of the injured and the dying. All it took for their conqueror is one single moment. Nothing else. And nothing could have stopped it, not your bow and arrows, not your prayers, not your kneeling in despair.

How in the world do you even fight this thing?

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I don't know.

Imagine not voting for Ballard

Come back when you have read it and you aren't just trying to fit in.

How are you gonna write this thing? It takes an insane amount of effort and resources to fly and maintain a fighter jet. Will magic just take care of it?

>2 years later

so..... hows that novel going?

Opinions on Michael Crichton?

Congo was the shit and I don't exactly recall which book this is, in it the female antagonist in the book is described by Crichton as having blow job skills equivalent to that of a vacuum hose. Reading that was the highlight of 12 year old me's summer break back in the day.

Well obviously magic plays the biggest role. I'm no engineer, I don't rightly know airplane technology and the physics behind it, so I'll have magic with some bullshit plot twist take care of it, but there are roots in real tech.
For example the carrying capacity (almost all powerful magic deals with weight / weightlessness) and the jet can't carry more than XYZ, as a parallel to the limitations of a real jet. The F-14 for example carries a maximum of 4 rockets on the belly station, and another 4 on the wing hardpoints, while also being fitted with a gatling-gun. Obviously in the novel those are not real life missiles but magic projectiles and sorcerous substances such as explosives.
There are 3 magics in the world, or at least 3 disciplines of study and observation. Fire-based magic, weight / gravity based magic and potions / substances (I REFUSE to call it alchemy, as it's not nearly the same concept, not even close). Out of these three comes the means to combat these hellish fighter jets.
Make no mistake though, the book has a plot of its own, characters of its own and it does not revolve around these subjects although I go sufficiently in depth.

Don't care how much it takes honestly. It's a side thing, won't quit my day job anytime soon, and I DO intend on making a good job and writing a good novel.

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Those are some of the worst book covers I've ever seen. Wow.

Oh, yes, to add to the question, it DOES take an insane amount of effort to build, maintain and fly these things. It's not like modern warfare, although magic disciplines play a big role in the societal landscape of the world.
Effort aside, the resource cost is unbearable even for territorial lords, and the sciences that go into building these things is arcane and mysterious. It's not like building a ship, you need to have sorcery and esoteric materials interwoven. But once you have one, you're basically a good in your region, able to call in airstrikes to quite literally flatten an entire city or fortress, or destroy a bridge, or secure whatever landmark you need.

>How in the world do you even fight this thing?
Attack its supply chain? Assassinate key technical staff?
Any sort of guerilla warfare?
Unless maintenance is basically free it'll be a horribly fragile sort of power in an otherwise medieval-ish world.

Sabotage the runway

It was a rhetorical question. Of course there are ways. Undermine the prospectors, attack the supply caravans, remove the working hands, outright make the knowledge to operate these things unavailable to the opposition, and then there are the direct ways, attack fire with fire. Form alliances, order assassinations, bribery.

It doesn't take away the power of these jets though.

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An old Avon paperback. It's mostly a used bookstore, so there's a lot of very old stuff in there.

tfw no daniel greene bf to cuddle with

dan green? the powerlifter?

are there any read versions of r.a salvatore's 11-14 books? I've only found ventrilo voice reading them? I usually listen to them while going to work so i'd prefer them in audio format..

Amazon's been recommending me this guy's books just because I've clicked on some of their nice looking covers. Are any of them actually worth reading? The covers look hot

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william d arand and randi darren are the same guy. he does erotica under darren and pg 13 under arand.
i personally enjoyed super sales and wild wastes. havent read fostering faust yet but the third book is coming out in like 3 days or so.

Just read Hour of the Dragon, Xaltotun was a great example of this.

How have things been going around here /sffg/? Sorry I haven't been around lately. I haven't been reading or writing anything

>How in the world do you even fight this thing?
EMP if it's in the middle of nowhere, otherwise blow it up while it refuels

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Read the Barrow by Mark Smylie.

