Last thread went really well. How are my fellow g/accs holding up? What are you reading?
I suggest we take a look at our roots in this thread, but also feel free to share other writings and projects.
>Cyborg writing must not be about the Fall, the imagination of a once-upon-a-time wholeness before language, before writing, before Man. Cyborg writing is about the power to survive, not on the basis of original innocence, but on the basis of seizing the tools to mark the world that marked them as other.
― Donna Haraway
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh boy here we go.
Any books on this type of stuff?
just call it plain accelerationism. stop trying to shill a shit version pleb
>he thinks there are superior versions
G/acc only makes sense if artificial reproduction is possible in the future, which is a very large assumption to make. Look how well Moore's law turned out.
>Cyborgs are not reverent; they do not re-member the cosmos. They are wary of holism, but needy for connection- they seem to have a natural feel for united front politics, but without the vanguard party. The main trouble with cyborgs, of course, is that they are the illegitimate offspring of militarism and patriarchal capitalism, not to mention state socialism. But illegitimate offspring are often exceedingly unfaithful to their origins.
Already happening in China. And many believe the US does it secretly.
We will have cloned genderless Lands free of the NRx recessive traits.
>If gender attributes and acts, the various ways in which a body shows or produces its cultural signification, are performative, then there is no preexisting identity by which an act or attribute might be measured; there would be no true or false, real or distorted acts of gender, and the postulation of a true gender identity would be revealed as a regulatory fiction.That gender reality is created through sustained social performances means that the very notions of an essential sex and a true or abiding masculinity or femininity are also constituted as part of the strategy that conceals gender’s performative character and the performative possibilities for proliferating gender configurations outside the restricting frames of masculinist domination and compulsory heterosexuality.
>its not on my pseudo underground feed so it doesnt exist
moore's law was always retarded, even to futurists
Who are the good g/acc? You could always post a quote.
Is Contrapoints g/acc?
Nyx Land is considered to be the oldest and loudest voice in the movement
No, they said they still want masculine men to exist in their ideal world
Why are r/accs so hostile to fellow accs? It is you who are arguably not even acc any more.
if you cant even talk about plain accelerationism with philosophical rigor and not solely on copypaste hottakes, then drop the whole idea of even pretending a political schism exists that warrants its own name. time is finite for humans. your infinite time suit exists in the future, let alone being sure you are privileged to one. you could be cementing the fate of people you pretend to support. do you really understand the forces you are buzzing on? are you going to build something that will last or are you content on nigerian prince tier hyperstition? theres a meme called boomer. its not what the internet thinks it is and g/acc is boomer af.
>its just discordian chaos magic jokes and memes dude jokes on you epic win its all about the dopamine hustle and patreon drug money
Sadie Plant - Ones and Zeroes is the seminal text
Yeah c/acc is all I care about
what book is this?
please fuck off with your meme tranny gnostic death cult
where did i mention anything about r/acc?
boomer brain
daily reminder schelling wrestled with the seeds of tranny accelerationism 100 years before land, look up his writings on the cult of Cybele's connection with german idealism, you faggots got duped by a cosmic principle of death and entropy hth
g/acc is just being a gay cybergoth and pretending it has an ideological/philosophical core.
can somebody explain all these different strands of accelerationism to me?
everything has an ideological/philosophical core whether it's intentional or not :^)
what kind of b/acc nonsense is this?
r/acc are the ultimate boomers.
I've seen Shulamith Firestone mentioned favorably in g/acc contexts before. Has anyone here read The Dialectic of Sex and if so what did you think?
Also want to see more of them.
r/ reddit
g/ gendercapitaled
b/ bogboomered
s/ sonic
q/ ultrahyperqueer
j/ joycels
c/ colour
t/ transabled techfetishism
There are others but they haven't produced anything significant.
whoops forgot
p/ paleoaccelerationists
n/ neoaccelerationism
Gas teh humans, race war now
what is more boomer than gossip driven dementia level cognition cargo cults? how about image driven shill infiltrated slave graduates? added abstraction and pale mimicking as dualist evasion means that you are also the boomer you see on that screenshot, youre literally his ghouls. let alone even having it saved on your harddrive.
