I first posted this image 3.5 years ago

Why didn't you listen?

Attached: Pseuds.jpg (3445x2454, 938K)

Why is Harold Bloom on there?

>posting an image that includes fantano on Yea Forums

There are a few bona-fide scholars in there. I think the idea is to list writers who have large popular followings, the sort who are very influential and end up being regurgitated uncritically by lots of people.

In other words, writers/people popular among pseuds, not pseuds who write.

For example I love Harold Bloom but have not read a single other author on the subject of lit crit. He's also been a bad boy by listing off his opinions in bullet point, meaning any dumbass can read a chapter of his on Cervantes and suddenly feel knowledgable enough to speak with authority on him.

But he does restrain himself often, and forces the reader to think between the lines at least.

the word is rhetor, not rhetorician

Learn some damn greek

Schumpeter just used the word ‘rhetor’ in explaining the sociological origins of intellectuals.

I think that’s a pretty nice word. :3

The point of the image is to trigger as many people as possible. Some versions include canonical philosophers.

Ignore Everyone?

papa bless :((

>Why didn't you listen?
cuz you're a loony

fuck off, Harold Bloom is the last person protecting the western canon. Once he's gone the Feminists are gonna move in for the kill.

These are people from all over the spectrum of politics and ideas.

What would you consider to be a positive example of an intellectual rhetorician?

Who isn't a pseudo-intellectual rhetorician? If you were to speak right now, to all of us, about what you believe or if you were to explain something - anything - would we not consider you a "pseudo-intellectual"?

Attached: 6MsfK4A.jpg (1280x960, 227K)

wish I recognized these frauds as soon as you. This is why I only listen to Steven Bonnell now.

Could someone include name tags? I'm pretty sure I know a lot of them but I just can't remember their names to be sure

>circa 2016
you seem to have beenjust discovering the world then, no?

Here is the updated version for current year.

Attached: pseuds.jpg (3445x2454, 1.69M)

I did

I understand this is kind of a meme graphic designed to spark shit flinging, but if that's the case, why isn't Tucker Carlson on there. He's pretty popular (I actually like him at times), and would be another face to add to invoke autistic spergery. Just a thought.

I only know like 1/4th of em

Mike stoklasa is an intellectual on the highest grade actually. Everything else is pretty on point

Attached: 140194504834.jpg (173x250, 11K)

Bend sharipo is the leader of the alt right and does not belong in this meme.

Why is Gregory.B.Sadler here? Is this a meme?

this. i thought that everyone on the list was an unironic pseud except sadler

theese people have doctoraters though wtf

vox day + owen benjamin?