Neal Stephenson's new book just released today. Any of you guys interested in it?

Read Darren if you like monster girls. Wasted and remnant especially. Goat girl in remnant is real good.

I thought you were going to have a medieval culture import a modern fighter jet through time travel or whatever. It seems like a cool in a trashy way idea. Best of luck.

Dunno if I can call this series underrated, given how positive the few mentions I can find tend to be, but it's certainly underread.

Not sure why, whether it's because of the dire cover art of the first book, because it came out too far ahead of the muh grimdark trend, or because each book in the series is very different from the last. Or maybe it's because the author seems to disappear off the face of the Earth for years at a time doing god knows what.

It's certainly not a perfect series, I'd probably be less positive about it than the mostly 100% glowing reviews I've seen, but it's certainly more original and worth the read than a lot of stuff that sells much better and gets discussed much more.

If you're looking for something a little more obscure than usual, give Stover's Acts of Caine a try.

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You mean Deadhouse Gates right?

Trying to write fantasy but stuck at worldbuilding.

How do I create a world that feels real, tangible and interesting, but doesn't feel cliche or just like the middle ages?

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>doesn't feel cliche or just like the middle ages
dont write a tolkien fantasy then. there are thousands of other cultures you can look at for inspiration.

Research whys and not whats about how cultures came to be the way they are, then use that information to form cultures that're consistent to the rules and patterns you discover instead of reskinning real world cultures. /his/ or /tg/ might be better apt to answer specifics than Yea Forums since they have a lot of autists that deal in worldbuilding.

Liveship traders

If you want to do something novel, avoid the common settings. Europe is done to death and japan gets a disproportionate share of screen time. avoid pirates on top of that and you'll have no shortage of content. Asian, arabian, african, indian and american indian cultures all have plenty of options to choose from, but given that this is Yea Forums after all, you can always go for the continental US between the colonial and industrial ages

user, I didn't read the third book because I hated every character that wasn't the boy. Tell me honestly, was the dragon NOT an ancient evil?

Yeah sorry, it’s been like 8 years since I read Malazan

this is the series right?
is it complete? i see the last book came out in 2012. i don't want to get hooked on another series that never ends?

Eh, his cover artist is getting lazy recently. There is a serious sameface problem with his Fostering Faust covers in particular.

They're worth all worth a read.

look at dune, the entire novel is based around how the people survive on that planet and what they live off of, spice.
or book of the new sun/dying earth, where the book is so far in the future that magic and technology are basically blended and the people all have a fatalist point of view towards everything
or even, dare i say brandon sanderson, who has a pretty good setting with stormlight archives where most of their society is based around the giant storms that circle the planet
but yeah, no one wants to read another "medieval europe about a young man who does great things with a special sword"

The Flying Sorcerers has an interesting plot thread about getting a primitive culture to develop/manage a proper supply chain to build an advanced tech.

what are some kino fantasy books about ancient evils?

I preferred them both to Best served cold. The Heroes is his best standalone book.

Write an actual story instead of world building autism.

Awful advice. You can't write decent stories and decent characters if you don't develop their social context.

have sex

read more

>your pen name is your last name but slightly different and with a sexual euphemism infront of it

That's why you build the social context (and the world with it) around your story, not the other way around. People that start with building a world should just write D&D campaigns.

Why is Fatfuss such a cringelord?

How do you write a good fantasy book?

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Why do you give him attention?

I need to read book 3.

you cant

Why would you want to do that?

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I don't like not knowing.

Do you actually like the series? If not, why not just read a plot summary or Wikipedia after the book is released? Anyway, please cease shitting up the thread with shitposts about Rothfuss.

Fuck off, I love the series and so should you. It's absolutely mind blowing.

We all know how GRRM's series ends
Scott Lynch went off the rails and his books are boring
that leaves just Rothfuss with his kino as fuck series. Seriously, no one else is worth reading. Just lol

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Why would anyone read anything that's not GRRM, Lynch or Rothfuss?