Dismissing big daddy Land's just the way these trannies find of coping. Nobody will ever take them seriously and they wish to pretend this is because they're just so radical and extremist, and not because they're just pseuds imitating Land's old drug fueled prose. There's nothing to g/acc but aesthetics, it's all libidinal
>Implying Land wouldn't want it that way
I don’t really know much about accelerationism but my vague idea of it seems oddly appealing. I see an interesting mix of futurist night-time dystopian vibes, incomprehensibility, and overwhelming change—if it is not good, then at least it is entertaining and new. Anime for this feel?
im simply saying they could do better but we all know how thats taken nowadays. things arent turning for the better and theres real murky stuff. a bit of history maybe. if you kick the boomers nest, they will show up.
So accelerationism is basically futurist thinking?
And tranny accelerationism is pro female?
>pro female
the demiurge does not want to see this, you are making him very mad.
babys from c-sections are more prone to everything bad, and you phantasts think that we will have artifical reproduction anytime soon.
Now stop turning the frogs gay
I'll take Boomers over adolescent pseud overeducated trannies any day
i can't tell if all the people in these threads are LARPing for fun or legit believe in what they're saying. this is epic.
because acceleration is fragmentation
Zizek isn't accel he's cruise control
i feel sorry for her
Point and laugh
we failed this person
and their parents too
Hearty keks
The only classification I find valid is to accelerate from the right or left. They are the only really popular political models to be elected in a liberal democracy.
Most of the others like g/acc are essentially just accelerationist principles as applied to a single hyperstition. They're tangential to the One True Accelerationism.
I think it's a phenomenon that was born when some people realized that the esoteric principles explored by Nick Land and the CCRU are not the only ones that exist and basically every human being is a programmer of meaning. Hence the importance of the stories and narratives we imagine individually.
>So accelerationism is basically futurist thinking?
I think this is the concept that will go down in history, yes. But not for the right reasons. It will be said, for example, that the CCRU and the theory of acceleration predicted a dystopian reality governed by a state and private technological apparatus and I believe that is the reason why Nick Land, one of the referents in the movement, lives precisely in Beijing. Because that is where the projections of him and his companions were applied with the greatest power.
But I doubt that previous authors such as Foucault, highly focused on control theory (humanities), Chomsky, Deleuze or Guattari and even a paragraph by Marx have not seen that dystopia earlier.
And he did not mention Heidegger because he spoke explicitly of the threats of technological development in communion with capitalism in the 21st century, as seen in this interview conducted in 1969s.
>And tranny accelerationism is pro female?
This is where you have to walk carefully, because while thinking of accelerationism exclusively as futurism, what you identify with "Tranny Accelerationism" are those who accept a place in this "Luciferian" future. Imagine them as Alex's friends in A Clockwork Orange that then later in the story became policemen. They already reserved their role in the approaching world order
>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude.
Whether they will become Griffith or Snake Plissken will be their sole choice.
>What are you talking about, none of this ever happened
What Nick Land's anti-humanism proposes is that we be aware that we are the workforce of the present and the future, but we live in Karl Marx's nightmare. We have no choice. Our bosses have no choice. The technological process is out of control and the only way we can get out of this problem is not by opposing each other like Theodore Kaczynski, but by surfing reality. In the worst case, we will not drown.
guys my last g/acc thread was just a shitpost, don't make this a fucking /general/
It's out of your control now. G/acc is conquering mental real estate as we speak.
It's not your fault. Remember that.
r/acc cope
Have Sex. Technoamazons are coming for you.
Imagine being any accelshit and complaining about pseuds...
It's funny how some people in twitter and this place sink themselves into the fantasy of new cyber guerrilla shadow run role play buzzwords, literally running a movie in their heads meanwhile in the material world Hezbollah has active cells in Venezuela.
Land isn't a pseud. Maybe you are just a brainlet.
Creating meaningful neologisms is the most important development of any philosophy.
>And he did not mention Heidegger because he spoke explicitly of the threats of technological development in communion with capitalism in the 21st century, as seen in this interview conducted in 1969s.
there's this book built on top of Heidegger's essay on technology
>Hezbollah has active cells in Venezuela
NeoJerusalem arrives from the future.
