Why aren't there any right wing fiction journals in publication today?

Why aren't there any right wing fiction journals in publication today?

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Journals are part of the education institution, the right wing doesn't respect journals, nor do they read enough to bother starting one.

Because you touch yourself, disgusting pleb.

Because everything Right-wingers read is fiction anyways

everything right-wing is fiction because reality has a left/liberal bias heheheheheheheh

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tfw your worldview is fiction

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Okay, I get it. But why can't the colloquial right form their own parallel culture to rival the whole New Sincerity schtick the Left has been running on for the last several decades? I mean, they don't have to be correct, the modern Left has proven just as much, but what exactly is holding them back?

Its not profitable, it would cause the masses to think, and no one on the right wants that. They make far too much money for people to think. Other than you and some other /pol/tards, who else on the right likes to pretend they read? No one would buy it. None of them have read anything beyond the first 30 pages of a Rand novel. Who in god's name is your target demographic that's so large it can revitalize a dying industry?

The Left are in control of mainstream culture(progressives for you autistic Marxists who sperg about the word 'left'), there is no incentive for any intelligent young person to become rightwing. The question is how did they come to be in control, and the answer to that question itself depends on whether you have a reactionary or progressive view of history.

It doesn't even have to be explicitly right wing, just not the usual man-hating, anti-white, cultural marxist disclaimer in every journal's submission guidelines.

>New Sincerity
what's that?
>just not the usual man-hating, anti-white, cultural marxist disclaimer in every journal's submission guidelines.
Hate speech and wrongthink is not marketable atm.
>there is no incentive for any intelligent young person to become rightwing.
Yet it's still occurring more than ever before. I'm old enough to remember the late 80's and 90's as a teen/tween.

>and no one on the right wants that.
That's not necessarily true, but I see what you're getting at. The current "right" refuses to even confront modernism let alone post-modernism. It's just pure complacency over active critique and alternative as it ideally should be.
What would need to occur before the right could even establish a distinct cultural base would be its rejection of this stagnant complacency, and the establishment of a distinct goal similar to what the Left has done using Whig history.
You can see some attempts in going this direction within the last three years, but they just ended up sitting on their laurels like they always do once they make some visible gains. Like, wow, we really struck some attention from the youth with this opposition to what is clearly a puritanical authoritarian dogma being pushed by a political and economic establishment, better keep doing the exact same formula of pointing it out and laughing how 'dumb' they look for the next forever occasionally wedging neocon and neolib talking points in the mix MAGA.
It's fucking infuriating at times.

>Hate speech and wrongthink is not marketable atm.
It obviously is though. Journals are literally telling white men to not submit so much.

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the 'right'? they took the route heidegger predicted and youre now typing on one of the surplus products and ifrastructure innovations of known history. new sincerity is all about crying about being powerless in its grasp, rightfully so. squeeze out that bit of authenticity you can get. now it caters back by feeding you cope graphics fantasies about your failed life, articles about how you have no error, and keeps convincing you that it is still the home you once knew that protected you when you were faced with harsh realities as a kid. in which this notion of safeness and danger was manufactured for you from the moment you could conceptualize a shape. of course its not so black and white. my point is the left right politics most people map their minds around are surface level, permitted sidewalk larping, popcorn munching, dopamine casino tier obliviousness.


>there is no incentive for any intelligent young person to become rightwing
Except reality
And the left's increasing Orwellian tendencies

New Sincerity is catch-all for a cultural reaction to/break away from nihilism, postmodernism and cynicism. A mini example of this would be the posters of if we're talking on this imageboard.
The colloquial Left, you'll find, completely revels in the stuff. It's part of the reason why these days you'll find how in place of deconstructing cynicism they use moral construction and signalling. Spirits are high in spite of nihil, not in celebration of it-- I think that's one misunderstanding the 'Right' needs to shake from their perception of the 'Left.'

The 'Right,' however, hasn't confronted postmodernism in the slightest. You see it especially in their constant abuse of the term, same for how they frame Nietzsche. The irony is I think the 'Right' would actually be the best demographic for the Overman philosophy, to confront the void and succeed above it in establishing new order. The 'Left,' though they confronted the void, is more clean-focused in creating a perfect society fitting of the Last Man archetype.

