What kind of books do you think she reads??

Shes’s very knowledgeable for a gen z nigga

Attached: F0C0C4C1-9BEA-46AA-9C32-BEC00408FF1B.png (849x622, 378K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She reads twitter, these 'based and redpilled' type people don't read real books

Probably just some scattered reactionary video essays on Youtube and dumb article excerpts ala /pol/. Not even being rude, that's general information archetype for the e-right winger

>these 'based and redpilled' type people don't read real books
So much insecurity shining through here.

She's a pseud, but it's really just your fault for empowering an edgy teenager.

It's also weird. Have sex. Not with a teenager though.

Oh and stop posting on Yea Forums while you're at it.

>Shes’s very knowledgeable
my sides

No ones empowering anybody, I’m just spectating.
And if anything, shes’s empowering people her age to veer into an intellectual headspace that requires you to look at the world’s problems more cynically.

She got owned by Destiny in a debate.

that's a chapofag buzzword. go back

On the flipside, destiny got heightmogged by a 14 year old girl in the same debate.

lole I'm NRx myself, reactionary isn't a bad word for describing the non-cuckservative right. at least it isn't as narrow as alt-right.

I bet she loves Cervantes, Boccaccio, Ovid.

Her ability to breakdown issues while keeping a somewhat objective perspective is really impressive at her age. She’s able to process some conceptually dense political ideas, the type of ideas those /pol faggots have a stroke trying to explain

What sort of 'man' debates a female and child? What sort of man watches such a spectacle?

She said she has read some Dostoevsky.

He was ripping into her too.

it wasn't a debate retard. It was more a discussion and Nick Fuentes ruined the whole thing.

When did she say this

Fuck Nick Fuentes.




I love Dostoevsky.
How the fuck does a 14 y.o get acquainted w/ Dostoevsky??

the ugly duckling

i was reading heidegger when i was 9

You have to wonder what went wrong with your life when you find yourself debating a child on the internet. Do you think Destiny has that much self awareness?

Same I read Nietzsche when my mom was considering aborting me.

I thought she did and if she did I thought she understood it.

have sex

stop posting youtubers you pleb
reddit: the post

OK who is this, I opened the thread thinking it was the little girl from Dune but the comments suggest otherwise


>little girl from Dune

Attached: 0E615817-F3F2-49E3-BCE8-48069792BCBA.jpg (640x620, 38K)

That son of a bitch cant keep getting away with this shit

Diary of a Wimpy Kid?
Charlotte's Web
Alice in Wonderland
The Metamorphosis
Being and Time
Das Kapital
Paradise Lost
The Divine Comedy
Philosophical Investigations
The Bible
Finnegans Wake
Moby Dick
Edgar Allan Poe
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Ann Coulter's book
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Where's Waldo
Where's Waldo in Hollywood
Postcards from Buster
The Adventures of Captain Underpants
The Catcher in the Rye
Modern Times by Paul Johnson
Montaigne's Essays
Postcards from Buster

Peterson read it to her. and then he changed his named to Peterson Peterson and reveled in his love of nymphets

I'm rereading it rn

Lt corbis
She’s essentially a 14 year old ( or 4 year old) who has the aptitude to engage in political dialogues that are suited for people 10-15 years her senior. She possesses the intellectual poise of a 30 year old.

Her collaborator writes the scripts. She does her best to read them.

Do you think she's aware that most, if not all, of her fans are creepy men. I honestly feel kind of bad for her.

She streams a lot and improvs most of her points. She doesn’t completely rely on that fag

Who is that guy? He sounds Asian.

Probably. She's an aspiring nymphet. see

youtube used to have a little bar graph or something of which demographics watched videos, it was very entertaining

And she's obviously not a fan of pedos. Pic related

Attached: kefrrud354r21.jpg (1489x837, 112K)

>your fault for empowering an edgy teenager.

>empowering women is bad now when it goes against current neolib agenda

No no no I don’t think you know how aware she truly is. She literally made a video breaking down the psychology of these creepy beta old males and how they’re very impressionable when it comes to being ATMs.
She has a patroen and receives donations from those freaks all while sustaining her own content and maintaining her viewpoints. She’s very privy to that shit

literally who lmao




Something about that is beyond sad. How does a teenage girl handle the fact that she's essentially performing for pedophiles.