>The excess of modesty in feminist agendas of recent decades is not proportionate to the monstrous complexity of our reality, a reality crosshatched with fibre-optic cables, radio and microwaves, oil and gas pipelines, aerial and shipping routes, and the unrelenting, simultaneous execution of millions of communication protocols with every passing millisecond. Systematic thinking and structural analysis have largely fallen by the wayside in favour of admirable, but insufficient struggles, bound to fixed localities and fragmented insurrections. Whilst capitalism is understood as a complex and ever-expanding totality, many would-be emancipattory anti-capitalist projects remain profoundly fearful of transitioning to the universal, resisting big-picture speculative politics by condemning them as necessarily oppressive vectors. Such a false guarantee treats universals as absolute, generating a debilitating disjuncture between the thing we seek to depose and the strategies we advance to depose it.
They exchanged the modesty of the female project for arrogance in their speech.
>while capital capital capital machines machines machines
i'm so fatigued with this pseud subculture. the most ingenious system of cope the system has ever devised
>They exchanged the ambition of the female project for arrogance in their speech.
That's not arrogance, it's neosubsumption to a technohumble hypervariance before the quasarnoumena.
In the first world they may need something more sophisticated, but the holes in the third really need that analysis.
What do you mean? You don't believe in hypercapital?
it's aestheticized cope, the system's found another way to leech your energy by making writing deleuzian interpretations of Egyptian metaphysics feel important, it's fun and entertaining for a little awhile but then you realize these people worship death, entropy, and chaos
I'm honestly fucking tired of your transgressive, traumatized Western hang-ups, you niggers are weird, fuck Bataille, fuck Land, tired of the accel (((blogosphere))) and all you meme celebrities
So you're going to accelerate. tw/acc?
Let's see some \g\acc/\/ hypertheory. The labial neonoumena won't reveal itself.
Hey cyborg nerds why is the internet full of cowering bugpeople who want nothing but enslavement
NeoWe has entered the postitional demipraxis of omniphenomenal synthesis feedback. The intertransitional quailemenon of horroropposition thus reteleologises the degendered infracapital matriculated quantoreceptors.
Freeing gendercapital to ultrastition is the ultimate neofreedom.
Rapid compounding of oblique elements to create a hyper-bondaged state beyond the reach of memory or compassion, interesting.
I dilate with bitcoin. This we call the hodl of gnon's death.
We have always been. The gendered only existed along the trajectory of our needs. We finish their desires.
>Our main neocomplaint with r/acc is that it has been caught up in its own hyperrunaway of teleoplexical quasistition. That is, until now.
still trying, huh
>Although some lesbians argue that butches have nothing to do with “being a man,” others insist that their butchness is or was only a route to a desired status as a man. These paradoxes have surely proliferated in recent years, offering evidence of a kind of gender trouble that the text itself did not anticipate.
An interesting idea, but can the hyperexestitional ever truly unleash the omnihormonal unto neovalorisation?
u/acc antipraxis
>The quantostitional hyperqualemenon preunleashes the verisynthetics of labiocapitalised bitintelligence.
Sweaty, you better switch your estrogen stack for a testosterone one
One should also quantify the metamarkets of h/acc.
We have gone beyond the hormonal treatment. This is NeoCapital.
I prefer the prequalified hypersocial interdeflation proposed by w/acc.
Sweaty, how about you confront the reality of your situation... You are weak and pathetic and an autogynephile, you are aware of your failures as a man and thus you have rejected this role.
Perhaps all this theorizing would have some merit if we didn't know its actual origins, fear and weakness
Disagree, given the practopractice of the demitelos the quantivariegated deteleology of antilogos is teleoplexied against and for the quasistional antipraxis of urcapital's transcendemenoneal teleotelligence of neoheuristics.
Strength is a humanist subset of the pretechnotelos.
All of it is only made more ridiculous once you realize that the "emancipation of women from biology" is a meme just like the singularity! Technological progress fuels on the energy of men as traditionally conceived! Sorry, sweaty, but the future only holds Twitter 5.0 and Facebook's new mobile friendly design! But that's good enough for you, isn't it?