Yeah it's complete. Even if it wasn't, the endings of the first, second, and fourth books all feel like they could be a fairly satisfying end, no cliffhanger bullshit.

The first works as an ending because the author wasn't sure he'd get the opportunity to publish a second, and didn't want to fuck readers over. The second because about a quarter or a third of the way through writing, he got seriously ill enough that he wasn't sure he'd live to write another book. He's not one of those authors who goes 'i might die at any minute but fuck you guys lol you're not getting a satisfying conclusion"

The first is a fairly straightforward action adventure w/ some original ideas (and some initially off-putting but eventually rewarding shifts from 1st person to 3rd person depending on when the in-universe 'audience' can or can't see what's going on), with fight scenes written by someone who actually has some experience of fighting. From there they get pretty different in style and tone, but imo maintain the strong aspects.

what do you think of people who like rothfuss?

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i read the first and it was pretty cool. Felt like Stover in 1996 heard a time traveler from today say "litRPG" but interpreted that to mean something way less shitty than what litRPG actually is. I think a reason you don't mention that might have contributed to its obscurity, beyond bad covers and being ahead of the curve coming out less than a year after aGoT, is that it's a pretty even blend of scifi and fantasy which will only appeal to people who enjoy both. That's a smaller audience than people who enjoy one only, or much more than the other.

I thought he would have fucked the zombies.
I mean he did, but I thought he would have done them while they were still juicy.

No it wasn’t

god damn I love putting my fetishes into my fantasy series.

I think Randi Darren supposed to mean that the author is Randi and daring.

is it even possible to like him as a person
dude's a massive cunt

see, I'd probably make my pen name to be very different to my own
it'd be the sort of name a housewife would have, so people wouldn't suspect that the person selling them shitty middle-aged-woman-tier erotica had a dick

Tight pussy part 2 October. Is there going to be an actual story? Or is Brent Weeks going try and impress that irl girl with tight pussy syndrome that she should let him clap those cheeks?

I've never read anything by Brent Weeks. How was Tight Pussy the First? What would you compare it to?

what and how

provide excerpts

No one cares. Read actual books and discuss them. Stop trying to discuss Rothfuss every thread because that was the only book you read.

>actual books
user, this is /sffg/. First we must ask: what is an actual book? Then we screech autisticall over how wrong someone else is.

discussing things that are good is boring

it's more fun to discuss things that try to be good but are bad

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Read a book that isn't non fiction or historical, then come here and discuss it.

By that definition, Rothfuss posters are a-okay, if way too common.

That's just coping because he can't fuck his girl because he's too young and she liked rich older men. I can sympathize with it. Fuck

This isn't your school library, nigger. I'll discuss Rothfuss whenever the fuck I want. His works have changed my life

>gender-bend scenario where a guy, when he touches cold water, is cursed to have a busty red-head appear. The red-head has his mind and personality he has. Very ranma 1/2 inspired. I wrote a huge amount of backstory and set up to make this character good without the gender-bend aspect.

>monster-girl with the back of a hedgehog, four huge spider-legs that comes out of the spiked back, she has light fur all over, slightly cat-ish face, big elf-like ears, black shiny eyes, and she has huge teeth fixed in a rigid predator smile that makes her look like she wants to eat your face. She is always starving. She shrinks to the size of a rat when she goes several hours without eating. She grows to human size from eating a single crumb of food. The bigger she gets the less able to ignore her hunger.

Looking for advice.
Want to give my mother a fantasy book readable for her.
She's not experienced. Knows lotr on a rudimentary level and liked Harry Potter.
I noticed pick related on her coffee table, read some and thought the writing was retarded and she didn't enjoy it at all.
Anyone know of something that would suit her?