By exploiting their cuck tendencies and collect their beta bucks. She’s one upped them, it’s not like she releases videos that are in their interest. 300 IQ


Something tells me she'd rather be taken seriously than receive unrequited money. Her parents are probably rich since she lives in the suburbs of San Francisco and she's 14, so I doubt she'd even need it.

To be perfectly honest she's pretty ugly and has a putrid white-trash voice, so I find that hard to believe. I like her videos though and she seems nice.

okay, but he's right



Attached: alia.jpg (1014x431, 36K)

also, even in the event that she doesn't have some older sibling writing for her and her views are really as holistic and fully-formed as you believe, why would you ever pay attention to any political/cultural opinions of a 14 year old? It's one thing if they're making art or writing mathematical proofs, and it's entirely another one for them to be trying to make sense of a world that they've only barely begun to experience in the present, let alone in any kind of coherent historical context. You're just as bad as media libs on twitter crying and pouring praise on the Parkland activist retards if you take this kid as some kind of serious thinker just because she's a contrarian

Nick Land's Twitter
Kantbot's Twitter
Yea Forums posts

it's fascinating, how can you close your eyes? we don't agree on anything except that the world is strange now.

>destiny doing anything well
ask me how I know you're lying

Destiny is charismatic enough to be a very good debater. Sure, he's as shallow as it gets, but that only makes him better at what he does.

No he's not lmao. You guys are busy replacing half the canon with retarded women and mutts, you have to memory hole entire portions of famous writers work because they're racist and sexist. You dont read shit, you just repeat the approved talking points on a handful of authors, you LITERALLY have to check if youre allowed to think something before you can say it, or probably even before you can think it.

The only opinion I posited in this post is that teenagers are not reliable for their social commentary, is that something you disagree with

If you've lived one day you know everything you need to know and there's hardly any difference between living 15 years and 50 if time is infinite. Knowledge and history are illusions. Knowing history and literature are useful in articulating your emotions greater, as is living longer because your brain is more developed, but to dismiss her due to age is arrogant and misguided.

>I'm NRx myself
Oh no no no....

Who are you debating? I'm far right, but most youtube commentators are emotional memes that are not well-read.


'based and redpilled' doesn't refer to youtubers in my mind, but I agree with you there, I dont respect a single one of them

you've invented some kind of gay leftist strawman in your head and defined yourself in opposition to it

type 'dead white men' into google

Is there some way for me to highlight this guy so I don't have to engage with whatever retarded bullshit he continues to say later in the thread?

No, sorry my language is poor, I was saying I disagree that we should not pay attention. How could you not pay attention to such an embodiment of weird social trends? This couldn't have happened 50 or 20 years ago, a 14-year old with extremist views broadcasting on the internet for millions to see? And literally headbutting with megacorporations that are unimaginably more powerful? It's just weird and fascinating, like watching a tiny piece of history unfold. It's easy to not take it seriously if you dislike her opinions, but to ignore it would be sticking your head in the sand ...

>calling a four foot goateed manchild charismatic

You're retarded

What did I say that was wrong?

do you think squeamish witchburning careerist idpol bluehairs are coming to Yea Forums to argue with anonymous posters?

you don't really grasp the premise of this website do you

No but people who refuse to(publically) denounce them do come here, so I like to remind them who their friends are. Well 'friends' is the wrong word, they have to defer to whatever these people say.

>She possesses the intellectual poise of a 30 year old.

>witchburning careerist idpol bluehairs are coming to Yea Forums to argue with anonymous posters
not that guy but i don't doubt that for a second. especially those that still have their dicks attached.

Hey I'm a loner. I have no problem calling them out once I get what I need from them.

>181. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 05/15 **#4**
>This way underage B-list YouTube celebrity is not famous for a musical or artistic talent. Very recently, she has rocketed to A-list in her corner of the internet. This was due to media exposure of some of her racist and hateful comments. What most people don't know about is the other, much older male A-/B+ list social media / YouTube celebrity in his corner of the internet, who has been in personal contact with this previously described underage girl, who is barely a teen. He is a pedophile, draws cartoons which should be considered child porn, and has even drawn these sorts of sick cartoons based on this girl. He has also drawn pornography involving his mother. Soph/Shädbase (Potty-mouthed 14-year-old anti-PC comedian with nearly 1million YouTube followers vows to keep making her videos after coming under fire for donning a hijab and mocking Muslims) (GRAPHICShädbaseGRAPHIC)

ecelb shit should be grounds for a ban.

