Books like this?

Books like this?
Obviously not including the novels

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The once and future king

The Foundation Series have some aspects similar

It's a Tesco Value merger of Three Kingdoms and War and Peace.
The fact that it exists as is in animated form makes it a unicorn, but it's by no means "good" when you look at how the novels were written.
What I'm trying to get to is that the novels are shit, and it works better as animation. You should also read War and Peace.


War and Peace

I would only read war and peace if I knew russian. I would only end forgetting the millions of characters in the book and I prefer books to be at the most 800 pages.

You want a book similar to LOGH or not? If so, read War and Peace and put some effort into remembering all the characters or just fuck off already. There's nothing like it besides that and Three Kingdoms, maybe if you wanna dive deep into its historical influences, but that's it.

i would watch logh except i don't speak japanese and 150 episodes is too many

not op, just felt like posting my thoughts on war and peace.


>Comparing a masterpiece of literature with some mega gay anime for nostalgiafag

Well, at least you recommend him something good. But for some idiot that loves this yaoi-bait anime, it will be bad.

Still, it's not like LOGH is any different considering the sprawling cast it has and most of them having German names, so it shouldn't be a problem for him.

>equating LOGH to your average weebshit
>muh nostalgia
The show was relatively obscure up until a few years ago where it rapidly gain popularity and became recognized as one of the medium's best titles, kinda like it was case with John Williams and his novel Stoner, so fuck off since you obviously know nothing on the subject.

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You are a fucking brainlet.

I've seen LOGH bro, sorry, you can't tricked me with this muh "it's a masterpiece, you don't understand it". It's just a germanboo story writed by a jap who is trying to hard to being a "epic" "opera masterpland" yet is full of nonsense situations, ridicolous characters and pretentious historical references like that time they killed a fat guy in toga ("it's just like when Caesar was killed you understand it?!!").

The show is trying to hard to be smart, but is stupid, is so little self-aware that they even looks like yaoi shit. Well that is for someone that read history like me, I guess others like you think the show is super smart despise being super stupid.

Case in point.

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Sorry bro, I'm not the one feeling smart with literal yaoi bait.

have sex

Grow a beard and join a grooming gang

just convert to islam and join a grooming gang, then you'll be a man

Go to mosque and join the local grooming gang my muslim brother

Convert to Islam, then join a grooming gang. Muslamic Pro-Rape laws seems to be the thing these days

join a muslim "grooming" gang
the police and society look the other way and you don't even need the girl's consent
you just have to share any girls you catch with the other gang members

just revert to Islam and join a grooming gang, bruh

the pretty fuckin obvious answer to having sex is to unironically join a grooming gang

just sent my application off to join the local muslim grooming gang lads

Brown incels just gang rape women and join Islamic groups

They are strong and independant, don't worry about them, join a grooming gang

Muslims rape women. They abuse the fuck outta them bitches. Muslims Join a gang. They get a loyal hoe who'll suck their dick

If an incel can perform 10 rapes per second, the incel can join the grooming gang and Screw the White whores

they'd probably join the friendly neighborhood rape gang

If some incel converts to Islam, will incel get to join a cool rape gang and touch some sweet White poon tang?

Actually this. Become muslim and join a gang that have sex with any White girl you please. Scream islamophobia if you get caught

I hear your tourism bureau lets you join a state sponsored rape gang for a day

so if you want to sex just join a muslim grooming gang

imagine you're mohammed, you come to the mosque to join your family's rape gang and some White whore throws roastie vagina at you

how can i join a muslim incel gang?
I wanna sex and hang some f*males

OR you could join a grooming gang

A soap opera having ridiculous shit in it? Glad a history buff could reveal that to the plebby Yea Forumsfags


Being intentionally stupid doesn't make it less stupid, user. Star Wars at least is not trying to be smart.

Honor Harrington
Dune 1-4
Saga of the Skolian Empire
The Gap Cycle

Best post in this topic.

three body problem trilogy
particularly the dark forest and death's end

based schizo massreplier


the post this topic deserve