There is so much it's hard to find something suitable. My knowledge of fantasy is starter level: I've read lotr, silmarillion, first two trilogies Thomas Covenant (to dark and psychological for her), asoiaf (not fantasy enough).

Would appreciate some advice!

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I'd like to add that best I could come up with after an hour of searching was a wizard of earthsea by Le Guin.
Any thought?

The book is passable. The general story is fine, but way too much clothing/fashion porn, like she took GRRMs food porn fetish and turned it up to 11. The worst part of it, however, is of all people and places in it, maybe 10% are actually pronounceable. It's a problem in most fantasy, but for fuck's sake this may have jumped the shark.

I wish this level of cringe would stay on Yea Forums.....

Have her read Bakker.

>liked Harry Potter

Every woman likes Harry Potter. It means nothing.

Also, don't give your mom a fucking book, you fag. Give her some chocolate or flowers or some massage coupons.

What went wrong?

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Glokta got his slut waifu to wipe his ass and love it

I'm reading this now, 60 pages in, it's back to comfy times (2nd book was too slow with character development instead of plot). I can't wait for the happy ending!

Earthsea is good. Most people that don't usually read fantasy like Neil Gaiman.

Give me something dark, edgy, something where everyone is a massive cunt and nobody wins in the end. I want necromancers, zombies, liches, witches, dark magic, all the evil shit.

Bakker. But it’s fleshcrafters not necromancers

Nothing. It was actually good for grim dark. Jezal getting rekt by Bayaz at the end was superb and a great subversion of the wise king and wizard trope established by Tolkien. But I think his standalone books were better. First of the new trilogy out in September 2019.

Hm allright im a quarter in jezal is king or some shit and its grinding to a terrible bore with mediocre writing, purely carried by a few comfy characters. Only good thing is the barbarians arc

Nothing unpredictable happening beyond dude subvert fantasy tropes lel

What's this like?

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Which of his books?

Abercrombie was always about set pieces, twists, humour, characters, and general fun. I think his books are comfy af, but I'm also English and from a similar region to him, a lot of his humour is very English. If you want prose go read literature.

Prince of nothing. Then continue from there.

The best grimdark on the market, imo.

Its just bad prose senpai. Some parts were comfy, true, but generally its overrated and very predictable.

Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly
Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs
Sunrunner Series by Melanie Rawn
Maybe something like Riftwar or Dragonlance/Forgotten Realms would be nice too
also this

>Also, don't give your mom a fucking book, you fag. Give her some chocolate or flowers or some massage coupons

I'm not asking you for advice other then on books. I want a replacement for that dwarf book, not to feed her diabetes with chocolate or replace her window dressing.


Enjoying the Thousand Names quite a lot so far. It's fairly normal, faintly cynical military fantasy with gunpowder, which scratches an itch. It's also far less retarded than Powder Mage (which I did enjoy, mind you).

Isn't he to philosophical and dark?
I love the Donaldson trilogies for example but wouldn't recommend them to my mother who needs more escapist and soothing stuff

>It's also far less retarded than Powder Mage
Heheh just you wait. That said, it’s still enjoyable.

thanks, I'll look into those

Hey user, I’m just trying to help you out, with the mom/son incest scenes. I’m sure she’s enjoy those.

I don't really think you understand how society works.

Read more history and anthropology

Why are all modern book covers so fucking ATROCIOUS

Jesus Fucking Christ. The whole trilogy is a fucking slog, why would you expect one book to suddenly get better?!?! The standalones drag even more, so ignore them. Now we're getting the next First Law trilogy shilled here, and there's no way it can be any better....how could Abercrombie have improved that much? He followed the First Law with the Shattered Sea trilogy, no one on here ever mentions it, so obviously it too is pure unadulterated shit.

>Nothing unpredictable happening beyond dude subvert fantasy tropes lel

Wait. let me ftfy...

>Nothing happening

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what, you don't like tedious repetition of gum sucking and a barbarian Incredible Hulk?

>Shattered Sea trilogy,
Because its YA fiction and nobody reads YA. Have sex.