I think it's hugely interesting as a phenomenon, but I'm speaking about the notion of taking neophytic online political tendencies (on any extreme of the spectrum) for granted as if they're going to carry on fully-formed into adulthood, rather than being just a more widely broadcasted, 21st century version of punks vs skinheads

she's not even an attractive little girl, this is retarded.

Redpill me on their gender

Isn't that naive?
Aren't there already adults who share her opinions, and some who share her opposition?
Her reaction and fame is from adults, not from other 14 year olds

It is the weird-twitter version of when some socially conscious teen who invents a new way to recycle or survives a school shooting goes to the white house to give a talk and then bums around MSNBC for a few months.

Looks like a boy/tranny but is a girl

>for a gen z nigga
Mind what you'r saying bitch I read Kant when I was 17. As young as Jung did.

Fuck off Fuentus is based and saved her.


she is 14 with the intelligence of a 15 year old boy.

>this entire thread: if we just repress her than her ideas are wrong

You are merely just driving her underground further radicalizing her

How is he based?

He's a NatSoc. How isn't he based?

Does he even understand national socialism?

The dude fucks, user. He literally has an in-house cocksucking swedish woman to attend to his lusts.

I've only watched like half of one video, which seemed like cynical contrarian black humor hyperlalia with the standard Youtube cut cadence that you could mostly project your own politics onto. Like I said, if she's doing all her own writing, that's impressive to me and she's definitely smarter and funnier than I was at 14, but it doesn't seem more than a sophisticated version of a kid her age who decides that she's going to worship Truffaut and despise rom-coms. I probably agree with the core of what she's saying despite being a leftist, but I'm not sure if there's anything of substance there besides the novelty of a young girl going on epic rants that wouldn't even sound out of place coming from a 17 year old boy

Yea obviously, he talks about Authoritarian Fascist states all the time without calling it Fascist but he admits it's unlikely the possibility of one appearing is anytime too soon so he speaks of what can be done democratically more often. He also must hide something as obvious as he makes the fact that he's a NatSoc.

I'm not saying her rants are good, or interesting, or influential, you don't read my posts maybe. She is not a cause of anything and exerts no force, but rather is a symptom, a new kind of symptom which is connected to a larger whole and trends in these years. The internet is strange and has create a strange time to be alive.

She's mentioned many times that she's a kid genius anyway. It also seems possible that her older brother is writing for her. They are a Jewish family but if she sin't already she will be redpilled on Jews one day since she browses /pol/. Still can't get over the fact that the infowars guy tried to get her to say faggot in the interview.

This is like Sargon posting circa 2016

You're a moron.

She's jewish?

Like I said before, the existence of a widely-accessible form of direct, manifesto-style ideology outside the mainstream is definitely fascinating, but the idea that there's any real philosophical substance behind most of it (the premise of this thread), *especially* the right-wing culture warrior brand that's mostly preoccupied with moral decadence, is what I take issue with. Hell, I mostly agree with their assessments, if obliquely: I don't think gays or immigrants or poors or whatever should be exterminated or removed, but I *do* think that weakness and vulnerability isn't virtuous. But hammering that point from every angle for millions of viewers might as well be astrology. At least Sam Hyde makes a bit out of it

Pump the brakes on the kid genius thing, it doesn't take a Ramanujan to make video essays where you wear a funny hat and say faggot in front of a green screen

Okay faggot.

Yea I remember her being doxxed. She lives in an extremely wealthy gated community. From memory it just seems extremely likely that she was Jewish. Almost certain but some things could be false. However I don't think this is Mossads new plan. I think she is just an intelligent jew who is right wing since her parents let her browse the internet since she was six and she found Yea Forums and the rest is history.