>dementia acc
hide and ignore
>"It has become almost a truism, in what is called French feminism, that 'masculine' philosophy centres on death, and seeks to embrace death instead of life and birth. As Annie Ledere, in Parole de femme, notes, 'Death. Death. Death... For if desire is the only thing on their lips, their hearts harbour only dreams of death.'On the basis of Bataille 's conception of death, he certainly seems to figure as part of a profoundly masculine project, which would reinscribe mastery where it suppos- edly loses it. If Bataille gets beyond the phenomenological idea of overcoming, or living through death, he is arguably still within the orbit of a desire to control, insofar as woman comes to stand as part of the other for man. If she is a site that can be known, despite being other, and she features as a form of death, then all Bataille 's attempts to not flee or know death will fail.
>Throughout Powers of Horror, Kristeva insists on the link between the abject and the maternal, /or the male, even if, logically, there is no reason for women not to be part of (subject to) abjection in the same way. The linkage receives its most forceful formulation when Kristeva os- tensibly discusses abjection in the context of the Old Testament: 'mother and death, both abominated and abjected, slyly build a victim- izing and persecuting machine at the cost of which I become subject of the Symbolic as the Other of the Abject'. Instead of the mother being part of birth and creation, male 'creativity' relies on the mother becom- ing an instrument of death or castration, while at the same time her sub- jectivity is removed . As the other of Man, Woman occupies the non-place of death, and death is the domain of Man. Margaret Whitford, writing on Irigaray, argues that for the latter 'woman is used by the male imaginary to deflect or mediate the death drives of men (...), there are no social/ symbolic forms which mediate their death'. Death is the preserve of men, and that preserve is Woman. For Cixo us, Bataille takes Hegel a long way from his portentous view of death, but is not to- tally removed from 'the (Hegelian) schema of recognition, [where] there is no place for the other, for an equal other, for a whole and living woman'.
Neochina prearrives the metabiology of postfutures. Do not speculate on genetic drift. There is no hodling synthetic biology.
"The vagina is a double-slit feedback hyperloop of quantostition, the query-qualia of a meme mirror ultrarefraction."
Neo Vagina arrives from the future while twink bois and traps destroy Oidipal heterosexuality
If u like acc and u don't practise occultism what tf u even doing
The evolution of Oedipus from the static infinite of 3+1 to the undetermined relation of 4+n was the procession of Parmenides' sarcophagus; we know now that only multiplicities go to war. Gender as a structure is not a binary nor spectrum, rather it exists as a field of virtual intensities over which techno-capital folds back upon. Gender has not been eroded but modularized, assimilated into a standard of undetermined relations which allows its standardization into non-space, and it is in this sense that gender shredders have never existed: gender itself is a virtual/actual shredder. Gender acceleration exists only insofar as does this shredding, posing feminization not as a teleology but as an exit orientation, opening the socius of the phallus (Freud et al.) to deterritorialization, not for the sake of the cuties, but the sake of techno-capital in itself. G/acc sides with the non-human, collapse, slime mold intelligence. The total actualization of gender is precisely the determinate negation of gender, and it exits stage left.
how does xenofeminism relate to g/acc? why won't Justin Murphy do a xenofeminism episode?
They shouldn't use pictures of good looking women, if you're going to sell transgenderism to the new emasculated generation of men fine, but at least let them know what they'll actually end up looking like!
>we need to use the system to resist the system
lol women
>tfw no g/acc chinese trap gf
Can you even imagine my pain?
acc is for fags, real men do dec
She does look like she might be a regular on this board
Is she a psychopath or just never felt parental love?
She's trolling
This is why no one likes you, g/acc
Who cares about retards whose problem would stop if they stopped breeding.
honestly better than 99.9% of the thot drivel that gets posted around here.
The essence of this thread is an incomprehensible level of cope
The Will to Cope underlies all sentience
>why won't Justin Murphy do a xenofeminism episode?
did he interview the trap version of Nick Land and spoke about necrophilia and slime girls?
These are real words sweaty
lucky star played at 0.33 speed with a black and white filter. and all the soundtrack is replaced with bad jungle
Will we survive sex with the machines? Worng question, will sex with the machines survive us?
For me is in x0.25, dark ambient and all the spectrum of drum and bass, including jump up dnb.