The right isn't evil CEOs of multinational corporations.

This is pretty common.


This article is just white people shitting on themselves as much as possible

Actually, I think a better example of New Sincerity here on Yea Forums would be the Happy Day general on /bant/ or one of the other blogpost threads scattered between /bant/ and /qa/.
is more a meta parody of New Sincerity than anything.

Jesus Christ. What do you call this? This absolute decay and self-abasement?

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Fiction written primarily to support a political ideology is vulgar.

(((white people)))

just shut up, be a good ally and listen when poc share their perspectives.

Based. Flannery O'Connor said something like most people who write stories just write thinly veiled essays with characters in them. Terrible attempt at recalling a quotation but I hope you get the idea.



Some call it Intersectionality, others call it Ultracalvinism. Whatever it is, it's pure dogma which is currently in the throes of attempting to establish hierarchy. In its case, hierarchy based on a quantification of "oppression" full of sloppy generalizations and context based entirely within contemporary conditions.

>Whatever it is, it's pure dogma which is currently in the throes of attempting to establish hierarchy.
Well then at least something good will come out of it. I just hate seeing people deny their own will to power and abase themselves out of some pathetic piety. I would much prefer every one display pure self- and in-group preference, even to the point of frequent violence and terror than this nauseating shit. Ultracalvinism seems apt.

the reason this whole narrative exists is because the left admits they lost the fight when it comes to the sheer power of information and tech. the ship has sailed long ago and all they can do is hijack what people see on their feed to reclaim reality. to ultimately mask the inevitable we read stuff like: yes this new machine is still humane, it is still 'for the people', look how it represents all the marginalized groups. the truth is it is not for man nor woman nor gay nor tranny nor retard nor autist. it is not for humanity. get over it. any kind of trigger 'movement' hipsters get into online is just plain permitted larping. the dubbed censored right are hinting at this but they are far from the 'real right'. designed to keep you there and waste your life literally transmuting you to data. while all your passion for 'justice' or 'cultural preservation' is misguided and futile. there is no 'left' tech besides the minority open source and whitehats. tech is inherently male guided militarily. media entertainment is only a branch of it, which most would say the 'left' dominates. yes because thats what most artists are. but the error here is thinking the entertainment landscape is everything you need to know about politics, this includes 'news sites', low quality entertainment branded as politics. the thots, basedboys, incels, sjws are all fictional characters made in their simulation of which they can only kick and scream to let them out. this is why theres so much angst and triggered autism, it happens when someone knows theyre in a cage and not exactly sure why and how. in the end, keep squirming you default hegelians.

While your post is describing a real phenomenon methinks you've avoided mentioning why this particular antiwhite narrative exists. China is a dystopian online cage as well but they arent obsessed with shitting on the Han are they.

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Not him but the Chinese haven't yet become death-worshipping, self-abasing, life-denying nihilists like (((white))) people have. They lust for life and power, as a nigga should. They will eat and/or kill anything that stands in their way. Real Gs.

sometimes you have to level. a (((word))) is enough to shut down attention faculties pavlov style in this stick of the simulation.

Because right wing "culture" and artistic endeavors are a farce

too busy pitching thier screenplays

yeah aristocracies have never produced any good art

Not all aristocratic art is right wing, which is only a coherent concept after the french revolution anyways. I'm talking about art that is self consciously and unambiguously right wing. Most of it is awful, there are very few Celines.

Aristocracy though is right wing, and seems to produce a lot of high art. The term might date to the French revolution but the concept can be applied to societies before it. Art that is self-consciously political is usually bad, whether right or left.

Aristocracy is not "right wing" and even if it were that doesn't imply that most cultural products produced by the aristocracy are ideologically right wing. After the revolution, many aristocrats were not right wing but libs (I'm not arguing they were far left). You cannot meaningfully apply the term "right wing" to societies predating the french revolution, right wing ideology is a reaction to the french revolution (though it of course drew on earlier enlightenment thinkers).

Aristocracy is right wing because it is an explicitly hierarchical, discriminatory form of society. Many aristocrats before and after the Revolution were various sorts of Leftists, I am talking about the society at large being aristocratic. You can abstract the principles underlying the conflict between the monarchists and republicans in the French Revolution, the primary principle is the view on hierarchy, a secondary principle is tradition.