Artemis Fowl?

I never looked at it that way but I can sorta see what you mean. Maybe I'll start shilling for it whenever people ask for litRPG even though it isn't really litRPG at all. They'd be better off for it.

Holy shit Solaris, why did no one tell me

Abercrombie is /OUR GUY/, stop being an INCEL, have sex (like Abercombie does), and buy his new triology.

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Is this the only difference between mature fantasy and YA? Just more sexual stuff?

What did you like about it? When we read it as monthly reading most people liked the originality of the ocean but found the whole story boring and drawn out. Especially the long scenes in the library was criticized.

YA is just a marketing term. All it means is that some faggot thinks it suits a certain demographic. Don't take it seriously.

please /sffg/ recommend me a book which its entirety or near entirety is subterranean, needs to be fantasy so nothing like metro

Thud! - Terry Pratchett
A lot of it is underground, and dealing with underground-dwellers.
You don't really need to read the other books before it.

This general is awash in fantasy and it's not even all that good.
For shame!

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All of them

I agree with the pronunciations, I just stick with what I think they are. Still a decent book though, the fashion porn, especially in Inys can be a bit ott.

I'd give an 7.5/10.

Not sure how picky you are but an actual YA series by suzanne collins (just found out she wrote hunger games) called gregor the overlander. I read it as a kid so don't remember any specifics but I think it was kind of violent. But yea it looks like it's literally for kids so maybe not



>Patreon sluts
C'mon user,you are better than this

wait someone else actually read those books?

growing up that series was the shit

No, no I am really not.

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I'm more than one third in on Wild Wastes. It's better written than expected. I don't mean its writing is genius or anything, just that I expected "it was a dark stormy night" levels of hackery. But so far the protag has only been collecting waifus. Is there no overarching plot to these books?

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>tfw my "magnum opus" is just a plagiarized version of that series, but with cringe worthy dialogue and weebshit

Yes. But the overarching plot doesn’t show up till wild wastes 2 and 3. And you have to read the other Darren and Arand series to really “get” it.

recc me space horrors Yea Forums
if you pass this post without giving reccs your mother dies in her sleep tonight

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I just got through with Way of Kings and it was boring as fuck. Does the Stormlight Archive get any better?

what did you find boring about it?

The main story is about guys carrying bridges around. It just didn't seem interesting to me. The world building was interesting but I didn't care about the story much.

No Dragons or deathclaws, user. Make up your own creatures that could fill the role. That, or use creatures from folklore that aren’t as well known.

I have tried to read sanderson... But his characters and dialogue are just so generic. Like something you'd see on any capeshit movie released in the last 10 years or any post made on a reddit humour sub.

Hahahaha Zhang Diaofei what a gay name

it'll sell 4x what the OG did

>Bobby implied to be a girl
>is a girl
>magic happens, Jen appears and is curious about Winter's tent
>not sure if she's a red herring or the mysterious wizard the religious nuts think our soldier peeps have, but going by the previous example, she's the wizard

I agree, it was still an enjoyable read....

No. It wont. That would require it to get published, which would require me to try to publish it, which would require me to feel confident enough to let other people see it, which would require me to not be a useless garbage piece of shit writer who's completely incompetent and should never have attempted to crawl out of his miserable little piece of shit hole in the ground

>not flooding the market with your shit books lir every self-pub

Have sex and find Jesus

I spent six years trying to have sex and it led to a mental breakdown so horrendous I ended up going through my middleschool mental development in college. I'm not going down that road again

It was made here years ago, newfag. There are a bunch of fantasy edits for freedum bear. Fuck off with your rebbit sensibilities.

Can anyone recommend a good space cowboy novel?

You know only kids do that shit, and you get banned for doing it.