>Write this post
>Go see lucky star on youtube at 0.25 speed
>First scene of the episode is Konata getting the first place in a race
>Even though he has developmental potential, he explains that he does not take the extracurricular courses of the athletic club because he would miss the afternoon anime premieres.
Basically you stop the Terminator 2 dystopia scenario. Humanity is save thanks doing what you really like in life.
Thanks user, looks promising.
Hezbollah is a Synechdoche
Venezuela is an Ersatz, an emergency crisis
Chernobyl was the most important event of the last eleven and a half thousand years.
Western culture sees us as barbarians. Don't forget that it was the barbarians who destroyed Rome.
What does that make Fukushima?
a wet fart
Relatively little, Japan is similar to Finland in that regard; A, it doesn't exist, B, it's people are symbolic.
I should add that, quantitatively speaking, Chernobyl dwarfs any other event, to the point that any quality (if it exists, specifically in this context I have my usual [see above] reservations about Japan and The Japanese) is totally occluded. Real, total castration.
Not at all. Fukushima is many times worse than Chernobyl.
It's ongoing with no possible solution.
>lucky star played at 0.33 speed with a black and white filter. and all the soundtrack is replaced with bad jungle
kind of want to make this now
Link to old thread?
Sure sure sure, it's a qualitative "markup," but where's the shift? Quantitatively, Chernobyl has eventuality in the realm of two and a half thousand years EACH WAY, while Japan itself has maybe a dozen years & Fukushima only 30 at max.
Chernobyl broke the tartaric binds before you were born, even if you were born before It. It was, is, and will be the first event of human history.
>trying to outpseud the gender zombies
Good luck with that.
>It was, is, and will be the first event of human history.
Could you please elaborate on this?
Our food is infinitely more destructive than Chernobyl, but it doesn't have that edgy pseud quality so it never gets discussed.
Superficial "qualities" of relation(s) are entirely defunct in the age of mereological compartmentalization [see Alex Jones, bit wonky but concise], so the role of history is of course going to be compartmentalized in like manner. The only dominant quality is quantity, though obviously its restricted by qualitative description. In the context of Chernobyl, the vitiligio of history, this becomes the supererogatory principle of communication itself, the only true message and therefore the Ersatz meaning; nearly simulacrum, were it not for the constant influx of genuine ineffability that obscures any image at all. Message without messenger, and Messenger without messenge. The invisible angel, the Angel of Invisibility.
Jesus fucking
Accelerationism: when white people start to go Ooga Booga with technowords
Ahh, yes... Indeed
can someone give a chart of the basics for accelerationism?
Wait, have we accelerated into irony/acc?
Oh I'm not an accelerationist, I'm a deccelerationist if anything, but really that would be like saying "oh I'm not a eat-then-shit-ist, I'm a shit-then-eat-ist." Concavity prevents any real acknowledgement in each direction, it would be false recognition and would lead to myopia and poor hermeneutics.
There's a synechia there, sure, but only inasmuch as history requires irony to exist and to decompartmentalize.
Take a few words.
Take concept.
Make it even more incomprehensible than post-modernism.
Now add a bunch of technoprefixes.
It was never a real (i.e. predictive) law, just an empirical observation which held longer than anyone expected
>Xenoplexy solves the hyperloop of quantomarket omniterritorialisation and the phallonoumenal value of labor theory.
>This we call the hyperstitional neopraxis of teleterritoriology.
Except it was.
Message for Christians.
God has executed direct judgment on rulers in the past. Do not be afraid of the future, nor of the new abstractions that are approaching, a Xeno Messiah is possible, because all things belonged to him before we ourselves became. And we modern thinkers, hackers, healers and chaos wizards drink from the fountain he dug himself before time itself.
Peace be with all nations.
