How often do you write in your diary desu? i have written 160,000 words in the past 3 months...

how often do you write in your diary desu? i have written 160,000 words in the past 3 months. most of them are not happy.

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I can't get started...too self critical. Any tips, user?

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* Once when I wake up
* Once when I go to bed

when i remember to

How do you write a diary... I'm afraid my online one will eventually get comprimised/hacked or leaked and could be attributed to me

or if I write a physical one my family/friends will find it

write one in an offline application?

Put on stick

>writing a diary
what's wrong with you faggots

Wrong board

your diary is gay and so are you

Your life will be better if you write a diary. You will become a better and more interesting person.

>inb4 anecdotal evidence

>waaah most of its not happy :( :(
Why are “depressed” individuals so desperate to project the fact they are not happy? it’s pathetic

In writing a diary you develop and gain a greater understanding of your experiences and beliefs.

yeah but how does that help me bro? i don't really care about experiences and beliefs, i just wanna have fun in life bro

As I said earlier, you've stumbled onto the wrong board. You really don't care about wisdom or living a meaningful life?

Once every few months when i'm overwhelmed and need to dump my emotions out somewhere

bruh i didn't say that. fun is part of a meaningful life. whats the point of living if youre not gonna have fun bro?
wisdom isnt something you can learn, its something you get over time. so kick back, relax, and wait for it to come to you my dude.
i enjoy literature, hence my being on this board. i dont enjoy writing faggy diaries.

>wisdom isnt something you can learn, its something you get over time
Is it not true that one's actions influence the growth of the person's wisdom?

sure. writing about your day isn't how you get it tho, bro. you gotta go out and experience the world my man.

Sure, so one goes out and has many experiences. Does the person reflecting on his experiences not help him gain wisdom? Is this not one of the purposes of a person writing a diary?

na bro, writing doesnt help you get wisdom. living through the experiences does. when youre in bed before you fall asleep you got all the time you need to think. things you should carry with you, you will remember. but hey, if it makes you feel better, by all means write a diary.

What does literature, specifically philosophy, teach us about how to deal with traumatic events? I work as a firefighter/EMT and this was a vehicle fire where the driver was stuck inside and had perished.
A short excerpt from my journal.
>The skin had melted off parts of her body and you could see the bones in her hands, carpals and metacarpals, which where up against her chest curled up, almost like she was trying to put as much space in between her and the fire. Her breasts were completely gone. Her face was indescribably disfigured and charred. The body was so badly disfigured, there was not a single part of her body that was left untouched by the fire. Everything felt so surreal, everything felt like it was fake or a bad dream. I was the first one to get close enough that I was face to face with the body.

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I don't know if anyone discusses this in depth, but generally focusing on it for a time and thinking through is actually a good way to get past it. Apart from writing about it going into the woods, or somewhere else you like, and just thinking about it for a time may help you.
Gabor Mate speaks on childhood, trauma, and addictions. I'm not too familiar with him but his videos seem good so there may be something there for you worth exploring.

is this also you?

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I don't really have a diary so much as a notebook to write down thoughts I consider "important" enough to save for later.

nope, not me.

>style is physiognomy of the mind

This is not a diary, but instead you are writing for an auidence, disguised as a diary

>pick old diary entry at random
>it's me complaining that an even earlier diary entry i had gone back to read was better written than my more recent diary entries have been and admitting to feeling "intimidated"

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easy to secure it... just put it in an archive with password, 7zip is good. if you wanna go hardcore put it in a hidden veracrypt lol?

>The body was so badly disfigured, there was not a single part of her body that was left untouched by the fire.
Would probably be better as
>The body was so badly disfigured, there was not a single part of her that was left untouched by the fire.