Why does he use Socrates as an expedient to expose his arguments?

Why does he use Socrates as an expedient to expose his arguments?

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Socrates was his waifu. If you can't have your waifu, become your waifu.

Was every greek philosopher homosexual? Seems so.

What the fuck does this sentence even mean.

plato fucked your mom



Socrates wrote no works of his own, none that have survived anyways, so what we know of him is from plato and a few other people

he's asking why does plato use Socrates to reveal his own ideas

suggesting some of the dialogue attributed to Socrates was actually his(platos) own belief/work

Exactly, there are some illiterates who didn't understand most citations from Socrates are actually from Plato. It can be confusing.

It was almost certainly all Plato's own beliefs and work. Socrates is just a character in the dialogues. Zhuangzi does the same thing in his Confucian dialogues

Then why do Plato’s dialogues WITH Socrates differ so much than his dialogues WITHOUT Socrates (ie see the difference ideologically between Laws and The Republic).

I eagerly await your answer :3

Plato's stories are about Socrates' cunning adventures in seducing younger men.

Cos he was a good mouthpiece for Plato's ideas. No doubt it was propaganda in his time. Socrates was a martyr.

greeks were faggots

>that bit where Socrates sees down a guy’s shirt and gets all worked up

Because writing stories about a delightful character is a much better way to get people's attention than writing straight out about your boring ass morality

>Zhuangzi does the same thing in his Confucian dialogues

I really didn't get that thing about primal human being a spherical entity with both sexes unified.

Do you admit that there was a definite difference between what Socrates was saying and what, for instance, the Athenian Stranger in Laws was saying? Or what Timaeus was saying?


By today's standards nearly everyone is a homosexual. I blame yaoi, personally.

If this is true will go to extinction in a couple of generations.

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Socrates didnt exist

neither i

Socrates is the ideal, the pinnacle of humanity, and through this ideal he was able to reach the truth. Kierkegaard understood this and posited instead that the Socratic, as humanly ideal as it is, is also to be overcome in order to bring out the moment in which the ideal becomes real, the eternal becomes historical etc.