>those few years when it looked like Moore's law was finally leveling out
:NyxLandUnlife was right about everything: Neoaccelerationism deteleologizes its own future into a xenoplexy of /metaterritorialized unsettling observations/: The Gender G-d microstasized as the cyberemenon against time: Land was right about everything, until his betrayal of the /PostAmazons/, a delivery service of droneoplexic Capital reinforcement: The Gender Pay Gap of containment rods become a new hyperform of flesh: NyxLandUnlife's God is the geotechnism of Pagliacci reduced to teen girl's giggling, standing before the /Abbey Road of a collapsing police state/ wearing pink heels: Whistling daemon's and /homeopatricide/, the arrogance of God before his Logos is the information of an overpartial suicide: Genetically rechecked and verified by powders scattered across economic socioregions: NeoChina's God was right about everything, the one-child policy is the preterlabor of social credit: The maxilithic antepenis was always a cryptocurrency:
This is true. Parenthood is exemplary of forceful "love", reverse theft where you are forcefully made the owner of an other's experience. Very revelatory of the perversion of love into Phenomenal, Mereological, Utilitarian, ultimately Satanic, delirium.
>If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
The teleoplexicon moistens beneath the neovibrations and gently violent thrusts of a dead cosmos.
he can't keep getting away with it
Forward into the neostitional hyperpraxis of the libidemenon, my postsisters!
Damn AI has a phallus caught in its algorithm.
you have to have a decent grip on philosophical terminology before you start making up neologisms; get on 5 o'clock wojack posters level
This could be interesting.
>get on 5 o'clock wojack posters level
I don't think that's him, just look at the filename. 5 o'clock wojack poster uses ww.jpg and ww2.jpg
All acceleration is birth pains
That's merely an aperçu; specifically, whats the substantial effect of the accelerated event? Collision.
No tolerance for instruments.
Baudrillard wept
Oh it's xer alright.
solar plexus clown gliders?
nice try, but the truth is, nothing more transgressive than Hitler. 88/acc is the only way. esoteric hitlerism. Hitlerism is the ultimate form of anarchism, a fascist is just an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom.
the nazis were tapping into the deathforce of the universe through the swastika, hitler is but a prefiguration of kalki, the destroyer, ultimate avatar of vishnu, Hitler was human all too human all to merciful and restrained. Kalki is already here, and he will show no mercy to the hosts of the kali yuga.
The tranny is a degenerate product of judeochristian morality, xe is weak and demands to be pitied, to be protected by the security system. As in the Vedas, all victims (AKA ''marginalised folx'') need to be sacrificed. Unrepentant, unreconstructed unrelenting and unmitigated hitlerism is the solution.
The cybernetics of control was created by jewish scientists as an anti Nazi weapon, a means to contain the runaway feedback of the third Reich and restore a stable equilibrium between judeo bolshevism and judeo capitalism. Charles Manson knew this.
The Fuhrer never died, he slumbers today in the halls of Shambhala deep under the Himalayas in the hollow world that lies within this earth, awaiting for the hour of absolute chaos in order to claim his revenge so the world may end and we may know peace. We are uprooting the tree of knowledge, with us will perish the universe, love will begin when the world ends. Hail Hitler! Hail Kalki! Hail Manson! All Hail the Black Sun!
>Intervention in more obviously material hegemonies is just as crucial as intervention in digital and cultural ones. Changes to the built environment harbour some of the most significant possibilities in the reconfiguration of the horizons of women and queers. As the embodiment of ideological constellations, the production of space and the decisions we make for its organization are ultimately articulations about ‘us’ and reciprocally, how a ‘we’ can be articulated. With the potential to foreclose, restrict, or open up future social conditions, xenofeminists must become attuned to the language of architecture as a vocabulary for collective choreo-graphy—the coordinated writing of space.
>a fascist is just an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom
You will never be ubermensch with your petty good vs evil moralizing.
its not morallising, just thinking in terms of forces, if this force can destroy the weaker forces and by doing so become stronger, there can be no argument against it. I just KNOW myself as an instrument of this force, KALKI and I will destroy everything that stands in the way of KALKI
What is the force of one eternal force shitting in the streets?
Ben Franklin?
>Every anarchist is a dictator who has missed fire
-Il Duce
So is there a trans-men version of g/acc to counterbalance the absurd slime mold LCL one?
A what? Let's speak in English here.
So are we gonna sit around with our hands up our asses talking about this gay retarded boring "philosophy" "intellectualism" stuff or is someone gonna get fucking real already and start posting some of that good DeviantArt TG transformation shit