>Pump the brakes on the kid genius thing, it doesn't take a Ramanujan to make video essays where you wear a funny hat and say faggot in front of a green screen
Of course but it seems likely considering how she spoke when she was like 11. Her vocabulary IQ is quite high however it could just be because she is Ashkenazi Jewish.


It's been used by the left to describe the right since the 19th century you faggot

No she isn't. She's Catholic, as evidenced by the stream she did with Nick Fuentes where she says so.

sounds like the left needs to stop living in the past

Just realized she unlisted the vid, so before anyone calls me a liar here it is: youtube.com/watch?v=GpFlFVKdwyo

Fucking biblefags are trying to convert her. Always when you think you see progress in actual analytical conservatism these retards fall for same pit over and over again.

national socialism means hating jews for these murrikan mutts

No it’s a misunderstanding of economics if you expect it to be peaceful though

a script from father/brother or some discord friend idk

>If you've lived one day you know everything you need to know

>creepy beta old males and how they’re very impressionable when it comes to being ATMs.
Is there any literature on this? Weirdos becoming ATMs is like my biggest cringe fascination.

>have sex

This meme is getting stale real fast.

Have kids

Go away soph, you won't get views here. As for you vapor, the red pills are generic and the prose is a bore. 5/10, and all 5 points only for being able to find a loli which is actually literate (I suppose this counts for amazing in burgeristan).


She reads commandments of Muad'Dib

I've seen a few videos and I think she's pretty funny. I don't know why people are so obsessed with her being a kid or act like a kid can't come up with the things she says.

lol my favorite the other day was a tradcon LARPer saying Nietzsche's Ubermensch was found through tradition because tradition offers access to higher consciousness.

Vapor is a faggot

I'm not sure but they are decrepit ugly pieces of shit who didn't receive validation growing up so they give girls money online so they can feel like they fulfill their unrequited love lust

new video on bitchute boyos hehehe ;)

I had a friend who went down this hole. Used to buy steam games for online girls and it just astounded me, like there's not even a fraction of a chance they'll reciprocate anything, it's just wasteful spending with no expectation of an ROI. Has economics failed us?

My chief I don't think there's an issue with economics for this one...

I assume men are naturally driven to be a provider so I look at the sort of guys who act like this as having poor discipline. They're unable to control their natural urges and direct them in a productive way because they've lacked a certain training or guidance while they were young. I'm willing to bet your friend is the product of a single mother.

>I'm willing to bet your friend is the product of a single mother.
I always assumed it had something to do with the chance (however slim) they’d get any attention in return and the “its not a big deal” act is just a front to veil their true desperation. I’m starting to think there’s an ethnography to be written here.

how do you explain straight men who do this with straight male streamers then?

A desire to provide wouldn't be restricted to just male and female relationships. These guys are pushovers in nearly every aspect of their lives. They get pleasure out of giving things which is perfectly normal in itself but they take it to an excess because they don't have that discipline.

Usually in this circumstance the stream represents some idealised version of the donor, a proxy for the the innate qualities or learned skills denied to them either through natural ineptitude or simple laziness.

You see this especially with streamers who engage in lots of debates or talk politics. The fans have a vague, almost visceral or instinctual, commitment to a position or ideology that if pressed they would find hard to justify. The job of the streamer is to give coherence to this and then go out to bat for them.

In that case, they probably felt that person provided a service they felt should be monotarily compensated.

Little girls can say faggot too, retard.

I ive how you worded that. Puts things into perspective

What the fuck this kid has almost a million subscribers

LIttle girls can't dive into issues like Gun control and mass immigration and find room to add their own conjecture without sounding like meme. Give this nigga her props

I was reading Dostoyevsky at age 15. I just picked a random book at the bookshop about prisons

Oh and btw, Dostoyevsky is studied at Russian middle schools so honestly it's not hard for a teenager to read him.

I wanted to read when i was 11 years old because the name sound cool

Dude, I read Beowulf when I was 9, it even had the old English translation with it. People just have different speeds.

She's already said in an interview with ramzpaul she's interested in converting to Catholicism.

People with well read parents.
I've already got the children versions of many classic literature, ready to read for my children as their first books. Eventually they can read the originals.

why do the rejected feel empowered by it?


When even Land is only following your ideology ironically you know its shite mate.