What is the Belle Delphine of literature?

What is the Belle Delphine of literature?

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Uncle ted

Is there an author that writes humiliating shit requested by his readership and makes filthy money?

What the FUCK. Some poor kid could have used those to learn on. Stupid cunt. This is why acid attacks happen

Stephen King?
Nothing of value was lost

It's not like her buying and destroying them stole them from any kids, why shouldn't she get to do what she wants with her money?

>garbage destined for landfill
kys larper, donate whatever you posted from to those in need

get off my board zoomer

Honestly, she is very good at what she is doing.

if the cumbrain meme is not real, then how does this women achieve success.

Where are the based snap neck posters?

based passive-aggressively-admitting-to-paying this-girl-to-act-like-infectious-human-waste-to-become-a-millionaire poster
the zoomer generation thanks you for your service and sacrifice

based i-know-everything-about-you-and-also-im-an-expert-at-human-psychology poster

James Patterson.

I need to bash her fucking skull to mush with that wooden bat she's got more than i need oxygen

Sylvia Plath

In my honest, humble opinion she has a nice butt.

based passive-agressive incel puritanian-anticapitalist poster

Gtfo white knight cucks


Thread should have just ended here.

Why do I get intense desire to rape, bash, and kill her in that order?

My first thoughts, too.

What a fucking waste of oxygen. The fucks who make people like that filthy rich and give them unwarranted power should burn.

Thot and Orbiter genocide when?
Think how much better the world would be

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based but i would rather channel my anger into having an abusive relationship with her while siphoning her money away

Thots are the result of orbiters. Men have no self-respect. Look at the rising trend of cucks and masochists who basically give their fuck-you state-money to some nameless and faceless whore. Of course women will take the opportunity, anyone would.

You would need to have a pretty big dick

it'll eventually correct itself. this lost generation of low-test """"""""men""""""""" isn't going to reproduce barely at all so the weak DNA will be lost

doubt it, she looks tiny

I'm implying thats all she would care about

Its not the DNA lad its the socialising pressures of society turning men into faggots and numales

it's a combination of both. chemical influence and societal "progression". nature and nurture both acting in coordination to destroy the male genome since we have collectively as a species given up on exploration.

>given up on exploration
Thats a symptom not the cause nigga
Liberalism, capitalism, democracy, individualism, its destroyed the western man. Go outside the west and you still see masculine values in foreign cultures.

yeah dude, corporations should destroy the planet with waste and exploit labor to create global economic poverty because they can do whatever they want with their money

this. Thots need the rope

What the fuck is wrong with heterosexual white woman?

woman + nothing to do + no rules on their behavior = GIVE ME MONEY I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT

Fuck off Grappa

And she gets money. She isn't the problem, the beta faggots are. It's simple supply and demand

>A woman is a passive function of what men allow her to do

I'm trying to preserve woman's agency here by assuming she has some moral autonomy and the ability to resist men encouraging her shitty behavior.

Its called sluts, man.

Camwhore genocide when

How does that respond to what I said?

Do you just skim the post you're replying to for topic nouns and say something vaguely related?

He was perfectly contextual though. A woman's agency + poor morals = hoe, or a slut if you'd like.