More books like these?

more books like these?

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the undercover economist

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Don't read that shit. Pick up something like Léon Walras.

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Harris and Pinker are based kino

Harris is a brainlet. Are his books supposed to convince you of something?

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His books are inspired by logic, reason, and testosterone.

walras was an engineering commie brainlet who destroyed economics

Georgist ≠ commie. Plus he played a very important role in the development of economics so he's a sort of a must-read.

i like when gave an anti religious talk and told everyone that Jesus instructed his followers to kill people in the Gospel

It was actually kinda based and redpilled. He's basically our day's übermensch.

>he's a sort of a must-read.
only for people who are interested in history of economic thought.


freakonomics is cool cause it's pro infanticide eugenics

Tfw you enjoy more than half of the books listed on there

Feels good to be 103 iq :)

I am legitimately low-iq and I hate all these people

This is accurate save Klein and Diamond.

those are ok books especially for young people. bill gates reads more retarded literature nowadays

Surprised Nassim Taleb is on there. His books are pretty thorough with well-read statements.

Just because someone is on the list doesn't mean they're bad per se. Just that they are commonly referenced by midwits.

Looks like my boyfriend's bookcase (lol)

Also read Carl Menger and other early austrian economic subjectivists. Every austrian idea before Mises was a blessing to the world and revolutionary economic thought.
My opinion, as an economist that deals with behavioral economics, is that it is composed by economic subjectivists that are oposed to orthodox dogma without even knowing that their critique of orthodoxy was already present in early austrians and that behavioral economics is a natural development of early austrian sckepticism. We are all phenomologists like Weber and we should recognize that.

Campbell should be required reading in high school, but should stay in that timeframe.

Michael Lewis and Taleb, based on what interest you the most, follow their book recommendations. Broken markets, bullshit jobs. Listen to martin shkreli