It was made here years ago, newfag. There are a bunch of fantasy edits for freedum bear. Fuck off with your rebbit sensibilities.

rip ur mom

>female authors
>black authors
Kek, I love you guys sometimes

>if I make my characters swear all the time I don't have to actually learn how to write in non-modern voice
>hmm I sure am focusing a lot on military stuff in these books, perhaps I should do some rudimentary googling to see if I'm using all these terms correctly or being really nonsensical in how I portray pre-modern armies and warfare
>nah, I'm sure nobody will notice
>maps are for tryhards, there's no reason a story where characters travel across several continents and frequently move between many locations would ever need a visual point of reference for readers to feel immersed in my story
>besides, then I'd actually be held to my ideas and couldn't arbitrarily change them later when it suits me

>he doesn't know about the world map

>Jen was the demon-summoning wizard
>imagine my shock
>magic fights
>oh god no
>keep it to a minimum or we'll have problems

>woman becoming a reigning queen is seen as a terrible outcome, with her likely becoming a puppet
based and redpilled

I've only read the ASOIAF series, Legend and Chronicles of Druss. Where should I go next?

Why haven't you introduced her to Scott Lynch and Patrick Rothfuss?

It looks really good in person, wait I'll upload a pic.

It just doesn't hold your hand. First book makes a LOT more sense in retrospective.

Couple of, kinda. The Mote in God's Eye and The Demolished Man. Neither fits exactly what you want.

If she likes Harry Potter and conventional fantasy check out Septimus Heap series. It's your chosen boy learns magic, but not urban fantasy. Easy to read and I'd recommend it as entry-level fantasy.

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>mfw author changes the cast entirely for the second book

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Are there ANY good superhero books out there? I don't mean cape comics, but actual books.

what are your takes on this thread?

>And the third book
>And the fourth book
>And the fifth book
>And the seventh book

>switches from single pov to multi pov and new characters nobody cares about

I don't know, man. There were some pretty awesome POVs. There were some like island rape adventures of Felisin I didn't care for though, yes.

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it's a long-ass web serial now in book form, though

that's about it

Oh, I wasn't talking about Malazan. Was remarking on the general trend of authors fucking things up in book 2 by moving away from the formula that worked for them in book 1.

The Violent Century? Although it's not really a superhero book per se, more like shit happens during WW2 and odd powers begin to manifest. Cue as all sides get their own X-Men and our protagonist recounts his adventures working for the Brits. Pretty good book once you get used to terse narrative and perspective jumping all over the place from the 30s to present day because the changed age slowly.

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So this is the face of a hack?

you wouldn't know a hack if you looked in a mirror, but at least youre asking.

There's a few good ones

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Imagine voting for Lord of Light instead of Good Omens.

How much of a pleb do you have to be to have not read LoL by the year 2019? Can't wait for summer to end and for this place to go back to normal again.

It's either abstract shit or "character strikes a pose". I miss when actual artists worked on covers. I remember really liking Croatian Fellowship of the Ring cover. Aside from jester looking Legolas.

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No it is a picture of Joe Abercrombie, it's not a picture of you, user.

Exactly the type of scathing retorts I expect from Memecrombie fags.

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That looks worse than modern covers by far

These are the best LotR covers and they're modern.

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I agree with everything you said, but the maps. Maps are for cunts

Lots of authors include maps in their books

smart cunts

>seventh son of a seventh son
That and Artemis Fowl where great.

Imagine reading anything by Terry Prachett. Can't wait for rebbit to be a bannable offense again.

Autistic cunts who belong on /tg/

Yea. And the book suffers for it. We are reading literature, not cartography.

dont worry he doesn't change again that book

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Heroes Die was easy to write off as a simple but fun action romp initially. But Blade of Tyshalle holy shit was that a wild ride, albeit a depressing one for a bit in the middle. Hard to believe that they came out in '97/'01 and haven't achieved wider readership, even with the Lies of Locke Lamora guy shilling for them and admitting they're superior to his work.

Also, unlike some authors mentioned in sffg, Stover actually has a valid in-universe excuse for some modern sounding dialogue.