Running magazines ans articles is nerd pleb shit. Based High T aryan warlords shouldt bother with

Hierarchy based on what? You can’t abstract it away. Many leftist ideologies embrace some form of political hierarchy e.g. Marxist-Leninists.

And there was no “right wing” in early feudalism, when European aristocracies formed. No left wing either. Aristocracy existed without it and to argue otherwise is ahistorical.

In any given debate between a leftwing and rightwing person, the rightwing person will be advocating for hierarchy. Marxism in general desires to remove the hierarchy of capitalists over the proletariat, and communists desire an eventual classless society. Feudalism has a clear hierarchical structure, and you will often hear left wing people use 'feudalist' as a hyperbolic epithet for some excess of contemporary capitalism or the like. This pattern is very clear across many different eras and parts of society, you can also apply it to race, gender, etc.

It's not the hiearchies per se, but attributes determining position within hiearchy.

Lefties prefer ad-hoc, mercurial hiearchies formed by "feels" quorum. It's more empathetic can equalize Pareto effects below, but when overdone it's also more chaotic and prone to disenfranchising high achievers (nigger "don't act white", marx "don't be bourgeois").

Right on the other hand is simply natural hiearchies - might and loyalty, with far less "feels" involved. Such hierarchies are prone to cumulative advantage - winners win too much, because past win raises the chance of future win, at the expense of new entrant with equal merit, but no past wins ("rich get richer"). This is effect is what lefties call "privilege", but that's simply because they're pants on head retarded and can't read economics 101 Pareto.

In either case, both work with hiearchies, the difference is how those get formed and the final effect on the players within the system.

There's Dagger

Yep. The reality is far stranger than the dualistic paradigm we've been forced to accept.

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>Right on the other hand is simply natural hiearchies
No it is hierarchies of being born into wealth or power, going to the same schools, and nepotism. The left wants a hierarchy from talent.

>What is bio-leninism?

The left irirquillcy and forever blown the fuck out.

>born into wealth or power, going to the same schools, and nepotism
That's simply cumulative advantage, like any other capital. Feudalism and "old money" are slightly different though - the upward mobility of capitalism is slightly better than rigid caste systems.

Frankly, I don't have issue with the sentiment of the left, as it all boils down to cheering for the underdog.

What I have issue with is their complete lack of any economic awareness, and their magical thinking that politics can still subjugate markets. This has worked, kinda, on national levels in the past, but with supply chains as long we have now, it's entirely dead end. In plain words: you could unionize in the 50s, but now it's much harder as there are way too many holes in the bucket.

No they don’t.
Maybe 20 years ago before they went insane.
They only say they want a hierarchy of talent now when it suits them, but the moment blind talent favors whites or males they start saying hierarchies of any kind are evil.

The Boomer right left is still around with their absolutely hypocritical and poisonous morality. Nothing can be create while it exists.

congrats on inventing a new word

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>The left wants a hierarchy from talent.

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>cultural marxist
15yo detected

imagine thinking this

hes right. you have a caricatured view of the world

While it is true that academia and the avenues for artistic education tend more to the left, wouldn't this leave a huge opening for some sort of right wing artistic movement in response? The right used to engage in art, Italian futurism leaps to mind, but at some point in the 20th century it seems like the right just stopped engaging in those fields. How come?

people have lost sense of the market, public sphere and everything we conceived as common place knowledge of politic. anyone just fills gaps on what they are exposed to passively and even prefer it. that is if youre totally clueless on the civil foundations and fed deliberate misinfo, which is another story.

Pseud detected.

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Because they are prevented from expressing themselves because they are white and male. The left pushes the message that white males' points of view are no longer needed and they should keep it to themselves which is racist in itself at the same time as they are proclaiming white males to be inherently racist.

Does saying Jew on Yea Forums get you banned?

cool thread

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I didn't release this board was so full of faggots but it does answer my question.

But that's like saying the Paris salon refused to showase certain artists, so all Parisian artistic movements that were not approved of by the establishment died out. Obviously not the case. Why hasn't there been some sort of emergent artistic response from the American right? It's like they just threw up their hands and declared that art is for pussies so they won't even try.