Claim your Yea Forums waifu

Pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

Weil won't let your claim her as your waifu. Based Weil.

For me it's Hannah

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She has sex with black dudes

Hannah is pure! PURE!

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>sigrid undset

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/mygirl/ right here.

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shes mine bruh

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Wittgenstein's hot sister.

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Dibs on Dickinson

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Sorry lads

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My queen

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Youre after her money user, RIGHT?


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very cute
for me, though, it will always be pic related

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wow Joseph McElroy hasn't aged a day since that was taken


Joyce's Schizophrenic daughter, preferably dressed up as a fish as she is in pic related

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I'd fight for her desu
I dream of concocting a cure for her headaches so she becomes enamoured with me

have you read her biography? she was a rude autistic left agitator who at last alienated herself from the left and starved herself to death in her parents house. if she were alive today she would be a trans male tumblr tankie crusader who streams her suicide on twitch.

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Based, her or Donna Tartt

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For those who need to examine an author's hands and feet

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Was my waifu even before she became Yea Forums.

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>This thread
>No Nietochka Nezvanova

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the goat writer of turn of the century-upper class America, get fucked fitzgerald

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This is my 2-fu but someone already put savitri davi.

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>shes back

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I wonder what her tampon smells like


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top keks my degenerate fren

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Fuck you guys are desperate. Shes not even that attractive.

Totally photoshopped, user. This is what she really looked like. You’re welcome.

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She wrote two autobiographies so definitely counts as Yea Forums. Get on my level, faggots.

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This basket case of a whore

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Source? Reporting her channel if true.

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The one good picture of her

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Reporting it for what? LOL, she’s a normie brainlet. Nobody at jewtube is going to give a shit about your report.

>tfw you'll never establish nazi colony with Nie-chan, as she will never love, would be contrary to her convictions
I'm fond of Nie-chan too, but she's fiercely opposed to to everything degenerate, and that includes us.

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This is your waifu? A priggish, self aggrandizing opportunist who would kill you and then use your rotting corpses as means to her own ends? Rather masochistic of you, wouldn’t you say?

It's not true.

She looks like she fucks her dad

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>A priggish, self aggrandizing opportunist who would kill you and then use your rotting corpses as means to her own ends?
Projecting much, Salome?


Aglaya Yepanchin

>In films directed by Bresson, Godard, Pasolini
>Wrote her own novels and short stories

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Why is she wearing a garbage bag?

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>Wrote her own novels and short stories

i did not know this. i love anne wiazemsky

>A priggish, self aggrandizing opportunist who would kill you and then use your rotting corpses as means to her own ends?
Why do you hate women so much?
>Rather masochistic of you, wouldn’t you say?
I suppose this is why men like picrel become homogay and kill themselves.

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I too think the Nose sweet; certainly one of the more lovable characters in all literature. Pity his story isn't longer, though.

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