I tried reading Lord of Light once and didn't like it so I voted to try again

I bet you hate book covers too

Book covers are just there as a vehicle to attract my attention.
I don't care about book covers, only the story. Seeing as I can make my book cover be anything I want.

I've found them to be cringe worthy since they started, you autistic incel faggot, and now they're older than the sperm that birthed you.

You just know this faggy author sat with a giant thesaurus or googled a thesaurus for every single word he used. What a pretentious hack.

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shit I just bought the first book of the series, is it good?

Any sci fi book about a patriarchal society where only men exists and reproduces via an artifical wombs and rendering women obsolete with the technology.

yeah try america in 2023 if trump gets a second term

OK, but any books about this?

Yes it’s good. Don’t get baited by a brainlet.

1/3 through Abercrombie's Last Argument of Kings, holy shit this is the exact opposite of game of thrones. my expectations of subversions have been subverted

Jezal is the anti Jon Snow, he becomes king by being the king's bastard, and having someone else (Bayaz) feed him accomplishments. he never liked his adopted family and is okay with ghosting them because 'it would be awkward' to have a final conversation.

even if the ending is a big fuck you like i've heard, that would be like if game of thrones ended at the red wedding.

Literally every sentence is filled with multisyllable words he invented or usdd a dictionary for. There's nothing big brained about that, any wanker can use a thesaurus or create long winded fantasy words. The level of philosophy is also high school level. Most pretentious writing style I've yet come across in genre fiction.

Abercrombie is kino. Don't listen to the faggot nihilists and pessimists here, they're just jealous he's successful, has a good work ethic, and loves the genre.

t. brainlet.
His writing style isn’t complicated.

I never said it's complicated, I said it is pretentious, which implies it is attempting to be complicated, but in fact, it is only a mirage. I know this board is full of pseuds feigning insight and intelligence, I'm not surprised that you like it.

>implying I'm underage
Here (you)

I’m not the one who’s whining about needing a thesaurus brainlet-kun.

Stop pretending that all the words he uses are normal vocabulary, even in actual literature, to make yourself feel superior, you cartoon flapping incel.

stop bickering and post excerpts to the thread knows what you're talking about

Why would he, user? He's a glaring fucking newfag who is RIGHT and everyone else is WRONG, and he ABSOLUTELY HAS to inform the entire fucking thread about it. Fucking christ if only children would stop responding to other children

Have sex.

Tell me about that sci-fantasy novel with magic and mechs and aliens and space gods.

He does that (as do other fantasy authors) to alienate the reader and make the world even stranger than it would be otherwise

Gene Wolfe, who is actually a good writer, doesn't do what Bakker does, even know Gene is often complained about for his style. There's actual profundity in Gene, though, and that's what makes the difference.

I haven't read any of the following, but I've heard them recommended consistently:
>Worm (web serial, very very long)
>Soon I Will Be Invincible
>A Once Crowded Sky

A Voyage to Arcturus

wtf there's an Iron Dragon's Daughter sequel out this month

Nah, he learned how to wordwank while attempting a philosophy doctorate

That's a surprise
I hope it's not shit

out 25th june, gonna start harassing him asking for a followup to stations of the tide now

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Gene Wolfe is much worse with vocab, which was the original complaint. He makes up words wholecloth or uses words 100x more obscure than anything in Bakker. Look at Vance, Meiville, Harrison, Leiber.. all worse offenders in this respect than Bakker

need entry level science fiction recommendations, went through the charts but am quite uncertain of how to approach them, should i just pick up random shit until something maintains my attention, or are specific books more suited for someone who is under-read? plx elp

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Brave New World is kind of like that.

The Handmaid's Tale is like that too, but the people aren't decanted like they are in Huxley's Brave New World.

>all worse offenders in this respect than Bakker
Yeah but they're writing literature, not genre fiction with wizards and magic.

