Who are the most based alpha writers?

Who are the most based alpha writers?
People like Marcus Aurelius who had no choice but to write alpha shit because they don't know anything else, it's just who they are. No Larpers like Nietszche who was pretty much an incel.

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Never going to make it



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Yikes. Looks like he just picked up a low tier mid thirties prossie off the streets of Manchester

Absurdly based


No track marks and looks clean. At least mid tier.

Stop posting harlots and go nofap you cumbrain

I thought it'd bring people in, looks like it did.

she got no ass

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I think he was whipped by his wife.

I'm going to have to hide this thread due to the WomanPosting. Sorry OP.

Alright, didn't realise it was against the rules

doesn't change the fact she's got no ass


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no fame, first real book
Some fame, book that makes him world famous
>From time to time I fuck
Already literature superstar
>I fuck pretty girls on a daily basis come at my level bro

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How dare you make a mockery out of Nietzsche. He was ten times the man Marcus Aurelius ever was.

>most based alpha writers
Sorry, can you speak English please?

This meme made by syphilis gang


Reminder that Houellebecq first married young

Wasn't Hemingway a bit of a fake tough guy, though? The one time he actually tried to box an amateur fighter he got his ass kicked. Also he may have dreamed of being a woman.

Raymond Chandler

Apparently won a lot of bar fights though

He was an alcoholic tryhard manlet. I would physically dominate Ernest Hemingway.

I wanted to really admire the WWI bongs but they kept disqualifying themselves

TE Lawrence - brilliant scholar/warrior. Managed to survive 2 years in the desert with Bedouins while fighting the savage Turk. Drove himself to the breaking point of endurance on numerous occasions.
Disqualified by liked being whipped by men. Most likely an heroed on his motorcycle. Also more importantly - manlet

Robert Graves - boxer and mountain climber during school days. Won boxing titles at two different weight classes at Rugby (he won middleweight when he was still could have fought at welterweight)
Good soldier though cautious. Wounded in action and could have sat out the rest of the war. Returned to action anyway because the sitting around bored him
Disqualified by fag affair in boarding school. Later in life made an unsuccessful an hero attempt jumping out of a third story window over a roasty

Siegfried Sassoon - war hero (Graves considered him suicidally reckless). Also good cricket player and point to point racer
Disqualified by pulled a sulk and said he wasn’t fighting anymore. Sent to psychiatric hospital until he relented and went back to the front. Also enjoyed fox hunting which is basically chasing after dogs who are chasing a fox and if you win, you get to watch the dogs tear the fox apart. Sheer degeneracy.


That's Sanaa stark you idiots

The rape
It was beautiful

You left out the worst part about Graves, namely his tranny-level woman complex. It permeates all his writing and turns good prose into a disgusting soup of unresolved Freudian memery.

>tranny-level woman complex
What do you mean?

>Disqualified by pulled a sulk and said he wasn’t fighting anymore.
So, literally Achilles? You consider that a disqualifier from alpha status?

>The White Goddess
>muh mother goddess, all poetry derives from men being hopelessly subject to women as represented by this figure which is the original donut steel religion of mankind
>What do you base that on, Robert?
>muh intuition, shut up

>The Greek Myths
>behold my commentaries where I explain all these myths as detritus left on top of muh matriarchal religion, my matriarchal society
>What evidence do you have for these claims, Robert?

>Seven Days in New Crete
>I teleported to the future and it's matriarchal again, muh Triple Goddess worship, muh feminine anprim commie ideology
>Robert this is totally fucking retarded now, you *need help*

>Now look what you did, Robert, you created Wicca
>...shut up, those guys are Blavatsky's fault