Are you can incel?
How often does this fantasy take up your mind?
Do you think about it to get back at the "roasties" for hurting your feelings?

Bros I never was truly a reader. All I've read was for the sake of learning and I never ever read a novel. Then someone recommended me the three body trilogy and I simply got hooked to the point I spent 12-15h a day reading this shit.

Now I need more.

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read neal stephenson

Does he have that political-philosophical touch like the chink? I honestly couldn't care less about technology and science except for philosophy of science.

this is ultimately my gripe with Bakker, if you take out all the wanky language what he's describing is a pretty fucking bog standard fantasy world and plot, it's like the gag at the start of Mason and Dixon where Pynchon deliberately uses obscure words whilst describing a dinner scene just to annoy the reader but dragged out for a whole series

try phillip k dick then

>but they’re writing literature!
I wish you could truly appreciate how hard I’m laughing at you.

Have sex pseud.

>unironically uses "have sex" in a pejorative sense
>dares to call others pseud

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There are females in that book.
No, I'm just very gay. I want a world full of phallus.

Have sex, get married, have kids.

>just realised that despite reading fantasy all of my life I haven't read any of the big popular epic fantasy series all the way through
are any of them actually good?

The "crash course" chart is intended as an introduction and overview to the genre and deliberately excludes difficult works (although the first row of "pulp" books might be too dated/corny for a naive modern reader to enjoy).


discworld is the only good fantasy series that goes beyond six books and I'm only stretching it that far because I like the craft sequence

What are some good fiction books with occult themes?

ty user. do you recommend starting with the golden age then?

Thanks, the Mote looks interesting. I'll check it out.

Phillip k Dick and the Scifi New Wave are exactly what you're looking for.

Not really.

be more specific, do you mean like witches, turn of the 20th century crowley stuff, tarot stuff, or demons and whatever

"occult themes" covers pretty much all of horror and fantasy

What are the current Scifi and Fantasy trends?

>Scifi New Wave
What's this exactly?

Yeah but don't feel obligated to complete one row before moving onto the next one. Or even to complete the chart itself if you find an author or subgenre you really like.

Foucault's Pendulum
The Devil's Day
Lovecraft's catalogue
That Hideous Strength

Picked up The Penultimate Truth the other day. My only real experience with Dick comes from reading: Valis, The Man in the High Castle, Martian Time Slip, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Where do more serious Dick fans rate it among his works?

No to both

Abercrombie is a snooze who moves plots slower than GRRM writes.

A scifi movement from the 60s and early 70s that focuses on more social and philosphical themes,it's like the opposite of hard scifi (which is more technical) Phillip Dick,John Brunner,Rober Silverberg,Ursula LeGuin,Samuel Delany are some writers of that movement

incest and blacked

Recommend some incest pls, hold the blacked.


If you want to read the most degenerate fantasy novel you've ever read, read "The Barrow".
It has it all, incest, necrophilia, faggots, pedos, and sociopaths, while also being a pretty good story. It's edgy as fuck, but the twist at the end is great.

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Also, world building is pretty top notch and unique.

The answer is always Heinlein's Time Enough for Love,it's like Back to the Future but marty actually fucks his mother,and it was written like a decade before the movie.the book also has some sequels where the mom marries her son.

Tough luck. Read Bakker.

>hold the blacked.
>He hasn't read BLACK Future,one of the most acclaimed scifi works of the last decade
Ok retard

Gotta run, can't make the new thread today, somebody else do it.
Don't forget to check the strawpoll and include June's monthly reading book, Lord of Light is winning.

Everyone in sci-fi circle was getting kinky.
Marion Zimmer Bradley, Arthur Clark, Samuel Delaney and so on. Asimov's son was arrested for Child pornography possession.

I moderately enjoyed Mostly Harmless. Is this one worth checking out?

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A book whose plot revolves around secret societies or conspiracies involving the occult

Read The Laundry Files by Charles Stross

Wheel of Time